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Connor POV

     I woke up in a familiar place. It was Zach's house. And I was sitting on Zach's couch.

But.. the... the zombies... was it all a dream? I quickly sat up and looked around me. Memories seemed to flow back into my brain.

Zach needed me.
Then I fainted.
But I think we saved another person on the way out.

    I started to get up, but quickly felt my knees buckle as I fell like a baby deer. So I tried again.

    I used the couch for support and started to make my way towards the kitchen, where I heard voices. Especially Zach's voice. I would know his voice anywhere. It was usually calm and concerned, unless he caught somebody trying to fight me.

    I walked into the kitchen and soon felt my heart sink.

   I found Zach, and the other person we saved. It was a girl.

    I dont have anything against females, heck, if Andie wasnt alive I might as well be dead meat, but this girl was too happy.

She was talking with Zach.
She giggled when he said something mildly funny.
Her eyes light up like a light switch when she looks at Zach.
Her cheeks were dusted with pink, and I knew it wasn't makeup.
And her hand was way too close to Zach's hand.

"Uh... hi?" I spoke weakly as I held onto the doorframe for support. Zach looked over and grinned.

    It didn't take very long for him to tackle me in a hug, which seemed to make my heart leap and I could already feel my face getting red by the second. I managed to squeeze out a "Uh- nice to see y-you to"

   It seemed like one of the most wonderful moments of my life, but then I opened my eyes and over my shoulder I could see the new girl glare at me. It seemed to bring every bad question back. Where was Andie? Where are our parents? Are there really zombies outside? Are we safe here? Did this girl get bit by a zombie or is she like us?

    I quickly pushed Zach away from me and in my most confident voice I asked, "ZACH. WHERE. IS. EVERYBODY."

Zach POV

    Connor was rarely confident when he spoke. Maybe that's why I feel nervous with butterflies whenever he raises his voice or is fired up and angrily confident.

   I put my hand on his shoulder ,"I'm so sorry Connor, but we dont know where she is, but she's super strong and I'm pretty sure she's is okay."

   Connor's eyes started to get wobbly as he asked, "W-what ab-bout our fami-i-ilies"

"We were too late, they got on the evacuation bus without us.." Connor started to cry and Zach pulled him in for another softer hug. He cried into Zach's shirt to muffle the annoying noises of hiccuping.

  The girl soon got out of the chair as Connor wiped away his tears from his eyes. She walked over to Connor and happily said, "Dont worry! My name is Claire and I hope we can be friends in this bad time."

It's so obvious. She hates me cause I'm close to Zach and just wants to pretend to be nice to his 'weak best friend' so that Zach will like her more.

"So" I asked reluctantly
"Are we really safe around you did you get bit by a zombie, Claire?"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2020 ⏰

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