Chapter 1

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Jailyn's POV:

*alarm rings*
...Groaning and sitting up, slamming my palm on the snooze button as I mentally yell at the alarm clock to shut up.

Great the first day of sophomore year another year of torture. I quickly got up to choose an outfit: a black crop top that has a little knot in the front, some green baggy camouflage trousers, a grey beanie, and finally a grey thin jacket. I brush my teeth with the last bit of toothpaste and give myself a mental note to get another tube of toothpaste at the convenience store. I looked in the mirror briefly since I've never been one to linger my attention at a mirror. I hate seeing my face and body, I'm ugly and hideous I don't need to be reminded every time I look at my reflection so I just try avoiding it entirely. After being satisfied with my outfit I grab my old backpack from the corner of my room, along with my earbuds and my phone.

As I walk towards my door the queasy feeling starts acting up again along with fear. I'll give you two reasons as to why, one my Dad is asleep, two my Dad is a light sleeper. Any little noise can wake him up, I swear its unhuman of how good his hearing is. I mentally prepare myself taking in a few deep breathes and slowly turn the door handle, instantly  seeing my dad's bedroom door that's usually opened wide be fully closed, I let out a sigh of relief as my body relaxed while I thanked the stars but my guard was still up not wanting to become careless I tiptoed my way downstairs. Getting my white shoes from rack beside our front door. I look at the clock and see I'm about to miss my bus so I hurry to my feet, grab my keys, and head out the door locking it behind me as I start dashing to my bus stop that thankfully it isn't too far away it being only a block or two.

I see my bus and the last kid entering... great. Seeing my bus driving off I mentally let out a groan and grew a bit pale.

'Okay Jailyn you have to one walk to school and have the chance to possibly be late or you can go back home and wake dad to give you a ride......' of course I'm choosing option one like hell I'm going to ask my dad for a ride, no thanks I choose life. I check my phone and see I still have an hour left 'Oh my god I can make it!'

I mentally cheer to myself and with that I plugged in my earbuds to my phone and fade out the world with my music. Yes you guessed it BTS aaahhhh~ my precious boys I love them so much their lyrics, the choreography, the beat, rhythm, the messages each song has, and the aesthetic to each video is so amazing I couldn't help but fall in love with each of my seven boys.

Any who, I took the shortest route possible to school but my feet started aching as I walked down the sidewalk. As I'm walking I hear a honking noise so I take out one earbud to figure out where the honk came from while my eyes drifted directly to who was honking  making clear eye contact with her.

My eyes land on a little girl, Julia was her name to be exact she was a 7th grader when I was an 8th grader she was probably the only person who actually talked to me knowing I'm not one to actually chit chat. As I smile at Julia I noticed she wasn't the one driving 'obviously' I said sassing myself mentally. My eyes found their way the driver's and I froze like a deer in headlights my eyes widen... 'Oh no not here not now!! It's him... my crush since elementary.... Aiden' F me.

Aiden's POV:

*alarm rings*

..... the loud buzzing sound echoed off the walls in my room which soon to be accompanied by a banging on my door. "WAKE UP AIDEN YOUR ALARM IS ANNOYING!" my 13 year old sister roared. I woke up annoyed and turned off my ongoing alarm making my little sis huff and stomp off to her room. I sat on my bed for 15mins straight debating whether or not if school was worth it 'which is not worth it! But I'm lowkey scared of my mom so- soon I got up to decide on what to wear, once I did I laid out my clothes on my bed so I can take a quick shower. After getting out of the shower I changed into a simple blue t-shirt some dark Levi's jeans and my Letterman jacket that had number "7" on the back of it, I put on my shoes, got my backpack, car keys, and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning dear how did you sleep?" My mom asked with her sweet caring voice as she was cooking some scrambled eggs.
"I slept like a baby Ma, so where's dad?" I responded with a chuckle.
Not even a few seconds later I heard my dad's voice as I felt his hand ruffling my hair. " hey kiddo ready for the tryouts?!"
" Ready as I'll ever be I guess *chuckles* anyways, I should get going parking to avoid the hassle bye Dad bye Ma!" I saying fist bumping my dad and kiss my mom's cheek, grabbing a piece of toasted bread on my way out.

As I make it to my car I toss my backpack to the passenger seat and turn on the radio and take a deep breathe and I mutter to myself "new year same bullshit". As I'm about to drive off I hear my little sister coming with a fuss making me groan in annoyance 'why is she so noisy this early in the day?!'. "Hey! Don't forget me butthead!" She comes jogging toward my car opening the passenger door throwing both our backpacks in the back seat and plops down on the seat. Damnit I forgot my little sister is a freshmen in my school now, mentally groaning I drove towards "our" school.

As I drive and jam out to the radio with my little sister rolling her eyes in annoyance which made me jam out even more just so I annoy and embarrass her. God I love annoying Julia don't get me wrong I love her I'd do anything for her but I'm not going to tell her that.

Julia's POV:

As my idiot brother was banging his hands on the steering wheel like an imbecile I looked out the window to see a girl walking down the sidewalk. She seemed awfully familiar but I can't put my finger on it 'hmmm...' squinting my eyes to concentrate on the girl as I tried to remember who she could possibly be then it suddenly hit me. " *gasps* It's Jailyn!! Pull over barf breathe!!" I say hitting Aiden's arm repeatedly to get him to stop.

Aiden's POV:

Jumping in my seat from my sister's ear piercing squeal she suddenly let out " *gasps* It's Jailyn!! Pull over barf breathe!!" she says as she's tugging and hitting at my arm. "No." I say with a straight face and keep driving. "What why?! Oh come on pleeeaaassee~~~?" she whined and pleaded, she kept tugging my jacket and whining I started getting annoyed. "Okay okay! Jeez just shut the hell up Jesus fucking Christ, so annoying" with that my sister clapped her hands and cheered with a "yay!". As I made a U-turn and honked at the rather cute girl. After honking at her I see her lift her head and take an earbud out of her ear as she looked at my sister with a small smile. Then she looked at me and her fairly tanned cheeks turned into a crimson pink causing me to cock a brow, wondering why she turned into a pink cheek mess. 

' Is she blushing?? It's a pretty chilly morning that probably why she's flushed she probably cold I should give her my jacket wait WHAT, did I just think that? '

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