Chapter 9

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I wanted this to stop up I just couldn't stop myself, this guy brought something out in me I have never felt any of these feelings before. I pulled his soaking wet shirt off over his head; I kissed his chest his shoulder then his lips. I was about to pull my shirt off when I felt it, my stomach was turning. I pushed Chase away running for the bathroom.

I barely made it to the toilet right before I puked; I lay down in the floor waiting for it to come up again. Chase appeared by the door, "you need a shower now you have puke in your hair."

I groaned "no I goin sleep here," Chase shook his head then I heard the shower come on, I felt someone pulling me up "come on Miley you can't sleep with puke in your hair."

I grunted as he pulled me to my feet, "No chase you aren't going to undress me." I pulled away from him getting in the shower then threw my clothes over the top.

"Miley are you okay you are being really quiet."

I groaned "I just want to sleep," Chase jerked the door open pulling me off the shower floor "Miley you can't sleep in the shower."

I nodded my head "yes I can watch."

Chase held me up "you have to wash your hair Miley you can't sleep in my bed or your bed with puke in your hair."

I tried to sit down "then you wash it."

He put my head under the water getting it wet; he scrubbed my hair with shampoo. I felt myself drifting off then someone shaking me "oh no you don't, Miley wake up."

I groaned "just let me sleep!"

I felt a towel go around me then I was being lifted off my feet. I thought the swaying was going to make me sick but then my head hit a pillow putting me into a deep sleep.


                I watched her fall asleep, she looked so peaceful. I wished I could have just stood here watching her sleep forever. Wait what am I thinking, I don't feel this was for girl.

                I heard a knock at the door; I snuck out of my room careful not to wake her. I opened the door to see Blake "Dude Jake said he saw you and Miley running off, did you nail her yet."

                I sat down on the couch, "Blake you are my best friend and I hate to talk like this but I don't think I can do it."

                His mouth dropped "Chase you are falling for her just after a couple days. Are you alright man, this isn't you."

                I shook my head "no I am not; I don't feel this for girls not since Brittany. I got in way to deep with her then she went syco after I sleep with her."

                Blake sat back into the couch, "man you know Jake is going to fight you for this one, he seems to be pretty set on getting in Miley's pants."

                I felt anger boil in me when he said that, I was going to kick Jakes ass if he didn't stay away from Miley she is mine! I looked over at Blake "man I think she is breaking me. I am really losing my mind, I mean I have seen her naked twice and none of my thoughts were I want to hit that or anything I thought she was beautiful. We got close to doing to earlier and the whole time I wanted to tell her no I didn't want to but then again I didn't want to hurt her feelings then lucky she got sick. I helped her wash the puke out of her hair, Blake. Please tell me I am not losing my mind."

                Blake looked at me like he has seen a ghost, "yeah Chase I wish I could tell you that you're not losing it but you are. To tell you the truth if I had a girl that was like Miley coming after me, I would give up being a player in a heart beat."

                I stared at the blank TV, "Blake I don't think I can handle being tied to one girl yet. I haven't actually been with anyone since Brittany, what if I blow it? She has already been with one player that broke her heart; she shoved that in my face when I was fighting with her about Jake."

                Blake busted out laughing, "Man you can't hide it you are head over heels for this girl. I mean you can take your time on admitting it to yourself and her but I wouldn't wait to long Jake can still try to steal her away."

I stood up "hey Blake do you mind not telling any of the guys about this talk."

Blake put his hand on my shoulder "Chase you have always been my best friend since we were kids, the other guys just kind of joined in as the years went."

I knew what he was trying to say, that we are closer than the rest things we talk about are between us. I smiled at him "Okay well its late I am going to go to sleep."

He laugh as he headed for the door, "the hidden words in that sentence are, I am ready to go watch Miley sleep so get the fuck out."

I laughed as he shut the door behind him, I went into my room and sat on the end of my bed. I stared at her peaceful face, I wanted to kiss her beautiful lips. I was about to crawl into my bed when I hear a song playing, I went into Miley's room her phone was lit up playing:

I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you

Every time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I get
But I haven't missed you yet

Only when I stop to think about it

I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you

                I picked it up to see Mark Allen (ASS HOLE) scrolling across the top. I answered it "Hello?"

"Who is this where is Miley."

"My name is Chase and she is asleep."

The guy sounded pissed "why are you answering her phone?"

"We share a dorm and I heard it ringing and saw ass hole on the screen so I figured I would answer it. Why what's it to ya."

"She is my girlfriend; you better keep your hands off her. Do you hear me I will kick your ass."

I laughed "You don't even know where I am and bring it ill take you on any day. Now you have a nice night, bye."

I hung up the phone, I had a feeling I just talked to the guy that broke Miley's heart. I got nosey going threw her phone. The Mark Allen has called her over 100 times since she got her and she had some text from a girl named Amber. I went threw them to find out both her parent have died recently, Miley and her parents were in a head on crash with a drunk driver. Miley was the only one to survive, she spent a month in the hospital fighting to recover.

                I really felt like a jerk for the way I acted when she first came here, but I mean she doesn't show the hurt that a normal person does. I dropped her phone on her bed going back to my room; I laid down beside her wrapping my arms around her. I was falling in love!

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