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"Kunimi what's on your mind?" Oikawa asked while taking a sip of water.

"Yeah you seem emotionally constipated what's wrong young one?" Makki said as Matsun laughed.

I rolled my eyes.

"Ooh I know it's a girl." Oikawa snapped at me. It caught me off guard so fast that my face turned a shade of pink.

The third years couldn't believe it.

"Ooh who is she. Wait- NO don't say. But why do you like her." Huh? What kind of question is that? I hid in my little corner in shame letting my guard down.

"Aww little Akira is blushing how cute. But imagine her hand wrapped around-"

"L/n would never." I said out of panic. The third years went silent. I covered my mouth with widened eyes.





"HA CALLED IT." Kindaichi said. He sat down next to me.

"Knew it from the start." This Turni-

"Don't worry I won't tell her."

"Yeah Kunimi but again who is L/n?" Oikawa said with a peace sign.

The he finally remembered.

"Oh chino 2.0 I didn't know you liked short girls."

"Well your like 6ft so of course she seems small." I said crossing my arms.

"Oh there there Kunimi. It's not like- Oh hi L/n." He announced. All eyes were on L/n who was standing at the door way. She awkwardly waved.

"Oh so this is L/n." Makki poked at me.

"She seems great." Matsun added on. I sank in my seat.

I remember her telling me that she helped the girls volleyball team so they could leave earlier. So she gave Coach a thumbs up which he gave back.

She left with a skip and I can finally breath properly.

"Aww you really do like her." Oikawa said while doing a little dance.

"You can't be dancing if I break your knee caps." I said making him shut up.

"What do you see in her?" Oikawa asked. Might as well give him an answer or I won't here the end of these stupid questions.

"She-sh-she is amazing. Personality wise too. She likes naps and overall a great person." Great now I have the whole gym staring at me.

"Aww Kunimi you are so deep and emotional come here." Eww Oikawa is acting like a elderly woman. He held out his arms signaling me to give him hug. So I did was best.




Damn it they caught me.

They tied me up too with a jacket.

"Let me go." I said plainly. They just laughed.

"We just want a bonding moment with our son." The third years said besides Iwazumi.

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