Chapter 17

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"Are you ready to get to work Weiss?" Penny asks her partner as the two depart the landed Manta, waves being given to the pilot before he takes off.

"Absolutely, let's do our best." Weiss's response is joined by a warm, braces filled smile, Penny unable to resist smiling as cheerfully before they set off down the street. As they walk along, idly chatting amongst each other while Weiss enjoys her coffee, the two are passed by a somewhat unsettling looking male dressed in an outfit less than ideal for the cold weather, the man being paid no mind by them while he elects to stop and watch them walk off, a grin forming on his face. Once they're out of sight, he pulls out his scroll and makes a call, then disappears down an alleyway.

"Do you think we'll encounter any Grimm today Penny?" Weiss questions as they stop near a screen broadcasting the current news, Penny humming for a few moments before nodding.

"Unfortunately yes!" Penny's cheerful reply is met with a soft giggle from Weiss, both girls turning their gaze towards the screen to watch as the news changes from one report to another. However, the current report is suddenly interrupted by the screen flashing with the words 'Breaking News' popping up before fading to a reporter.

"Good morning Atlas and Mantle. We've received word of shocking footage that has begun to spread over the DustNet causing a stir, just take a look for yourselves."

As the reporter trails off footage begins to play of Penny and Weiss down in Mantle on one of their missions after they finished fighting off a Grimm attack, yet... The footage shows the two confronting a bystander with fierceness to their expressions, the bystander having turned up dead a few days after. No words can be heard in the confrontation, but it ends with Weiss and Penny brandishing their weapons at the person before cutting out.

"It seems Ms. Weiss Schnee and Penny Polendina, Mantle's so called protectors, aren't as heroic as they might seem. What the footage means remains to be seen, but I am personally shocked and appalled at their behavior. We'll bring you updates as we receive them, thank you and good day."

"I... That... That's not..." Weiss stammers out in shock as she processes what she had seen and what the reporter said, Penny looking just as surprised. After taking a few moments to compose herself as best she can, Weiss turns her gaze towards the nearby citizens, some bearing surprised expressions, some showing anger, and some showing concern, especially those looking at Weiss and Penny.

"W... We need to leave, Penny..." Penny quickly nods in agreement with Weiss, then unceremoniously picks her up and takes off flying, Weiss leaning into her as they depart. Before they get too far away from Mantle, the Grimm sirens begin to blare, Weiss unable to hold back a shaky sigh as she looks down at the city quickly growing smaller in the distance. The trip back to Atlas Academy takes a short while, but eventually they land, both girls looking towards Winter as she walks out of the academy with a concerned expression.

"Weiss, Penny, please follow me." She instructs with as calm a tone as she can manage, Penny setting Weiss down onto her feet before they oblige and follow Winter into the academy. Winter guides them along into Ironwood's office, where they are met with General Ironwood and Ace-Op Clover Ebi standing by his desk.

"Weiss, Penny, I'm glad you're both okay. With what was said on the news, I was worried you would've ran into trouble down in Mantle." James begins to say, both girls nodding before he continues. "As we've had Penny's footage from your missions on hand, we were able to review the missions where you fought Grimm, and determined the footage shown on the news was doctored."

"Who would... Want to do such a thing?" Weiss asks, Clover shaking his head slightly before speaking up.

"We do not know, what we believe is that whoever it is wants to change how the public sees you both, turn them against you and cause disarray down in Mantle. From what we've been seeing on the DustNet, opinions have been divided rather sharply, with some people supporting you, and others turned against you." Weiss pales as Clover speaks, both her and Penny giving a nod before turning their attention to Winter.

"Because of what has happened, and what we fear may happen in the future, it has been decided that your missions to Mantle are suspended until further notice. The two of you will remain on Atlas Academy grounds unless given permission to leave. Until we can find whoever doctored the footage and learn what they want out of this, it isn't safe for you both to leave." Winter explains, more nods being given before Weiss sighs and looks towards the floor.

"I... I understand... I never wanted any of this to happen... The Grimm sirens went off as we were leaving..." Penny pulls Weiss against her side in a loose embrace as she speaks, Winter frowning as she sees how upset her sister is.

"We are aware, and we had the threat taken care of, no civilians were harmed." Looking to General Ironwood, who nods, he looks back at Weiss and Penny, then clears his throat gently. "You are both dismissed, please, rest up and feel better, we know you didn't do this." Penny is the only one to respond, voicing a quiet thank you, Weiss being guided out of the room and back to her dorm before she's seated on her bed.

"Girlfriend Weiss, please don't be upset, we didn't do this, and Mr. General Ironwood and Ms. Winter will find out who's at fault." Sighing again, Weiss nods, then leans against Penny, eyes slowly falling closed.

"I hate this... We worked so hard to make ourselves be seen as good people, protectors, and a single video ruins that..." Penny doesn't say anything in reply, instead electing to pull Weiss into a proper hug and kiss her forehead.

"I know, Weiss, but... It'll be okay, I know it will."

"Father, who is that man?" Whitley asks Jacques as he welcomes a male with an equally as bushy moustache into the manor, Jacques glancing over to Whitley with a frown.

"He's a friend, not that it's any of your concern. Leave us." With a slight frown of his own, Whitley nods, then turns and retreats away to his room, Jacques and his friend making their way to Jacques's private study.

"I see you were successful, Arthur." He says with a sly smile, Arthur Watts nodding with a smile of his own.

"Those people love to record footage of things they find interesting, it was a simple matter to take a video and edit it to my liking. The DustNet is alight with conversation regarding your daughter and that girl, our plan worked perfectly." Jacques nods with a slightly wider smile, the news being brought up on his computer before being looked over.

"At this rate, we'll be able to proceed to phase two. With my time working for Atlas, I learned a fair few things of use, nothing I can reveal just yet, however... I feel it's safe to say your daughter and her partner will likely be confined to the Academy for the time being. There's no possible way they could trace the footage back to me." Watts's words prove to be just what Jacques wanted to hear, the white haired CEO standing up and fetching a bottle of whiskey from a hidden compartment in his desk alongside two glasses.

"I believe this calls for a little celebration." The glasses are filled with a proper amount of the decadent alcohol before one is passed to Arthur, Jacques holding up his own afterwards. "A toast, to the first of many successes to come. Soon, we will have what we desire, Robyn Hill and Ironwood will be as disgraced as my daughter, and there will be nothing getting in the way of us."

"My partner is busy in Mantle getting the next step of our plan ready, soon, my old friend, very soon."

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