Chapter 3

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                He jumped over the couch pushing me to the floor, "that fucking hurt now kiss me and make it feel better."

                I laughed "like I said I wouldn't kiss you if you were the last person in the world."

                He was about to say something then there was a knock on the door; I stood up as Chase went to the door. He opened it to the head master or principle to walking inside; he smiled at me "Miley it is so nice to have the granddaughter here at our school. I hope you and Chase don't have too much of a problem with the room arrangements."

                My grandfather told me not to complain so I sure as hell wasn't going to complain to the head master, "everything is fine sir and I am happy for you letting me to attend the school."

                He turned to Chase, "I am very sorry for the inconvenient for you Chase but when Mr. Goodman asked I couldn't deny him and I knew there was one room open."

                Chase put a sly smile on his face, "it is okay I can work around this."

                He nodded then looked back at me, "it was nice to finally meet you Miley. I will leave you all to settle in, have a nice night."

                He exited the room, then Chase closed the door behind him "now Miley don't you owe me something."

                I laughed at him "in your dreams Chase. I told you I was not kissing you end of story."

                He began to walk over to me, I put my hand up "Chase I said no, I have a date with your friend anyways."

                He shoved my hand aside, then put his arms around me, "you know you would rather date me, than Jake."

                I gave him a teasing laugh, "oh chase you see right through me." I laugh even harder "you wish Chase."

                He gave me a mean look, "you know you really are a bitch. Now give me a fucking kiss."

                I pushed him away and ended up pushing him to the ground, but he didn't let go of me and we went toppling to the ground. I landed on top of him, and ended up staring into his eyes. He was taking my breath away; I could so kiss him and melt into his arms right this moment.

                Wait what the hell was I thinking, I smacked him across the face "you wish Chase you are not my type I don't like you."

                He looked hurt, "god Miley why are you such bitch, do you not have a heart."

                I laughed and stared at Chase god if only he was serious about wanting me, my last boyfriend cheated on me because I wouldn't do anything but kiss him but he was a jerk anyways. I guess I could always tease him and see if I can open up any feeling inside him.....

                I shook my head, "I am not a bitch, only for you Chase!" I winked at him as I walked towards my room; I shook my butt on the way. I was about to open my door when I was slammed against it, Chase turned me around to face him.

He was smiling slyly, "I said I wanted a kiss."

Then he pushed his lips onto mine, a shock went through my body. I threw my arms around him, threading my fingers through his hair. What was happening to me, and then Chase pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my legs around him as he pushed me against the wall.

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