Part 11 What Are These Feelings?

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Jimin's POV

Jimin's POVNext Morning

The sun was shining through Y/n's window.
"Hi Jimin, did you sleep well?"

"Well... for a floor it was ok," I say. She let out a little giggle.

"Oh, yeah sorry about that. You can sleep on the couch if you want," she replies and points to the couch. It looked no better than the floor if not worse.

"Is your leg feeling any better?"

"Yes, it is," She said standing up.

"Hey, take it easy," I rush over to her to help.

"Jimin," she says pushing me away. "I'm ok, there is no need to help me." She patted my head gently.

"Umm ok then," I stare at my feet feeling all nervous.

"So I'm going to get some food. See you in a bit."

"Wait, are you sure you'll be able to?"

"Well yeah, I won't be fighting anyone and it's just up the road." All these thoughts came rushing into my head. What if she got hurt or Jin came up to her and started fighting her.

"Y/n you don't need to. We will be ok for today," I say nervously to her.

"Umm kid we need to eat. I can't have you dying on me," she laughs. How can she be ok with all of this? When I got hurt it took me days to heal up.

"Are you really sure I'm fine not eating for the-"

"Jimin," she said giving me an are-you-serious face. "You may not think you need food and that's fine. But I haven't eaten for a few days so I have to get something." She didn't even give me the chance to say anything. She just shut the window and left.

What's with the kid and wanting me to stay home all of a sudden. I'm fine. He is so weird sometimes.

While on my way to the store I spot more people out than usual. There isn't this many people out here at once often. They looked like they were searching for something. I leave them be and continue on when I see Jin out with people I've never seen before. I try to avoid him but suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Y/n, how have you been?" I turn around to see he looked different: less easy going, more of a threatening look.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say, stepping back a bit.

"So, I wanted to say sorry for what I did yesterday," he says, gesturing to my leg.

"That's ok. I'm sorry for the punch as well."

"Love makes you do crazy things."


"That boy, your 'friend', he's more than a friend. Am I right?"

"No. Do you want to know the truth? He was a friend that was visiting me from the better side of the city and he's gone now. He left this morning."

"Oh, right ok. But don't you find it a bit fishy that Park Jimin and your so called 'friend' are here at the same time."

"Yeah it is. But I would know if that was him."

"But Y/n, they both look very similar." He shows me a picture of Jimin and my eyes go wider.

"Where did you get that photo from?!" I asked him, staring at the photo.

"Haven't you heard? Oh poor Y/n." He let's out a laugh. "The Park family posted all these throughout this place. I quickly turn around to go home but Jin stops me.

"So it's true! That boy in your house is the Jimin boy."

"Don't be stupid. Don't you think if the brat was in my house then I would have already given him back to his father."

"But I know you too well. If Jimin didn't want to go back home then you would help him. That's the kind of person you are."

I try to push past Jin but he was to strong.
"Jin, let me pass" I say to him.

"Let's have a little talk first." His new friends come behind me and take me to dark alleyway. They push me up against a wall.

"Do you mind?" I say to them.

"Y/n just make this easy. Tell us where Jimin is now." Jin steps closer to me.

"I told you. I don't know where he is. That was just my friend who left this morning."

"Sigh, why do you make this hard for me?" Jin turns around and faces 4 other men.
"You know what you have to do." The 4 men leave and I know exactly where they're going. I have to get back to my place.

"JIN! Let me go!" I shout at him. He ignores me and stares at the gold heart necklace that I wrapped around my wrist.

"Did Jimin give you this?"

"No, I got it from a girl who I helped get her bag back."

"What you help people now? Why are you soft hearted. You would have never lasted out here without my help all these years." I stayed quiet.

"Oh you're not talking. Well, you don't need to. I've gotten my answer out of you. But I can't let you leave now. Not until they give me Jimin."
I grunt and hit slap him in the face. "I was perfectly fine without you in my life." I push him and start running but I feel something hit the back of my head. The last thing I see is Jin standing over me.

Jimin's POV
It has been an hour since she left. I should go looking for her... but she told me not to leave. Why am I suddenly feeling so protective of her? I walk around the room up and down.
"I don't like her do I? I mean, she is sweet and kind to me but that doesn't make a person like someone all of a sudden... or does it? Ahh I don't know. For my whole life, I didn't experience all these emotions. I don't know what to do." Suddenly I hear a knock at the window.

"Y/n, you're back." I open the window, not looking at the person. "I need to talk to you about something-"

"Let's talk about it later." I turn around to see a man holding a knife. I run for the door. I open it and see another guy holding a knife as well.

"Who are you? What have you done with Y/n?"

"It's ok Jimin, Y/n sent us to get you."


"You'll find out soon enough." I had no choice but to follow the men outside. They had a van. It looked stolen. They pushed me in and I see Jin.

"Jimin. Welcome."

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