The Finale

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"Not a good idea letting him meet them Finn! What if they offer to take him back and he goes with the idea?! Your really gonna sacrifice your brotherly relationship all because he got mad at you?!" The last two hours Finn's heard his family non stop complaining after he informed them on the situation. Today Neal's meeting his aunt and uncle, he's already nervous, and Finn's not appreciating his family showed up at the house on the same day. He told Sam first over the phone, Sam than told the rest of the family soon after. Apparently they all feared losing Neal too, which is why they arrived at the house before Neal left. It's early in the morning, Finn's losing his mind hearing the Knight family battle his choice. "Diana, I explained why he's meeting them today. Their biological his family; there's no reason why he shouldn't meet them. It would be unfair if he didn't, and highly selfish on my part. Yes, I'm nervous about his choose over whom he wishes to stay with, yet that's totally the miss choice. No matter what, you all will support him okay?" Finn asked raising a eyebrow. The family members nodded their heads from across the living room. "Honestly though Finn, how do you personally feel if Neal moves away? You won't fight to keep him whatsoever?" Emma asked him. "Listen, I'm the last person who want him gone. Ever since I met Neal, I've been the one who's actually been raising him. If he goes away that's his choice, despite how hard it's gonna be. Who knows guys, Neal probably won't even consider leaving."Finn replied he prayed to God Neal will stay. They've been through so much these last few months. "Not sure about that idea kid." Mike interjected, there all shocked he spoke. Usually he's dead asleep during family discussions. "How so?" Finn said. "Remember how Neal was super terrified Neal was of giants? How he had panicked attacks each day? He still flinches every so often around some of us, I see it. He's been pushed off a tall table, almost eaten by Finn, hell someone's got close of kidnapping the kid! All I'm saying is would Neal be safer around his own kind instead of giants? Aren't y'all forgetting he's not nor will ever ever be like any of us? Do I love my grandson? Of course, but I also care about his well being." Mike said to all. "Mikes that idiotic." Ingrid rolled her eye. Finn however didn't entirely disagree. "No Grandma, he's not wrong. I agree, there's been accidents that have occurred mostly due to Neal being human. Some days I wonder would he safer around humans? Me being a giant makes feel I can always protect Neal, yet that's not the case. My size also puts him at a risk, ya know of me stepping on him, eating him by accident, or anyone could pick him up while I'm not even looking. This whole situation is hard guys." Finn sighed leaning backward in the chair. "I would love to keep talking, but I gotta hey Neal up and ready before his aunt and uncle arrive for breakfast. That means, all of you should leave before they get here okay? Only I'll be staying along side Neal while their here." Finn told them. "We are not leaving Finn, it's officially a full Knight family matter. We're meeting his aunt and uncle! Neal's our family too, like you said, we'll support him no matter what!" Sam said. Finn know he wasn't getting of them any time soon. He pushed away his annoyance at the moment, he rose from the chair heading back to get Neal. Finn enters his bedroom, it's only seven in the morning and he doubts Neal would be awake. He bends down closer to the tiny bedroom; he stops when hearing a tiny voice start speaking. He leans his ear closer getting a better understanding of Neal speaking. "Hi dad, it's Neal again. Of course you know it's me, who else would be talking to you? I mean sure friend or distance relatives talk to you like this, sorry dad I'm nervous today. Meeting moms sister today and her husband, looking forward to it actual. Hopefully Finn won't scare them away, he's a great a brother, but sometimes overprotective. I wanted to you ask your help dad, I'm struggling deciding what I'll do! What if I like my aunt and uncle? What if I actually wanna go home with them? Each time I even consider leaving I feel really guilty! Finn and the rest of the Knights have done a lot of stuff for me, especially Finn. He's been the greatest person in my life besides you. He really helped me during my toughest hours. Finn saves me from being abused by mom, got me to opened myself back up a little, took me in, and legally became my guardian. Not sure if I can forget all of that. I can't abandoned him. Someone's gotta take care of the big goof." Finn grinned, he wasn't paying attention how far he's leaned in and tipped over. Finn crashed by the bedroom making a huge thud sound. "Ouch..." Finn groaned, his face was  in front of Neal's door. Neal opens the door seeing his brothers large face, "Sup kiddo?" Finn chuckled. "You heard me, didn't you? Sorry, I must sound really stupid, and offensive." Neal said. "What?! God no Neal! Your not stupid or offensive at all! Honestly wasn't try to over hear your conversation, I kinda fell." Finn smirked. "Oh sure Finn. I gotta get ready, they'll be here soon! Also are there any other people here? Would have sworn I heard other voices." Neal asked him. "Ya about that, all of our family is here. They insisted on staying." Finn informed him. "
Ugh, wonderful, just freaking wonderful. They'll guilt trip me on my choice! Make them leave, I can't look at any of them eye if I make the wrong decision!" Neal begged. "One, they will not guilt trip you, I promise! Two, there's no wrong decision! Your aunt and uncle over the phone told me there not going to take you away without your consent. It's a totally up on you kiddo, I'll be supportive the whole time." Finn patted a finger on top of Neal's head. "No pressure right?" His little brother said. "No pressure." Finn assured him. "FINN! SOMEONE'S AT THE DOOR!" Ingrid shouted from the living room. "Be back." Finn told Neal, he got off the floor and
journeyed back through the living room. "What? No one else could have opened the door-MEG?! What the hell?!" Finn asked being surprised by her appearance, she pushed passed Finn entering the house. "Ingrid called, she told me all the information about today? Please say you didn't think I wouldn't arrive to make sure all went well." Meg made herself at home, she sat down on the nearest chair. "It's nice having everyone here, yet can people stop barging in without permission?!" Finn said. "Someone needs a chill pill. What's for breakfast?" Meg asked her boyfriend. "I was only making pancakes, but since we have every single person here I'll make something simple." He said. "Hey big bro, is my outfit okay?" Neal came walking into the room, Finn tried hiding his smirk at the sight of Neal. The kid tried dressing up in a fashionable way, a skill he lacked. Neal wore a dark purple button up shirt Ingrid gave him, and a pair of red ugly pants, Neal also had a tie that was incredibly put rob there. "Looking good kid, it's a nice outfit, but maybe we should find another one?" Find told him. "I look ugly." Neal frowned. "Not ugly, you need a better look. Come on, I'll help pick a nice outfit. The two brothers left and came back quick, Neal finally had a better look. "Finn, I'm anxious; what if my aunt and uncle dislike me? What if I say something stupid, or throw up!" Neal stressed, Finn held Neal in a open palm and held him in front of his huge face. "Quit worrying, I bet they'll love you!" Finn said smiling widely. "Ah he's right kiddo! Who wouldn't love you!" Mike said standing by Finn. "I can assure you Neal, if these people eve say anything rude, mean, or down right cruel, I'll kick their asses." Meg grinned. The door received several small knocks, Neal's uncle and aunt are here. "Okay everyone stay calm and cool. Neal and I will answer the door." Finn said, he carried Neal across the room. He sat down his brother on the floor and opens a the door. A nervous Neal hind behinds Finn's large foot. The door opened all the way, standing below Finn is the man and woman. "Hello Mr Knight, we're hoping your having a pleasant morning." She said kindly. "Likewise, please do come in." Finn moved out of the way, Neal still hid behind him. "Thank you sir. On behalf of me and my husband, we would wish to apologize about our first meeting. After getting a phone call from you, we understood how much Neal met to the whole entire Knight family. That's why he can choose whom he'll stay with. That means don't worry about us taking Neal without permission." Finn's pleases hearing them woman's words, they bring comfort knowing the two won't try taking the kid away by force. "I can say we're all pleased hearing that! Now please meet the Knight family and my girlfriend." Finn introduces each person one by one, everyone have a friendly smile and wave. "Nice meeting all of you, my name is Damian, and this my wide Lana." The human mad introduced themselves. "Now where's our nephew? We've waiting 12 years." Lana said looking around the area. "Neal, don't be shy. Go ahead, say hi bud." Finn lifted his foot, he nudged Neal in the back using his big toe. Neal stood there awkwardly unsure of what he should say, the whole Knight family say there waiting to see it all unfold. "My lord Damian, he-he- he looks just like his father. Neal, I know how much this a lot to take in. I'm your aunt Lana, and here's your Uncle Damian. Mr. Knight here told us so much about you. Still we wanna here everything from you." Lana gently took Neal's hands, she held them closely smiling softly. Her eyes became full of life, and tears of joy stroll down she and hers husbands cheeks. "I...I...I don't even know where I would began." Neal quietly laughed. "Tell us a about the past few years, or adjusting to new home. We wanna know every little detail Neal. We're just so glad your finally part of our lives." Damian said wrapping a arm around Neal. Lana pulled Neal and Damian onto a close hug, Meg walked by Finn and locked arms with him. "Think they really care about him?" Meg whispers. "I do, I really do." Finn whispered back.
"Then Finn ate a huge gross burger at the restaurant, he never looked so uncomfortable in the short days I knew him! Would hate being the next guy at the bookstore who went in the bathroom after him." The entire group busting out in laughter, Finn rolled his eyes ignoring the embarrassment. Neal informed Lana, Damian, and the family about some of his best embarrassing Finn stories. "Oh ya, I can't forget the time he..." Finn wrapped his finger around Neal's mouth. "Okay that's enough embarrassing stories about myself Neal." Finn let go Neal, and let the kid sit comfortable at the human table with Lana and Damian. "Sorry Finn." Neal said. The last two hours have gone incredibly great, Neal really loved meeting his aunt and uncle. It's surprising Lana is even related to Molly, the aunt has zero evil personality of Neal's mother. Lana much more calm, sweet, kind, and non judgmental. Damian as well is very nice, though he doesn't talk much. Being around the human couple made Neal have a feeling of normality again, talking to humans was something he almost completely forget about. It reminded him of being back in the human quarters with his mom and dad. That's when life was almost normal, back before Molly became abusive and Neal has Chris. Lana and Damian bring much of those happy feelings back. They are good people, and could make a good home. They told Neal they only live a a few minutes away from his old house. That would mean if Neal would eve return there, he could attend the name old school, the same neighborhood, the similar life he  once had. "Now I'm sure this is a topic we've been all avoiding the last few hours, but Neal do tell your feelings about moving back with us. We leave tomorrow morning, and would be great if you could give a answer soon." The whole table became awkwardly quiet, Meg glances over Finn who has a sad look on his face. She takes a hold his hand squeezing it tightly. "I'm thankful of the offer, but I need more time please." Neal told them. "Honey, I'm sorry but we sort of need a answer tonight. We have extra plane ticket, just in case." Lana said. Neal fidgeted with his fingers, he sat that there quietly. He would love of seeing his old hometown again; the idea of living along side humans and having a normal human life made his heart leap with joy. Except, Neal wonders if we grow tired of that normal life after all he's been through. Leaving behind Finn, Jay, Noel, Meg, and the Knights family felt cruel. Moving away after all they've done for him didn't sit well. Neal thought was if worth sacrificing one or the other. Going means he's forgetting his adoptive family, staying cause him to give up the chance of ever living a normal human life with a loving aunt and uncle. "I'm sorry, I can't choose! I'm very sorry, so sorry." Neal began crying, "I can't choose! I can't choose! I CAN'T CHOOSE!" His chest tightened, anxiety consumed every part of his mind. He wanted to puke and run away. "Neal, it's alright! Hold on bud, I'm gonna talk with you." Finn took action, he picked Neal up swiftly and vanished out the room. Neal continued having a full blown mental breakdown, he clung onto Finn's thumb having his face pressed against it. Finn walked in his bedroom, he sat down on the bed lying Neal next to him. "Shhh, Neal stop crying buddy. Your okay, everything's okay. I am right here." Finn soothingly used his thumb to run Neal's small break. "I can't make a decision! I can't do it Finn! I can't leave you because your my big brother, but I hate losing the only biological family I left! Why does the world hate me! WHY DO HAVE TO CHOOSE?!"Neal screamed angrily, his face was pure red and stained by tears. "Relax Neal, stressing isn't helping!" He sternly told him, in all honesty Finn wanted to cry as well. Seeing Neal all torn apart heart his heart. "I don't wanna leave or hurt anymore people Finn. I have lost enough." Neal sniffed curling against Finn's side. "I know, none of what happens is fair at all. Neal, all I can say is go with what your heart says to do. I don't blame you for having these upset feeling." Finn picked Neal up, he held him at eye level. "Throughout all my life, never have seen a person like Neal Mills prove how strong somebody can be. You've overcome many obstacles no 12 year should have to face, but you beat them anyways. I can't make the decision for you. Your choice will be the one that feels right. In the end I'll always stay your big brother and person who will always love even if we're far apart." Finn said. "Can I have a few minutes to think some stuff over." Neal whispered. "Of course, I love you." Finn kisses the top of Neal's head and lyes him back down. "Love you too Finn." Neal replies. Finn shuts the door on his out, he looked back at Neal who's sitting legs crossed and just gazing up in the air. Finn closes the door, he stands out in the hallway not feeling enough energy to talk among his family. It hurts him thinking that tonight could be the last night he and Neal would ever see each other. "Hey Finn, I wanted to check on you guys. Is everything okay?" Meg snuck her way through the hall, she could see the sadness across her close friends face. "I'm fine Meg, ya know a lot of stuff happening." He said in a weak tone. "Your anything but fine Finn. Drop the mask, let it all out please. Keeping your feeling deep down isn't healthy and..." Finn held her close, Meg hugged him back. She could feel the tension pulsing throughout his back, than she heard his small cries. "Finn, I'm sure it's all gonna end well." She quietly said. "What if it doesn't Meg? He'll leave, God knows when or if I would ever seen him again. The kids needs his happiness, it sucks knowing one way means we'll be separated. I love that kid." Finn softly cried. "You don't know what he'll pick. Even if he does leave, that never means you two wouldn't see each other again. He's part of your life as much your part of his. Two amazing brothers that care a lot about each other. In the end all that matters is you guys are brothers." She said. Finn slowly pulled away wiping away his tears, Meg kissed the side of his cheek. "Oh hey guys, didn't know you two were out here." Neal said walking below a small opening of the door. "So Neal, did you make a final decision?" Finn held his breathe waiting for the answer. "I'm staying here Finn, because I-WOAH!" Neal's grabbed by two large hands, Finn tosses Neal in the air and catches him. "I LOVE BUDDY!" Finn cried out, he kissed Neal leaving behind saliva oozing all over Neal's face. "Blah!" Neal wipes away the spit. "I'm glad your happy, and I am too Finn." Neal smiled. The older brother held Neal closer, the youngest brother hugged Finn's soft shirt material. "I'm glad your staying Neal, things wouldn't be the same around here without you." Meg smiled. "Thanks, we should tell the others." Neal said. "Agreed." Finn nodded. They returned to everyone else where Finn dropped Neal off on the table . The young child said he wanted to the break the news, he first walked up to Lana and Damian. "I appreciate the offer of going back my hometown and leaving you guys, but that's not what I want. That anti social kid, who had no friends, or a sense of belonging isn't me anymore. Having a normal human life would feel empty and boring. My new life here has changed me, I cannot abandoned all these wonderful people who took me in when nobody else would. They love me, and I never had family like that since dad died. Yes, you guys are family, however I'm not sure if I can have a the same sense belongings the Knights give. I'm no longer Neal Mills anymore, I'm Neal Knight. That's if Finn will let me change the name." All the people were teasing up, especially Finn feeling proud of how amazing Neal is. "Darling, we completely understand. Remember Neal, if you ever wish to visit just gives all a call." Lana smiled brightly. "Your not mad?" Neal asked. "Of course not baby. The way these people smile at you and how they care about their family member makes it a crime taking you away." She said. "Honey, we should probably get going now. They all probably wanna celebrate Neal's staying." Damian said. "He's right, it was wonderful meeting every single person here, and Neal I love we finally met. Goodbye sweetie." Lana and Damian gave him one last hug. With that they waved their goodbyes and left. Neal still remained on the table, there's a small silence between everyone until Mike broke the silence. "COME HERE YOU LITTLE GUY!" Mike picked Neal hugging him against his chest. "Wait I want a hug too!" Ingrid hugged Mike and Neal. "Me too!" Sam shouted, soon the whole Knight family had completely surrounded  Neal. "Guys! GUYS! Not that I don't love all of you, but I can't freaking breathe!" They pulled away, Neal inhaled fresh air. "We're all glad your part of the family Neal. A real Knight." Mike said. "Can I talk privately with for a minuet?" Neal asked. Mike handed Neal over to Finn. Finn took them over by the living the room couch where he sat down. "Finn, I gotta let you know how grateful I am. Thank you for all that you've done. Months ago I arrived as a totally different kid who hated giants and despised a new step-family. Now, that's different all because a certain giant brother wouldn't give up on me. At first it got annoying because all you would do was get me to open up about myself, except myself, and overall be happy. I was in such a dark place at the time, but you saved me Finn. When my dad died, I lost my home. Than three years later I found a new home. Home isn't a place, it's the people your with that's home. Finn, you are my home. I love you big brother." Neal jumped off Finn's hand and onto his wide chest. "Oh my God Neal, I don't even know what I should say." Finn held a hand over the kid. "You don't have to say anything all because I know you love me." Neal smiled. "That's true kid, I love you." Finn cooed. "Can I really change my name to Neal Knight?" Neal asked him. "If that's what you really what, than sure." Finn told him. "YES! GUYS FINM SAID I CHANGE MY NAME!" Finn laughed as Neal slid off the couch and into the dining room. Finn got odd the couch where Meg came beside him. "He's a great kid Finn." She said, they watched from afar as he talked among the family. "Yes he is Meg." The smiled at each other exchanging a kiss. Finn continued watching Neal laugh and talk, he never thought meeting the kid would ever change his life. While Neal kept talking he thought the same too. Neal looked around and saw all the things he missed after his dads death. Happiness, laughter, smiles, friends,the feeling of belonging, close relationships, and most importantly: a family.
                 THE END

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