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"You're almost there your grace!" A midwife encouraged the Queen who gripped onto the other nurse's hands, "Are you sure you don't want a droid?"

"No," Guinevere gasped, sweat trailing down her face, "Many Queens and Princesses always managed a natural birth, I will follow..." She grunted loudly as the contraction hit her painfully, "I will follow after them."

"I can see the head!" The woman called out, "One more big push your grace and they will be out in the world!"

Guinevere felt her heart drop, after nine months of feeling her womb flutter with her child she wished her lover was here.

Gene, she turned her head and she almost couldn't believe her eyes, Obi-Wan stood there clutching her hand smiling down at her; You're doing great my love, keep pushing.

"Queen Guinevere?" Her head snapped over to the midwife, "One more push love," Gene turned her head once more expecting to see Obi-Wan but he was only a memory deep within her past.

The young Queen began to scream as the pain continued, then the most beautiful sound she could ever hear. The cries of her child, she reached out for the small bundle tears forming in her eyes, she could never have pictured such joy.

"It's a girl, your grace, a princess."

"My princess."

The years had gone by and Guinevere had watched her daughter grow, her dark brown hair and eyes resembled her family from old. Her features resembled Obi-Wan slightly but she looked more like her mother.

"Darling, what are you drawing there?" Gene glanced over her child, a messy drawing of two large blobs, "Wow, you're on your way on becoming an artist."

"You think so?" Her daughter smiled widely, "This is supposed to be you and papa. See?" The Queen went rigid slightly before giving a tight smile.

"Of course my little dove, shall we get you ready for bed then?" The child agreed quickly putting her colors away and jumping onto her large bed, "Alright, what do we say?"

"I am grateful for this day and tomorrow will be better." Gene smiled running her hands through her soft hair.

Ever since she was born Guinevere would hum a song that she no longer remembered the words too. No matter what troubling day full of meetings and other things she would always comfort her daughter. She continued to hum the song long after she was asleep hoping her dreams would carry it.

"What news now?" The Queen entered her conference room where for the last four years her trusted advisors counseled her.

"The regime has made a name for itself now," General Blackwood pressed a button on the consul allowing a sinister image to appear, "The First Order."

"They tread closer to Quill every day your majesty and every planet has felt its wrath. This is different than the time from the empire, they are dangerous." Councilmember Yara pleaded, "I advise we start preparing for the worst. No amount of weapon is great to defeat them."

"What of the Republic? Are they not to send any aid?" Gene asked eyeing her council members who shook their heads. 

"They have not been responsive and were getting reports that many of the Republic have broken off to create a Resistance."  The Queen leaned forward glaring at the image of the new regime. 

"Prepare for a planetary evacuation, get as many people off-world as you can. Get the soldiers ready for any attack that may come, if they do get here we must be ready." She paused lightly rubbing her temple, "Choose any Resistance outpost, inform Leia Organa you are people of Quill, she will keep you all safe."  

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