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"So you and L/n. I knew it!" Kindaichi said as we dropped our bags at the dorm.

"Shut up you idiot." I said as I knocked him on the head. He groaned as I exited the room.

We all lined up and introduced ourselves and all that.

Kurasunos number ten became ball boy and man he was good at it. But I felt him watching me, but Koganegawa was too.

The idiot parade was growing.

I did a couple of digs there and then. But then I had to go against Mr.TwoMeters.

But like I had said before it takes a bit more to stop me so my spike went across.


Practice was over and we were sent our one shared dorm. I took a shower and changed and immediately went on my phone and blanket.

I'm so tired...


I felt a vibration from my phone. It was a message from L/n

You changed L/n to Bubs

Bubs: Hey how was your day at camp?
Me: it was ok... it was tiring and everyone is kinda to energetic for me

Bubs: am I too energetic for you
Me: What! No!
Bubs: I just wanted to say that I hope you have a good practice thing tomorrow! 🖤

Me: I will
Bubs: ok Kuni~ also have a good sleep
Me: I will
Bubs: Ok... promise me something
Me: promise what??
Bubs: you will give me a hug when you come back
Me: OF Course I will.
Me: I have to go... coach called us all
Bubs: ok take care
Me: you too

I don't deserve her. I had a small smile and put my phone back.

Coach was calling


So Yasu and Hiro had a play date and I had to watch them. Yes it might have been boring and I just got off the phone with Kuni.

Why is he so sweet? Then I realized I had errands.

"Guys come to the store with me."

"Ok." The replied at the same time. Wow that was easier than I thought.

We all walked to the store until I was stopped by a group of girls.

"Aren't you such a whore? Having two kids at what 15?" One of them said while pointing at Yasu and Hiro.

"Hiro, Yasu go play by the flowers."

"Ok." They walked away while I look at these girls straight in the eyes.

"Being a mom must be rough on the body. You could stand to loose a few pounds." One of them poked at me.

"Some fat slut... I wonder how some dude would bang you? Even worse catch feelings?" Another one said leading the group away.

My face felt hot. I was embarrassed, mad and some other emotions I can't even comprehend.

"Come on guys let's go." I said motioning Yasu and Hiro over. They nod but seemed worried.

We made it and I told Hiro and Yasu to get one thing each. Yasu came back first with candy but dropped it.

"Y/n... are you ok?" She asked as she went closer to me.

"H-yeah.. why?"

"Your crying?" I felt my face. It had tears which I wiped off quickly.

"I'm fine.. I dropped a box on my foot." I said quickly as I made up and excuse.

"Oh." She said while nodding. Hiro came back with his candy with a smile. So I put one on as well.

I really want that hug now.

Does he actually want to be with me-NO

Why would he care for me then? Why would he confess- Was it a joke?

I dropped off Yasu at her house while me and Hiro walked back to ours.

It was getting late.

"Y/n... are you Kunimi dating?" Hiro asked me while fiddling with his fingers.

"N-no.. why are you asking?" I'm not ready to tell him. He shrugged and proceed to walk.

"I saw you guys hugging each other in your room in the morning." He said. I almost freaked out but stayed calm.

"It was really cold and I sleep hug." Wow I said a lame excuse. He seemed to buy it and didn't think anything of it.

We got home and I went straight to my room. I wasn't hungry for dinner so I slouched around thinking of what the girls from earlier said.

I miss him so much.

I know we haven't been together for that long but as his friend and girlfriend isn't it natural to just miss someone you care about?

Kuni: Bubba you there?
Me: yeah
Kuni: are you ok? You seem down?
Kuni: Bubs? Tell me what's wrong
Me: I will tell you when you come back
Kuni: plz tell me now
Me:I just really miss you
Kuni: I do too... promise to tell me what's wrong when I come back
Me: fine

I closed my phone while frowning.

Mega time skip

The day Kuni was coming back from camp, I was a bit excited. I walked to the bus stop in the cold. The bus was already there and everyone had already got off.

I didn't see Kuni though. I looked around only to be tackled in a hug. I almost hit the ground but hugged back.

"I missed you." Kuni said while gripping me. I put my face on his shoulder smiling.

"Now tell me what happened?"

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