Finn and David

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"Dad you did it all wrong!" Finn groaned watching his father take out a pan of burnt cookies from the oven. David tossed the pan onto the top of the oven causing a loud clang .

"Than you should of made them Finn!" David ripped off the oven mitts throwing them to the side.

"I wanted to dad, but you said you had it!" Finn said.

"I didn't know baking could be that hard." David said looking at the disaster of cookies he made. "Its not dad! You just follow the directions, and they should turn out just perfectly." Finn told his father. "What directions!" David asked. "The directions on the back of the box!" Finn said trying to keep his cool. "Oh, I thought those were just for beginners." David chuckled to himself. "You are a beginner... you know what I will just by some at the store while I am there." Finn said. " Why are you in such a mood?" David asked his son. "I am not in a mood dad! I want everything to be perfect." Finn grabbed the burnt cookies throwing them into the trash can. "Everything will be fine Finn. I swear you are just like your mother" David put his hand on Finns shoulder. Whenever David looked at Finn all he saw was the boys mother. Finn may have his fathers similar look for example, they are both incredibly tall, Finn was muscular like David, both men had dark brown eyes and hair. Yet, Finn had his mothers heart. "I know dad. I think I am just a little to much like mom." Finn laughed. "There is nothing wrong with that Finn. Though if she saw those cookies that woman would have smacked me behind the head." David said. "No, I think she would have made you eat them." Finn said. "I miss her you know." Finn said quietly. "Me too kid. Finn I want you to know I am not replacing your mother with Molly. It is just I thought your mother was the only woman who could ever love me, yet Molly came along then I just fell in love again." David said taking a seat at the kitchen table. "Dad I know you are not replacing mom. It makes me happy you found someone again." Finn smiled. "Your are too good of a kid. You know that?" David asked Finn. "Ya Dad I do know. Who do you think kept you alive for these last 7 years." Finn chuckled. "I will not lie Finn, after loosing your mother there was no way I could keep going without you kid." David said wiping a tear of his face. "That means a lot to me dad." Finn said. "Okay enough of all that emotional stuff! Today is suppose to be about happiness!" David smiled getting up from his chair. "Right." Finn said to himself. "Now, remember the human house will not be finished until tomorrow so you don't have to pick that up today. But, you need to run the store to by stuff for dinner tonight." David said as he began to unload the dishwasher. "Do you know what Neal's favorite meal is?" Finn asked. David thought for a moment. "I think Molly once told me it was spaghetti and meat balls. Why do you ask?" David said. "I want him to feel really welcomed here." Finn smiled. "You are really looking forward to having a little brother aren't you?" David grinned at his son. " I sure am. I have always wanted a little brother." Finn said. "Now son I know you are looking forward to it, but make sure you give him time to adjust. This a big change in his life. Molly told me he is not as excited as you are, yet I really hope he likes it here." David said. Finn a felt a little let down for a brief second. The last thing he wants for his new brother is to feel upset about his new home. "Don't worry dad. I won't do anything to make him feel uncomfortable." Finn said. "Finn look at the time! You need to get your butt to the store" David exclaimed. "Oh ya! Okay, I will try to be back in a hour. Once I return we will  leave for the airport. Finn told his father as he slipped on a jacket. "Drive safe kiddo." David slapped on a winter hat onto Finn's head. "I always do." Finn grabbed his car keys. "One more thing before you go!" David yelled to his son who was walking to the car. "What?" Finn asked turning around. "I love you." David smiled. "Love you too dad." Finn smiled back to his dad. Finn got in his car beginning his drive to the store. 

I  Finn really didn't mind shopping for him and his dad. Honestly, he enjoyed it a lot. He grew the love of shopping when he would go out with his mother. His mom always told him shopping kept her mind off things. When he was younger he wondered how going to the store could help with the mind. Now he is older Finn understands completely. Whenever he would go out he only focused on the shopping and forgot about the things on his mind. He volunteers himself to go out, and buy stuff for his dad. It was a responsibility he felt he should act on. When his mother past Finn had to step up, and take care of his father. Because of that Finn chooses to keep living at home. There was no way he could leave his dad alone. Instead of living on a college campus, he commuted from home to school. Finn eventually found himself becoming one of the best young teacher at the school. Finn is the only giant teacher who teaches human students. It was sort of a odd sight, but Finn didn't mind having human children.  Even his students told him on several occasions they loved having a giant gym teacher. Yes, Finn was the schools gym teacher, but he also was the schools health teacher. Finn set his mind back to the goal of shopping. The giant walked up and down the busy aisle. He filled his shopping cart up with supplies for dinner. Finn was very picky about the type of pasta he bought. He was a very excellent cook, a skill that he gained from his moms side of the family. His dads side were the absolute worst cooks he had ever seen. For Finn every ingredient had to be just right. If one thing was off from the way Finn wanted it the whole meal would be ruined to him. While walking down the dessert aisle something caught Finns attention. There was a quiet sound of a crying child. Finn stopped in his tracks trying to pinpoint the sound. The man could tell the crying belonged to a young boy. Then Finn thought it was odd it seemed like the weeping was coming from one of the shelves. Then it hit Finn it was a human child crying. Finn walked up to a shelf clearly hearing a boy crying his eyes out. Finn pushed around a few boxes until he found a little boy curled up in a ball. "Hey there little fellow." Finn said in a soothing voice. The child looked up to the giant face before him. "Hi." The little boy sniffled. "What are you doing here buddy? Are you lost?" Finn asked. The little boy nodded his head. "Can you tell me how you got here?" Finn rested his chin on the shelf. The kid wiped his eyes with his sleeve before he talked to Finn. "I was with mommy while she was shopping in here. She put me in her purse, and told me not to get out of it because she said it was to dangerous for me to be walking around." The boy said. "I take it your mommy is a giant." Finn said. "Ya she is." he said to the giant man. "Go on with what you were  saying." Finn told the child. "We came down this part of the store, and she sat her purse on this shelf. She turned her back away for about five minuets  looking at other things. I was getting bored sitting in her purse so I climbed out while she wasn't looking. I guess she didn't see me get out because she grabbed her purse and left me here!" The boy burst out in a sob. "Hey calm down. Its okay shh..." Finn used his large finger to rub the little kids back. "Tell me your name please." Finn said. "Kurt." the boy replied. "Kurt, can you tell me how long its been since you last saw your mommy?" Finn asked. "I think it was around 12 minuets ago." Kurt said. "Were going to find her Kurt. Are you okay if I hold you?" Finn asked. "Ya, just please don't  drop me." Kurt gave a tiny smile. "I promise I will not drop you." Finn said. Being very gentle Finn scooped Kurt up in his palms. "Can you tell me what your mom looks like." Finn brought Kurt up to his eye level. "She has light short black hair, dressed in a black pants and dark purple long-sleeve sweater." Kurt said. "Thanks bud. Do you have any idea where in the store she was heading too?" Finn asked. "We came here for some bread, chips, and drinks. We already got the first two. She is probably getting the drinks." Kurt said sitting down in the huge palm. "That's a good place to start." Finn held Kurt in one hand while he pushed the cart with the other. "Kurt my name is Finn by the way." Kurt looked up to the giants eyes. "I like that name." Kurt grinned. " Ya? I think Kurt is a very cool name." Finn said. "Thanks, Finn what if we never find my mommy?" Kurt asked with  fear. "Listen Kurt we are going to find her." Finn tried to reinsure the little boy. The two made their way to the section with drinks. They looked around for a good ten minuets, but were unable to find Kurt's mother. Kurt began to have  a break down. "Finn... I want my... my...." Kurt burst out in a cry. "Kurt it's okay buddy!" Finn held the tiny child against his chest. "No! My mommy left me behind!" Kurt sobbed into the giants chest. "She had no intention of leaving you behind. Accidents do happen like this sadly." Finn rocked Kurt in his hands. In the distance Finn saw a woman talking to the stores security. The woman matched perfectly to the description of Kurt's mother. "Hey Kurt is that your mommy over there." Finn pulled Kurt from his chest. Kurt looked in the direction that Finn directed his sight to. "THAT'S MY MOMMY FINN!" Kurt bounced up and down.  Finn waisted no time taking Kurt to his mother. They finally reached  the mother who was franticly talking to the store security. "Listen he is 8 years old, human, he has..." "MOMMY!" Kurt screamed of joy. The woman quickly turned herself to the sound of her sons voice. She grew a wide smile on her face seeing her son being held by a stranger. "KURT! Oh baby I thought I lost you forever" She yelled joyful. The mother picked her son up in her hands from Finn. "Kurt who is this man?" Kurt's mother asked him. "Mommy this is Finn. He helped me find you." Kurt said with his mother holding him close. "Thank you sir." The woman smiled. " I am glad I could help." Finn said. "Please let me pay for your groceries as a way to thank you for finding my son" the woman said. " No way, all I wanted was Kurt to find his mom." Finn grinned. "Well that makes you a good man Finn. Thank you again." She said before she ventured off. Finn sighed feeling happy that Kurt was reunited with his mother. Finn felt his phone buzzing in his pocket. He took out seeing he had several text from his dad. Each text told Finn he needed to get home quickly if they wanted to arrive at the airport on time. Finn put it back in his pocket, and headed to the check out line.

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