> T W E N T Y - T H R E E <

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Camryns POV

"Have a good day." Mom calls after me.

I close the door behind me and enter Jaces car that was parked across the street.

"How did he get your number?" Jace asks as I click in my seat belt.

"I have no clue." I shrug.

It's quiet for a few seconds as we all think of the possible ways he could've found me. After we got sent to Juvie we made sure that he wouldn't find us again but clearly that didn't work out.

"Maybe he has spies." Bryan quips from the back seat.

"Yeah, he probably does. If he does then who are they? We don't talk to anyone else but each other. Well I hope so anyways." Jace says driving into the schools parking lot that was already filled with students arriving to school.

We grab our bags and Jace locks the car and we walk into school.

"What about the Daly brothers. Or more specifically Eli and Damon. I heard that Damon is still in." Bryan pipes up as we get our books in our locker.

Jace and I look at each other before looking at Bryan. "Where'd you hear that?"

"You'd kill me if I told you." Bryan says not giving an answer.

Almost a second later an answer pops into my head. "Bryan.. I swear to god-"

"I'm sorry! I can't control it!" Bryan says putting his arm up in surrender.

Jace grabs Bryan in a headlock as I watch, shaking head. "So you can't control the fact you can't keep it in your pants?"

"Hey! I can... Most of the time anyways." he says sheepishly.

"So you're telling me, that your still screwing around with Celeste, who is still in that stupid gang." I say with a groan, massaging my temples.


"Five seconds." I say and he starts running for his life through the crowded halls.

As soon as the five seconds are up Jace and I start chasing after him. We both weave in and out of the crowded halls quickly to make sure we don't loose him.

As we run I suddenly bump into someone causing their books to fall and the person looks at me with a glare.

"Oh sorry, didn't see you there." I apologise.

She just rolls her eyes and begins picking up her books from the ground. I kneel down and help her. Just as I'm about to pick up one of her books her hand reaches down to pick the same one up causing our hands to touch.

Her hand rests on top of mine and I feel sparks run through my fingers. I look up at her meeting her large eyes staring back at me. We stay like this for a few seconds not knowing what to to do, that is until someone clears their throat.

Avery and I look up to see Eli and Damon scowling down at us with their arms crossed.

Quickly I stand up dusting off my jeans as Avery gathers her books, standing up too.

"What's going on here?" Eli asks.

"Nothing, alright. Chill." I say with a smirk on my face patting Damon on the shoulder.

"Don't touch me." He glares at me throwing my hand off his shoulder and I scoff in amusement.

The last bell for the start of class rings and Avery is gone before I can say anything. I watch her walk away before I'm shoved against the wall again. I think it's becoming a bad habit.

"Don't you listen." Eli says holding me by the scruff of my neck.

I grin at him knowing that I was pissing him off. "If I did we wouldn't be here right now."

He rolls his eyes and Damon speaks. "Stay away and we won't have a problem."

"But that's the thing, we already have a problem." I say gaining their attention.

Saying this I gain their attention and Elis grip loosens. I push him away from me fixing my shirt.

"Which is?" Damon says.

"Ale-" I begin.

"Boys! Calss begun ten minutes ago." We turn to see Mr. Anderson, the maths teacher, frowning at us. "Off to class right now."

I start to walk away to get to class. I lock eyes with Eli and shrug, putting my hands in my pockets. They'd find me sooner or later anyways if they really wanted to know.

I think of skipping but I've skipped too many classes already this week.

Class was finally done after hours of pointless learning. It's the first time in weeks that I've actually stayed for a full day without skipping. Even my history teacher was surprised to see me there.

Walking out of the classroom to my locker I see a familiar head of hair and quickly walk towards it.

"Boo!" I say as soon as I catch up to her.

She turns to me unamused. "Ahh so scared."

I make a face at her sarcastic comment. "That's not nice."

"When am I ever." she says and I shrug as she did make a point.

"Anyways could I have your number?" I ask hopefully.

Having her number would be easier for me to get in contact with her. Just in case anything happened, you know. And with those people practically stalking her I couldn't be more cautious.

She gives me an odd look before handing me her phone. I take it, typing in my number.

"Seriously. Averys favourite person in the world, how unoriginal can you get?" she says and I shrug my shoulders with a smirk.

"Gavins!" someone yells and I turn around to see all four Daly brothers charging towards me.

Everyone parts to the sides for them to pass through looking back and forth with anticipation.

"OK I've gotta go catch you later! Also call me!" I say with a grin backing away from her and racing out of the school building.

I find Jace and Bryan waiting at the car for me. They give me an odd look as to why I was running like a mad man.

"Daly brothers." is all I say and they understand immediately. We get into the car and speed off.
I hope ye guys liked this chapter. What was Camryn going to say to Eli and Damon? Guess you'll have to find out in Friday when I post next.
Slater broooooooooooos


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