3:Catching Feelings

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It has been a month since I last saw Andersen, and I let myself think on what his life was like now, as well as daydream about his dance routine I had seen. I had told Master about him, what he's been up to, and she had a small laugh, but I know she was merely laughing at the irony. I wanted to go see him again, but I was restricted to only leave on missions. I was walking the halls, watching over Abraham while his parents were in a meeting. He loved to play with Baskerville, so I was watching them play tag up and down the hall. I knew Baskerville wouldn't ever hurt a child, especially if it was Master's, still, always watch a toddler with a typically vicious dog. 

An idea popped into my head, and I knew just what I had to do to make it happen. 

" Baskerville, come here." 

The six eyed grim stopped, and sauntered it's way over. 

" I want you to do me a favor. Could you collect me a familiar for Andersen? Are humans allowed to have familiars?" 

' Yes, but it is very rare that a familiar will connect to the human. Why do you want one for this specific human?

" Because, I know you familiars are able to send messages. I was wondering if I could have one with him so I could send messages." 

' Master, while the thought is kind, it is also foolish. Just ask the human Master if you may go visit this human companion. Or even better, call him, video chat, or something in that vein. Hell even writing him a letter would work.'

" I would, but I don't like being told no." 

" Being told no about what, servant?" 

I saw Master was holding Hammy, as Darryl calls him, Darryl giving me and my dog a stink eye fit for the devil himself. 

" I wanted to go visit Andersen, but I didn't want to ask because I don't like being told no. I hate modern technology, and I didn't exactly get his address so we could write, nor a number to call." 

" I don't see why you can't. As it currently stands, Darryl and I were just discussing how we wanted to go on vacation. Maybe we go to the sunny beaches of Los Angeles, California, and you go on one of your walks to go visit him. Seras will be coming along as well, seeing as if you aren't with us, we will need security."

" You mean it, Master? I've never known you take my feelings of certain matters into account."

" Consider this a rare form of kindness from your loyalty and for your service." 

I smile, and I see it made Darryl uncomfortable. 

" Integra, love, let me take Hammy and you go set up the plans for this vacation, yes?" 

" Alright. Alucard, I want you to go an pick out a location that has beachfront property, but it is also not in the main beach area. This is an order. Go." 

" Yes, my Master."

I left, and took a private plane to LAX, where I noticed it was still daylight over in America. I walked to get a cab, and it took me to Alex's house, where I knew he'd let me hide from the sun until it set tonight. I knock on the door, and a gentleman in board shorts, a striped muscle shirt, and a backwards ball cap opened the door.

" Um, I'm here to see Alex. Is he in?" 

" Lexi, someone's at the door for you." 

I heard muttering and cursing before a very shirtless Alex answered the door, his eyes flying wide. 

" What are you doing outside right now?! Get in here before you get sunburned, damn it!" 

I had a small laugh as he tugged on the front of my jacket, and stepped into the living room, where two men and a woman sat on the couch. 

" You just caught me before I had to go to work at the club, what's up, Ally?" 

I raised a brow, then realized he was covering for me. 

" I was sent by my boss to come find a vacation spot, and seeing as she knew you were here, she wanted to see you and where you live. Her husband and son are coming with her, as is my co-worker, and when the plane landed, it was daylight, so, I figured you'd let me hide here and catch some sleep."

" Ahem. Alex, who is this?" 

" Oh, shit, right. My bad. Ally, this is Connie, Mickie, and Kyle. These are my co-workers and boss from the club. Guys, this is Ally, the guy from that night at the club." 

The shaggy dirty blonde, Kyle, gave Alex a glare. He was in a dress shirt, and dress slacks, and it honestly contrasted poorly with his hair. 

" So he followed you home?" 

" Somehow, yes, but it's alright. We talked and figured shit out. He's good."

" Alright, if you say so." 

Connie, a very curvy blonde who had a lone lock of hair as a rainbow in a braid, gave me a once over, and went back to her phone. 

" So, about hiding out here?" 

" Oh, shit, um, if you want, you can come to the club until then, but I don't let anyone stay here alone."

" I don't see a problem with that." 

Connie gave a low growl, and tossed her phone onto the coffee table.

" Please for the love of fuck, Kyle, tell me that bitch Mandy isn't working tonight?! Blondie just told me her car is parked and she is in the dressing room!" 

" Yes, she is, but I already told her if she tries anything tonight, I'll fire her faster than she can blink. Relax, Con. You are one of three that are invaluable to the success of the club." 

" Fine, but if I catch her touching my shit, I'm breaking more than just fingers."

" Club opens in a few, we should get going. Ally, you need different attire. Come with me."

I followed Alex to his room, and it was actually really simple, modern decor, nothing too flashy. It suited the former priest. He opens a door, and it was a walk-in closet. He pulled a few things off the rack, and tossed them at me. 

" I know the hoodie is going to be massive on you, but then again so will the shirt. Change quickly while I pack up my uniforms for tonight. The only reason I'm even doing this is because you can't look like you do here, you stick out far to much." 

I used my shadows to make my upper half vanish, and threw on the borrowed shirt. It was a simple black shirt, with a logo I didn't recognize. I pulled on the hoodie, which was a very similar crimson to my coat, and it was just as baggy on me as the shirt, and it smelled very much like the former paladin, and it was soothing me somehow. As odd as it was, it felt nice to be encompassed in his scent, and for it to be several sizes too big, it felt right. Like I belonged having them. I saw him glance at me a few times, a quick to vanish blush coated his face, as did the faintest of smiles. Once his bag was packed, we left to find everyone else was gone. We got into his car, which was very nice. A glossy black Dodge Charger. As we drove, rock music played out of the speakers, and I actually liked it. 

" I was wondering what the logo was. I don't recognize it." 

" The Pretty Reckless. I love their stuff. I actually was dancing to one of their songs called 'Going To Hell' when you saw me." 

" Oh. Neat. I like it." 

" Yeah, I kinda figured you might. I think you might also like some other bands I've found. Halestorm, Escape The Fate, Five Finger Death Punch, all are really good bands. I kinda learned I'm a bit of a metalhead, rock just sits better with my soul than most other music."

" I see. I might have to have you show me their music sometime while I'm here." 

The sun was finally setting, and I saw how the rays of it caught on his hair, and it made my heart skip several beats, and with his tan, the way his body was peak physical conditioning, it made me have my stomach doing loops.

What the fuck are you doing to me Alex, and do you have any idea that you are doing it?

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