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"I hate you...", Neal regretted his choice of words, but he couldn't bare looking at Finn in the eyes. His older brother never looked so hurt before, Neal expected Finn to shout and stomp after him in a rage of anger. Shockingly, Finn stayed behind hanging his head low; Neal caught a small glimpse of Finn's hurt face right before the giant slowly marched into the living room. Neal never felt so guilty in his entire life; saying he hated Finn was out of line. Neal inhales a sharp breathe and follows behinds Finn's trail. His older brother threw himself onto the couch, the little human slowly maneuvers himself around the couches corner very slowly. Neal's not sure if Finn would wanna even heat him speak, but it's worth a shot. Their brothers all the way, surly they can talk things out or Neal sure hoped so. "Hey Finn, listen, what I said about hating you: I'm very sorry. Got caught up in the moment okay? Wanna hug it out and watch a late movie? Grandma bought some new popcorn yesterday." Neal chuckled, he waited for Finn to grow a big smile and scoop him up. When Finn looked away from his little brother, Neal knew he screwed up big time. "Finn! I said I'm sorry!" He cried out. The older brother glanced down at Neal without a happy look. "Go back to bed Neal." Was all he spoke in a quiet tone. "But we should talk, please Finn." Neal begged. "Tried talking kid, obviously you stated your feelings, and shared how horrible I am! It sucks being stuck here sometimes, I get that, but I try best making here the best home possible. All the things I have sacrificed: my relationship with dad, losing my home, even stop spending a lot of time with Meg all for you. All the sudden when two new strangers show up, you forget all things I have done, and tell say you hate me and how selfish I am! I tried being good brother, did the best anyone would do in our type of situations, yet in the end all I get is told how ungrateful you truly are. Now please go back to bed, we'll talk tomorrow Neal." Finn spat out, he rolled over facing his back against Neal. "Wait! I'm not ungrateful Finn! No one else is such a good brother like mine. All I wanted was to meet them, that's all." He whispered. "Than freaking meet them! Maybe they can provide a better home!" Finn yelled waving his hand through the air. "Maybe they will! Better than having a stupid ,big head, gross, overprotective, annoying, controlling, yelling, giant brother who doesn't even listen to anything I say! He's always getting over dramatic!" Neal shouted. "I'm overdramatic? I'M OVERDRAMATIC?! How about the whiny kid who cries whenever legit anything bad happens! Boo-Hoo, look at me I'm Neal! I got nervous before a dumb school play, got jealous because Finn didn't pay much attention to me whenever his girlfriend showed back up, couldn't handle meeting giants! Grow the hell up kid! Life sucks a ton, but sobbing about it won't fix anything! Also pushing away the people who actually wanna help, is a real shitty way of showing gratitude! No wonder your mom hated you, and my dad choose her over you! Can't blame them wanting to not deal with a sensitive baby!" The words sliced through both of them, Neal breathed heavily staring back at Finn. Finn can't believe what he said, his own selfishness has overwhelmed. Neal is staring at him terrified, Neal hasn't looked this way sense they first met. The kid only liked scared when they originally met because he was scared, alone, and being abused. Finn became another person who hurt Neal, he became another Molly. He's no better than David as well, he officially failed as a big brother. Everything the kid needed from Finn vanished. "Why Finn? Sorry about saying I hate you, but never thought you would say something equally as cruel. Your just like my mom. I wish my dad never died so I would never have been hurt by the second person who actually gave a damn about me. Goodbye Finn." Neal shook his head backing way from the couch. "Goodbye-NEAL WAIT!" Finn shouted, Neal bolted off, he ran towards the front door running faster than Fins ever seen him do. The bottom of the door had a small open crack, being super small, Neal easily slipped through it. Finn got off the couch as Neal escaped outside. The outside was huge for Neal, he never really been by himself outside. There's the sidewalk that leads onto the main rode, and on each sidewalk side is tall pieces of grass, some are tree like to tiny Neal. He wasn't sure where in the world he'll go, yet he rather be anywhere but here at the moment. Neal heard the door opening, he quickly dodged into the grass crouching low. Since it's night, everything was incredibly dark. Things got worst as the sky released thunder, rain began pouring down. In this world, rain is huge. One drop immediately soaked Neal, his whole body became wet and cold. Finn slammed open the door, his heart was racing. "NEAL! COME BACK! PLEASE BUDDY, IM SO SORRY! I SHOULD HAVE NEVER SAID THOSE THINGS! PLEASE KID! PLEASE NEAL!" Finn's voice screamed, Neal began shedding tears as he kept pushing forward. Neal couldn't go back ever again, he already hurt Finn to the point where his own brother hates him. The kid hopes he'll find the couple claiming their his aunt and uncle. But he worries he'll screw up that as well. That's all Neal believes he does, destroys any relationship that crosses his way. I'm a screw up, that's all I ever be. A worthless human, a piece of garbage no one will ever want around, Neal thought. "NEAL! I AM BEGGING YOU TO COME BACK BABY BROTHER!" Those were the last words Neal heard before being out of hearing range. The Knight family will be better of without him, Finn can finally not have Neal as burden anymore. Neal's walk continued about a good two hours or so,
he escaped the field of grass and found himself somewhere around the public park. He and Finn never came here even though it's a short car ride by giant standers. Neal stood outside the parks entrance, the trees stood high as skyscrapers. He needed a place to sleep, the kids eyes were heavy and his feet were killing him. Somewhere inside the public park would work, he slowly walked through the entrance letting out a yawn. Thankfully the rain quit a few minutes ago, he was glad there's no other people were around as he enjoyed being alone. That enjoyment lasted only few seconds though, far in the distance was a gigantic figure stepping towards Neal. He couldn't see who the figure was, his first though would be Finn found him. Soon enough he would be proven entire wrong, this figure appeared right in-front of him. Two large feet in sandals slammed down by Neal. Neal nervously looked up at the Giant man getting a better look now. It's a man about Finn's age, tan skin, a white sleeveless shirt on, pair of jeans, short brown hair, and gross yellow teeth. "Hello little one." The main grinned placing both hands on his sides, his showed the rotting teeth within his mouth. "Shouldn't be out here all by yourself little dude. Strange creeps lurk around these parts at night." The man laughed. Neal stood there frozen, "I...I... I'm looking for a place to sleep, that's all. Think I'll be okay." Neal stammers. "Awww I see... your without a home. What's the matter couldn't get a giant master?!" The man holler, he pulled out a cigarette shoving it in his mouth. The Giant lit the cigarette puffing out a cloud of smoke. "Never had a giant master, I had a home though, not anymore though." Neal said. "Ah, no parents either? Jesus kid, seems like nobody wants your around." The man said. "That's why I ran away from home." Neal said. "RAN AWAY FROM HOME? THIS IS TOO GOOD!" He howled laughing. "What's so funny?" Neal shyly asked. "No parents, no giant master, and no home, there will nobody looking for you. It's seems like it's my lucky night. Been looking for a new human pet, my last newest pet, let's say got under the wrong foot. Hehehe." He chuckled. Neal knew the guy is trouble , he tried making a quick run, but a giant fist grabbed him. "LET ME GO!" Neal cried. "Shut it tiny." The giant man shoved Neal into his shirt pocket. "Don't worry kid, I'll give you a good new home. I  have other human pets, so you won't be alone." He said proudly. Neal hugged his knees and let the tears flow. His life he once had was officially take away.

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