Part 17 Choi In-a

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Flash back to 16-year-old Y/n (known as Choi In-a at this time)

"Choi, do you have to go soon?" Jin asked me.

"Yeah. I need to pay a visit to my parents."

"Will you be ok?"

"I'll be fine. And can you stop calling me Choi. My name is In-a. You can call me that. We've known each other for a year. It's not like I'm calling you Kim. "

"Alright... In-a," he said laughing.

I walk away and head for my parents' house.

I hear loud noises on the other side. They're probably drunk again. I open up the door and am greeted by two angry people.

"Where have you been young lady?" my father yelled at me.

"Nice to see you too," I say sarcastically.

"Do you know how late it is?"

"You disowned me when I was seven so am I 9 years late?."

"Don't smart talk me."

"I'm not the once who sold their daughter for drugs." He grabs my neck and starts strangling me.

"Gah, let go."

"Not until you learn to behave. " I was losing consciousness I had to do something. I saw all the empty bottles so I grabbed one and smashed it on his head. He fell to the ground.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!" my mum suddenly screamed at me.

"He was going to kill me."

"YOU STUPID GIRL!! YOU ARE A MISTAKE THAT NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN BORN!!!!" She reaches into her pocket for a knife and came running at me.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!!" I move out of the way but she still managed to stab me in the left shoulder.

"DIE!!!" She ran at me again. I grabbed another bottle and hit her over the head. She fell to the ground.

"Ahh!" I yell in pain, falling to the ground.

Suddenly Jin came running through the door.

"CHOI!!" He ran to me looking at the knife. "You'll be ok."

"I know. Gah." The pain was increasing.

"We have to remove it."


"Trust me." I nod.

"Hold onto something. It will help." I grabbed his jacket. I felt his hand go around the knife handle.

"On the count of three."



"Three." On the third count, I felt the blade leave my skin and the pain rushed back. I gripped onto his jacket really tight. He placed his hand over the wound to keep the pressure. Then he grabbed a cloth that was lying around and wrapped it around the wound.

"Are you ok Choi?"

"Yeah... and what have I told you about calling me Choi."

"Sorry." He looks over at my parents' bodies.

"What are you going to do with them?"

"What I have to." I grabbed the knife and walked up to them.

"Choi- I mean In-a there's no going back if you do this."

"I know." I bend over and lift the knife over my head swinging it into my father's body first. Then my mother's.


We left the house. I stayed at Jin's that night.

The next morning, we went out to see police cars and the police outside my parents' house, investigating what had happened.

"Lucky we got rid of the knife," Jin whispered to me. We started to leave until I heard a person speak. It was a news reporter.

"We are in Banished City in front of the murder scene. Police have confirmed that they are dead. They also confirmed that they had a daughter named Choi In-a and there a high suspicions that she did it. More news to come later." My eyes widened in fear.

"Let's get out of here," Jin said pulling me along.

There were newspapers everywhere about my parents' death and how I had done it.

We headed to a park.

"You're not safe here, In-a."

"I know."

"You'll need to change your... everything."

"I know."

"Stop answering me with 'I know'!!" Why was Jin so worried about me?

"What else am I supposed to do? I have no clue what I am going to do now but I know I have to change myself."

My hair was pretty long so I could cut that... and it's easy to change your name here since there are no records in Banished City.

"I'll cut my hair tonight."


"And, starting from tomorrow, you'll know me by a different name." But what to call myself.

"I've always liked the name Y/n." Jin said to me.

"Sure. Y/n sounds nice."

Part 17 End

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