Pre-debut | 5 jackson wang

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"Hyung! Hyung!" Taehyung whisper-yelled, licking his lips, crouching low as he peaked out their dorm door

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"Hyung! Hyung!" Taehyung whisper-yelled, licking his lips, crouching low as he peaked out their dorm door. "Noona's back! There's a guy with her...."

Jimin scrambled to the door, "Who is it? Ah--!" tripping over their piles of shoes, knocking his head nearly on the metal door before planting himself just above Tae's head, peeping out through the crack. Jungkook just observed, seated on their small couch, biting his lips, nervousness etching his features looking unsure of what to do.

"Shh...I can't tell. He's wearing a snapback, tan, even short like Jimin."

"Yah—" He tsked, smacking Tae, "Someone should text Rapmon Hyung."

"Yah—yah, stop spying on her!" Jin yelled as he was cooking up packets of rameyon for everyone in one giant pot.

"They're hugging—hugging!" Taehyung said, pouting. "He's kissing her!" He gasped in shock and Jin raised his eyebrows, chopsticks stirring the noodles. Kookie's eyes were now blown out, looking like a deer caught in headlights.

"Calm down." Jimin said, shaking his head. "He only kissed her cheek." 

"Omo—he's going inside her dorm. Daebak. Hul." Taehyung flabbergasted. "How could noona do this? What are they doing? Boys are dirty, what is she doing?"

"C'mon Tae." Jimin elbowed him up from up the floor, closing their dorm door shut. "Is someone texting Hyung?"

"Guys let's eat—it's just us tonight. Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon-ah are going to be late tonight." Jin scolded, "You do not spy on your Noona kids, that's bad manners." He set the pot out as Jungkook got the extra bowls and utensils.

Jimin sighed at Taehyung's dramatics, but was a little unnerved himself, not that he and Hani were close, so he didn't quite feel the same sentiments. But what he didn't like was her having a boy over. They all knew the consequences, not that there was a written rule in their contracts, but they all had promised each other, no dating and no relationships—not until they made it.

"Hyung—but ah—N-noona?" Jungkook spoke for the first time. "Um..." He trailed off, unsure of what to say next, sitting down on the floor around their table next to Jimin.

"Don't worry about her," He patted the maknae's head. Honestly, Jin didn't know what to think. Though Hani had opened up a little to him and Namjoon, seen her smile and play around with Taehyung-ah, he wasn't sure what to make of what the maknae's had seen. His brow creased, the stranger her brother maybe? He'd only met him once, but it couldn't be the way they had been describing him.

It was almost nearing midnight, when the rest had shuffled in tired from their rapping and producing session. The jittery and tense mood earlier still hadn't aired out and they could all feel it. Hoseok looked around, able to sense something was up. "What's wrong?" He groaned plopping himself on the couch as Yoongi trudged in yawning. Namjoon raised an eyebrow.

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