Chapter 14

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                I sat down on the couch pouting, I was could you say grounded. Bitch and I are both grounded to our rooms; we are to only come out for classes and to go to the cafeteria. If we are caught outside then the punishment gets worse.

                Chase dropped our bags beside the door, and sat next to me "well at least I can hang out with you here. And you want to know one good thing about this?"

                I moved closer to him "what's that?"

                "No Mark to bother us at all."

                And as if on he was listening my phone rang, of course it was Mark "HELLO!"

                "Miley we have to talk about this; you blame me for your parent's death that's not right at all."

                I heard Chase groan, he didn't like me talking to Mark I could tell but maybe it was a good thing to make him jealous.

                "Mark it was your fault! If you hadn't cheated on me and broke my heart then maybe just maybe they wouldn't have died in a car crash because if I hadn't caught you with that slut in your room I would have been with you that whole day so there would have been no reason for my parents to take me to Florida to try to cheer me up."

                "Miley I am sorry I never meant to hurt you or anyone."

                Chase stood up "hey I am going to go get us some lunch from down stairs."

                I nodded as he kissed me on the cheek before leaving.

                "Who was that?"

                I groaned "Mark who do you think it was, who else would be with me right now."

                I wiped away the tears sliding down my face, "Mark just leave me alone I'm turning my phone off."

                I hung up quickly turning my phone off then threw it on my bed; I hate him why can't he just see that.

                There was a knock at my door; I figured it was Chase back with the food so I ran to the door wanting to have his arms around me.  When I opened the door Mark was there holding my door open so I couldn't slam it shut.

                "Miley please talk to me please."

                I laughed "why would I want to talk to you."

                He pushed his way inside shutting the door, "Miley please I love you. I acted the way I did because I didn't care at the time, but now that I have been without you I just am not whole anymore. My life is a mess without you being beside me, everyone has a soul mate Miley and you are mine!"

                I weakly pushed against him "no Mark I'm not."

                I tried to walk away from him but he grabbed my hand pulling me back to him "Miley you are so stubborn!"

                With that he kissed me, not like last time but like the very first time we kissed on our third date. I moved my hands to his chest and pushed with all my might, making him back up a little "Mark I don't love you anymore and if I did I could never trust you again. I am in love with Chase even though I will probably never tell him."

                I realized what I said placing my hand over my mouth, I had never said it out loud to anyone and now I have said it out loud to the person I hate most.

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