Gayo Daechukje | 2019

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[x] slight warning

SBS Special Practice

Hani looked from the side watching all the boys interact with Sarang--the little girl--her ovaries exploding by all the cuteness

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Hani looked from the side watching all the boys interact with Sarang--the little girl--her ovaries exploding by all the cuteness. As as a women there was just something within her, a biological need, an instinct or whatever, there was just something about cute men interacting adorably with children that made her hormones overreact.

Like Tae, she loved kids and honestly, she couldn't wait to have her own. It wasn't something she thought about often but yes, like fans, she wanted Bangtan babies running around.  Hani stared warmly as Jungkook walked held Sarang's little hand from station to station as everyone practiced and danced, taking turns singing Christmas melodies--in English and Spanish no less.

Standing between Jin and Jhope oppa, their song Feliz Navidad, they waited for their routine to start. They lights lit up and Jin started the first verse, followed by Jhope. Hani sang as they danced and spun around, Jungkook joining them towards the end while the rest harmonized and sung the last bit with her.


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"She's so cute! Can we keep her?" Hani sighed, during break, waving goodbye to Sarang. Backstage in their private room she continued smile, food in her mouth, swiping through all the pictures she had with the little actress.

Tae came down and sat next to her on the couch, looking over her shoulder at them. 

She pouted after swallowing. "I can't wait to have a baby," Hani said right as Jimin came in pulling off his microphone.

"Noona would make cute babies." Jimin plopped down on the other side of her, his mood playful. He leaned back, arms resting against the back cushions, man-spreading, a cheeky smile spreading across his face. 

His lap did look inviting, looking at him up and down for a calculating second. Jimin's legs always looked good when he wore fitting jeans. Hani played along, almost rolling her eyes. "Are you offering Park Jimin?"

He raised a brow, his smile widening as he rubbed his bottom lip with a finger. "Would Noona have me?"

Tae suddenly grabbed her waist pulling her backwards into his lap, squeezing her. Damnit--she'd forgotten Tae, he'd been so quiet.

She'd knocked her head against his chin. "Yah-Kim Taehyung let go." Hani yelled, squirming. He grabbed onto her failing arms making her drop her phone, crossing their arms together.

She could feel him shake his head back and forth against her shoulder. Hani could tell by his grip that he was only acting possessive, but she still didn't like it. He repositioned them so wasn't she sliding off his lap trying to escape.

Jimin laughed at his best friend antics. "You're in trouble now noona." He chuckled, squeezing her cheeks between his fingers. God she hated the 95-line sometimes. The lightness in the air shifted into a weird heaviness as Jimin scooted closer and Hani was suddenly in an awkward vmin roleplay.

She was no mood to play this kind of game right now. "Let go of me now Taehyung." His long fingers still around her wrists, tightening as she tried to pull away, her legs twisted between his.

"Promise not to runaway?" He asked, lips jutting out. His eyes may have looked innocent but they glinted with another look entirely.

She glanced around briefly. Namjoon occupied into his phone with earbuds in facing away from them, Yoongi taking a nap and the rest were nowhere to be seen. The only manger in the room knew better to ignore and not interfere.

"Fine." Hani accepted with a defeated sigh. Both of them smiled.

"Noona is our good girl, right?" Jimin said, cocking his head. Taehyung still hadn't let go, deciding instead to focus his attention onto her neck, his mouth tickling her.

Hani knew towards the end of the year they got a little antsy with performing back to back especially this year since they'd be going to NY in a matter of days, that they got stressed and needed some kind of release but this was not the time and place.

She shouldn't have taken Jimin's bait but she hadn't anticipated this escalating, surprised even by Tae.

"Can we not do this?" Uncomfortable by the idea of doing something like this here and right now.

"Wae? What are we doing Taehyung-ah?"

Jimin licked his lips, placing a hand on her thigh and bringing his face closer. Heat flushed to her cheeks, his eyes intense, playful but dark, cornering her into a staring contest. That's what Jimin did, he liked teasing her, because he knew she wanted him.

For a split second he let his mouth hover near hers before looking to Taehyung.

He finally stopped bitting her skin, leaving a mark. "I don't think Noona likes it when we all play together." Taehyung said after licking the soft skin where he'd just kissed.

Hani huffed, another short sigh. "Are you two done? We still have practice..."

They ignored her, continuing their conversation. "She doesn't? I think she does..." He smirked, pecking her lips not  once but twice. Their touches were warm and familiar, it's why her body responded, but right now even though she felt hot and a little bothered, this was not she wanted, not right now, not in this moment.


Tae knew what that meant, in fact they both did, his lips froze against her neck and Jimin's gaze suddenly faltered.

The break room door suddenly opened and in came Jungkook. He stopped noticing all three of their positions. Looking at Hani noona's red flustered face, he raised his eyebrows, confusion flashing in his eyes.

Thankfully it seemed to break whatever spell was left over Tae and Jimin, and her, their grips loosening.

"Kookie!" Hani jumped from Tae's lap, almost tripping over her feet and ran up to hug him tugging on the back sweater. "Lets go eat somewhere okay?" Not that she didn't love Jimin and Taehyung, she did, she just needed out of the room for a bit.

  A sudden understanding ticked across JK's face, a protective arm wrapping around her shoulder.

"Noona I-we..." Jimin said first say something with a look of guilt, while Tae couldn't meet her gaze.

"I know." Hani said, smiling gently, knowing she'd already forgiven them, but in the back of her mind she knew Yoongi oppa was right, she just didn't want to admit it.

an: sorry guys, was sick.

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