It all started...

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Connor POV

It all started on the second day of high school..

I was walking around the halls, trying to keep my head low with the occasional glance up to see how close I was to my best friend, Zach's locker. Suddenly, I felt an arm roughly tug on my hoodie.

Please be Zach, Please be Zach, Please be Zach, Please be-

"Sup' ugly shit", "Dammit" I cursed lightly under my breath. "Awwww Lookin' for your boyfriend~" another person spoke behind me; Please not now, where's Andie when you need her!

My thoughts screamed but I could only sputter out "Leave me a-alone!" Weak~ the voice in my head snickered. I wanted to cry. Andie, Zach, anybody PLEASE! I knew what was gonna happen, they would just publicly humiliate me by calling me names. It didn't help the fact that I was petrified. Words hurt ya' know..

Andie POV

I walked down the halls clenching my inhaler in my hand. I knew riding my bike to school was a bad idea. Not like my mom would care anyways. Honestly, the only thing I was personally worried about was if Connor got to Zach safely.

Most people seem to assume me and Connor are dating. Reader, I assure you, we are most definitely not. How do I know he doesn't have a crush on me?

Well, Newsflash, we're cousins. Also after all the years I've known Connor, I'm pretty sure he doesn't even like girls. Oh yeah, you might be wondering what my gender is. I'm a female, but my name sounds rather Tom-boyish doesn't it.

Not like I care. I was never quite girly in the first place anyway. Most people only ever talk to me when they have questions about Connor or Zach (Or worse case scenario, their relation with eachother)

I am around 1 year older than both of them. I am like a babysitter to them, but also a "hero" to Connor for "saving" him from his bullies. Even though I don't think I could ever see myself as a hero.

I reached Zach's locker. "Morning. Where's Connor?" I asked in my boring-morning-Im-tired-need-cofee voice. "He hasn't showed up yet, I thought maybe he came with you to school?" Said Zach, eyes darting around, trying to find the shorter boy.

"D-do you think bullies g-got to him ag- again?.." said Zach, starting to panic, "Yeah, I think so."

"DAMMIT!" Zach yelled as he slammed his fist against his locker. He started to back away to look for Connor, and then turned around and started to run, hoping to catch up to him and the bullies before the dreaded bell rings.

I started to follow, knowing that if Connor's intimidator wanted to put up a fight, Connor and/or Zach wouldn't win.

We soon found Connor on the ground, while a guy about my age pointed at him and called him, quote on quote, "a pile of gay crap". Zach quickly took action, punching the guy in the stomach, causing students to form a circle around them, intrigued by the action.

And, suprise, surprise, It did nothing to the dude. I quickly got down and asked Connor if he was okay, but he quickly yelled out "OF COURSE NOT, HE PUNCHED ME IN THE FACE", I told Zach to take Connor to the nurses office, and I started to curse at the bully, making him extremely confused.

probaly cause I was cursing in Korean.

Zach POV

Connor leaned on me for support, and I tried to ignore the girls following me, asking if I needed them to go with me as well. One even tried holding my hand.

Like jeez, can I take my mentally dying UwU looking friend to the nurses office in peace?

So instead I focused on Connor. I asked him if he was okay, but he just grumbled a "I am trash", and buried his head deeper into my shoulder.

It caused me to laugh, but the bonding moment was soon ruined by girls screaming at me that my laugh is, apparently, "adorable". I try not to laugh most of the time, but Connor is pretty funny and he is usually near me, so it's hard to stay chill and not laugh.

Connor POV

I used Zach as support to get to the nurses office, but soon I realized it started to look like this was a couple thing, and I started to feel my face getting warmer.

Oh god, Zach cant see me blush! He'll notice for sure!

So, I did something even dumber. I hid my face in his neck so that he wouldn't see me. Me and my stupid brain soon realized this was even more couple-ly and I started to blush even more. dammit.

"Are you okay? You feel warm.", "I-IM FINE SHUT UP!!" I sound like a Tsundere from the anime Andie watches. I think I need to just shut up. Connor laughed again, but the girls already started heading to their classes so it was eerily silent.

"Hey Isn't it kinda quie-"


Suddenly a loud scream was heard from the speaker

A voice came on,


The voice was quiet


It seems it is the principal

"M-mosquitoes cr-create"

The voice is shaky


The voice was gone....


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