chapter 3

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Mr. Clifton's POV

After Becky left I was stressed and was glad that An was concered a bit so she game me a massage. It did not easy my frustration that Becky caused and it was like that the rest of the work day. I drove An home, but after a while she asked who Becky was. She would not accept the answers I was giving her, so I told her. But after dropping her off it seems like I was a bit pushing my frustration onto her. After I tried to call her twice to apologise I gave up. So when I woke up I got ready and started day early. Then she walks in looking beautiful as ever, but I let what happened yesterday change my attitude. I only gave her shot answers until Mr. Frens came. All through the meeting he was starring at my baby. I wanted to do something about it, but I knew she did not want anyone to know that we are together. And that is another thing that bugged me yesterday. So after the meeting I had her stay, but it did not go as planned at all. I did not mean what I said, but I was so pissed and hurt it got out of hand. Like someone trying to put a fire out with gasoline. Once I calmed down I tried to call her to apologise, but after the third time I gave up. I called her again once I left, but got the same response, her voicemail. In the morning I tried again, but once again I got her voicemail, so I called in Jone, so I have a sectory today. Then An comes in and once again we are at it making it worse to the point she breaks up with me in a painful way. After work I went home and drank with Jake and we talked.

"You fucked up big time." Jake says after I explained.

"I know."

"You loved her and yet you let Becky get under your skin so much that it affected your relationship with An." Jake says.

"I know. I just do not know when to shut up."

"Yes and you don't know when to let An in completely in those situations." Jake says.

"How could I?"

"An I love you, but Becky hurt me and fucked me up, but you hurt me when you did not stay by my side since you are my woman. It is that simple." Jake says.

"No it was not. If I said that then it would have been over before today. She did not want anyone to know about our relationship."

"But she told you she loved you and you ignore it." Jake says.

"Jake it is not like us."

"You need to tell her in person how you feel and apologize. I know she still loves you." Jake says.

"How can you know?"

"Easy, once fallen in love it's hard to stop." Jake says.

I shot back the rest of the whiskey.

"Now go to her you big dummy." Jake says.

I got up and went to her house. I parked and once I grown a pair I knocked on her door.

"Coming." An yells.

Then the door opens and she is about to shut it in my face, but I put my foot in the door way.

"Just hear me out please."

"Why?" An asks.

"Because I love you. Because I am a total idiot. Because I miss you and I fucked up. Because I am sorry."

"Fine you got five minutes." An says opening the door wider.

"Can I come in?"

She motions to come in and I sit down on the couch.

"I am sorry that I was being a ass to you since Becky came to the office. I should of not let my frustration out on you. And I should of told you that I did not want our relationship a secret since then. Seeing her was like pouring lemon juice on a open cut, but once you left the room it hurt worse. And when you asked who she is I was not ready to open Pandora's box. After dropping you off I realized what I have done and tried to apologise, but you were not picking up. Then yesterday I saw you walk in and looking so beautiful, but then I remembered the day before when you left my side and the frustration and hurt came back. At the meeting I saw him starring at you and wanted to do something, but I knew if I did then people would start to know we are in a relationship and you did not want that. So I was try to stick with my plan to apologise after the meeting, but once the meeting was over my jealousy was out of control. I was not trying to hurt you and I did not mean those things. So I calmed down and tried to call you to apologise after a while I gave up and only tried again this morning. I only called in Jone to cover for you until you came back, but once again I was acting like an ass and left everything control me to the point it hurt both of us. I am sorry I let Becky get under my skin and cause me to act like a cave man. I wanted to say I love you too in the conference room yesterday, but like I said I was acting like a cave man."

"So let me get this right. If I stayed in your office and acted how I wanted to instead of running off this would of not have happened?" An asked.

"It would of soon or later if I never let you in completely."

"Wait what did you wanted to do then?"

"I wanted to show her to mess off since you are already taken, but I was not ready for the stones to come at me." An says.

"What stones?"

"Mediphor stones. I mean I was not ready for people to start rumors on how I got the job and judge me. People already hate me there and I did not want it to get worse." An says.

"An why do you say that?"

"Because have you seen how the other girls act around you and compare it to before you hired me and after you hired me. They want to work as close as we did. And everyone acts like a snood to me since I got the job." An says.

"Well that will end if you want to come back to work."

"How will that happen?" An asks.

"Trust me it will end I promise."

"Okay, but how will it work out since you love me and I still have feelings for you?" An asks.

"If you you want to get back together then we will make it work, but if just one more time I act like a cave man you can tell me how I am acting and we will decide from there."

"Okay." An says.

"So do you forgive me?"

"If I do forgive you are you then my daddy again, just my boss, or something else?" An asks

"If you forgive me and accept me back then I will be your daddy slash lover slash boss."

"Yes I forgive you daddy since you apologised and because I still love you." An says.

I grab her and smash my lips to hers. I ran my tongue along her bottom lip to get access to her mouth, but she ignores it. So I nibble her bottom lip a bit and she opens her mouth in shock letting my tongue in. We start to French kiss until it got really heated and she breaks the moment.

"I love you Daddy, but you are still in the dog house a bit so no sex until we work everything out." An says.

"I understand."

After a while I head back home to find Jake asleep and I got ready for bed.

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