Part 9 The 'Search'

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Once I left Jimin in the apartment I met with Jin in the alleyway by my apartment.

"What took you so long?" he asked.

"I had to grab something," I replied.

"Okay," he said and we down the street 'looking' for Jimin.

"Let us start here," he says with a smile on his face. "What part do you want to start at?"

"What do you mean?"

"High or low, up or down." I stood there confused.

"Come on Y/n. Fine, I'll start on the ground and you can get a higher view on the place by climbing up the buildings," he said, "Get going." He started walking down the street.

I begin the 'search' by climbing one building roof. As I am standing on top of the roof I can see the pink sunset sky.

"What am I doing. He is not even out here. This whole search is pointless." I stare at my dirty shoes in disappointment. "This is stupid." I continue walking across some building roofs just staring at the ground.While walking I noticed that it was really quiet. I guess I never took the time to just listen to all the sounds around me. It was nice for a moment. I felt at peace until I realised that this place isn't a peaceful part of the city. I stood there looking at the ground a for a small second when I heard a high pitched girly scream.

"Jimin." I said to myself. I ran to the noise but luckily it was just a girl who got her money stolen. "Someone!! Stop him!! Thief!" She yelled. Does she not know what part of the city this is?"Please." She seems desperate and I've got nothing to do anyway. I pick up the pace and start chasing the person. I slide down a pole on the side of a building, landing in a dumpster."Ow," I rubbed my head, jumped out of the dumpster and ran after the guy. The guy was fast but I could tell he was new at this. How? Because there are 3 rules you need to know before you steal from someone:

1-Keep your eye on the target and don't let them see you

2-Always have your guard up 

3-Know what you're doing

This guy only did one of these things and even he didn't do that good. He failed rule two because I noticed and am going to steal it off him and he failed rule three because while he was running he tripped on the path and fell face first.

"Thanks for the easy money kid," I say grabbing the bag off him."HEY! That's mine give it back!" He shouted at me.

"If it's yours then why do I have it?"

"You stole it off me," he said.

"Not like you did any different." He was quiet.

"Next time you try to steal make it less obvious." I walked away from him and headed to the lady. She was crying on a step.

"Hey is this yours?" I say. She looked up at me.

"Yes, it is." She jumped and hugged me.

"Agh" I can't breathe again. What is it with people who have money and wanting to hug people all the time?

"Thank you, how did you get it back?" she asked.

"It was easy the guy tripped while running."

"I can't thank you enough. Here take this" She handed me a necklace.

"You don't need to-"

"No. Please take it. I was going to sell it but I think you should have it."

"Umm ok thank you" She gave me one last hug and left back to the safe part of the cityI looked at the necklace. It had a small gold heart on a gold chain, I've got to say it looked nice. I put it in my pocket and started to look for Jin. After 30 minutes I found him looking in a dumpster."Jin, what are you doing?"

"Oh Y/n I was looking in this here dumpster because look here there is a body mark in it. I guess that Jimin hides in here so he wasn't spotted." I laugh at his theory because little did he know that body mark was mine when I landed in it chasing after that guy.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Oh nothing, you always seem to amaze me " He looks at me and laughs.

"But anyway Jin we should head back home it's getting late."

We head back to my apartment and Jin is at the window."Hey Y/n."


" I had fun today."

"What do you mean?"

"We haven't done a big hunt like this in a while. It was fun."

"Well, I'm glad you had fun." I walk over to the window to say goodbye when he pulled me in and hugged me.

"Jin... What are you doing?" He lets go and is smiling at me.

"Let's not change in the future, I'm happy with how things are now. Let's keep it that way" His happy face was so adorable.

"Well, see you tomorrow," He said waving. I waved back.

"Oh, one more thing Y/n."


"Are you ever going to tell me who that guy is hiding behind the table?"

Part 9 end

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