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((Averys new bedroom ^^))


"Why were you home late?!" John slurs as I enter the house.

"I had detention." I said calmly. I was really hoping that he was going to be passed out so I wouldn't have to deal with this but I guess luck wasn't on my side as always.

"Detention. What for?" He slurred standing up.

I quickly moved towards the stairs when he stood up scared he was gonna do something. "I-I-I got into a f-fight."

"A fight?" He said, the corner of his mouth twitching into a scowl.

He started to make his way towards me making my fear heighten. "You? Fight? Such funny words put together."

John laughs and I clench my jaw. "Sorry I w-wont do it a-a-again."

"I'll teach you another lesson. Maybe you'll learn more than what you learn in school." He takes his belt and folds it making sure the metal part is the one that'll make contact on my skin.

As he gets closer I back up going up the stairs.

"You can't get away from me." He laughs and continues to slowly make his way towards me as I go up the stairs. My breaths start coming faster when my back hits the wall meaning that I wont be able to escape.

"P-please I won't do it again. S-sorry." I beg him.

"Too late for that!" He yells before hitting me.

End of flashback

I gasp and sit up. I frown as I look around the room realising that I wasn't in the car anymore. I was in a really nice bedroom that I liked a lot since the colours were a dark theme.

The walls were all navy and there was a white chandelier hanging from the ceiling as a light. The bed I was previously laying in was black with white, grey and small pink pillows.

I got up out of the bed and began looking around the room. In one corner next to the right side there was a desk and a chair. There was even a lamp, a laptop and nice decorations. Next to the desk there was a door that led to a balcony but I decided against going onto the balcony just in case I wasn't supposed to.

Across from the bed there was a couch that when you pulled on it, it extended making it bigger and there were loads of pillows on it and a small fluffy blanket. There was also a large flat screen tv on the wall across from my bed. The remote was balanced on top of it.

Next to the couch there was a door and when I opened it I almost gasped but as always I kept my cold facade on and showed no emotion even though there was no one here. There was a large walk in wardrobe with a desk full of different makeup brands on it and a large mirror.

There was also another door that lead to the most nicest bathroom ever. There were already towels in there and when I smelt them it smelt fresh which let me know that they were new. I looked at the shower and there were already soaps, conditioner and shampoo. The sink was large and had a lot of facial care products, face masks, hair products, more towels and other things too. The toilet was nice and clean compared to the one back at home in England that was full of dirt. Rat infested even.

I went out of the bathroom and sat on the bed just looking around the room in awe. Whoever owns this room is the most luckiest person ever. I mean what person would hate to live here. It's clean, it's spacious, the colours go well together what's not to like about it. The room is so nice that I almost smiled. Almost.

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