My plans for our Semestral Break

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My plans for our Semestral Break

Even though yesterday had ended

Semestral break has already started

Relaxation and fun

Has just begun

As we entered our homes

(our personal and family zones)

Now I await for Tuesday,

For my friends will come to stay

For a few hours of stories and laughter

And then we’ll eat pizza all together.

And when Tuesday ends

Wednesday awaits another group of friends.

We’ll practice for our “Balagtasan”

(I sure hope we would have fun)

When Thursday comes, I’ll take a rest

(And should prepare for Friday, I guess).

On Friday, Saturday, Sunday, my mom and I will take a stroll

To see the beautiful province of Bohol.

Though I wished to see Iloilo

(To see my cousins, my Lola and Lolo)


I have a few more plans for my sembreak days

I’ll have to do homeworks to improve my grades

And I’ll never forget to open my tumblr

To post more pictures and  poems, may they be worse than this or better

So now I’ll be gone in a moment

To eat my breakfast (it’s a tasty omelet!) 

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