Chapter 25

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Aiden's POV:

I'm not sure what time it was or when exactly I saw Jailyn but, sadly enough I knew it probably be best for me to go home. I just had so many questions so many wonders. Where are her parents? Does she have siblings who hate her guts? Why doesn't she talk? Who's hurting her? Why won't she believe someone cares.... why won't she believe I care?

It's been around 15mins since I fixed Peanut's bear or should I say healed "Jimmy". I got to say I've never seen someone my age care about stuffed animals that much, hell my little sister just threw away her stuffed animals or donated them. I for one don't particularly care for them its not that I don't like them they just never caught my attention.

But it's nice to know not all teenagers try act grown, I think that's what drew me to her honestly the fact she was always alone quiet too. I had a few encounters with her in middle school but we've never really talked which now I regret.

"Hey peanut, how long have you had Jimmy?" ' maybe if I start asking about her life she will open up more that way I won't have to wait for her to say it'

"I've had him since I was six" she answered to my surprise but it made me smile seeing her nuzzle her nose to Jimmy's tummy.  "So where are your parents?" I saw her slightly tense and hug Jimmy tighter. "My father is on a business trip. And my mom is in the clouds...."

My heart ached I felt horrible to even ask but the more I know the more I can help. " I'm sorry about your mother peanut, I bet she was amazing and beautiful as you." Right as those words left my lips I freaked the fuck out ' Dude WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! She's mourning and your pull that bullshit?! Jrksodneidnidd aaaaahhhh fuck! She's gonna think I'm just trying to hit on he-' my internal panic was cut off when I heard a small giggle and a little sniffle.

Jailyn's POV:

When Aiden said that I couldn't help but smile, it felt nice to hear someone say something nice about Eomma rather than it being them disgracefully saying her name. But it also sadden me because it's been a while since I've thought of Eomma. I really really miss her and the fun times we had. " Thank you" my response causing him to look at me relieved but confused. "Like I've said I never had friends, and to no one's surprise I was bullied so when people found out I didn't have a mother they weren't nice about it. You're the first person whose told me something nice about my mother, thank you." Giving him a smile I hugged Jimmy more, I miss her so so much I wish she was here maybe I wouldn't be suffering neither would father be so cold, he would be the man I adored not fear.

"Peanut, do you have any siblings?" Shaking my head to answer his question it got me thinking what if I did? Would I be safe or would I be more trapped? "So it's only you and your dad?..... does that mean you dad doesn't like you?" 'Why is he asking all these questions? I mean I did basically tell him everything, it's only fair to answer them truthfully and finally tell him it's not like he's going to tell anyone.....right?' 

Aiden's POV:

Seeing her nod made my heart ache. I don't want to believe such a thing how can someone hate their kid. "Y-you know all parents are tough on us, sometimes we just got to push through no matter how many times they push us down. Besides I'm sure your dad doesn't hate you that's just silly to think. No parent ever hate their kids" After I told her that I gave her a smile but she looked hurt, confused, and something else but it's probably me seeing that. She looked down and hugged Jimmy more. "It's getting late... you should probably head home I don't want you getting in trouble or worrying your parents."

Sighing I started getting up, heading towards the door 'man I wish I could stay a little longer' "Anyway I'll see you tomorrow okay squirt? Stay safe peanut if you need anything just give me a text" she looked up at me with a small smile and nodded and waved with her hand holding Jimmy's paw which frankly made me smile happily. Soon I left, went home with my mom asking me where I was telling her I met up with a friend. Going up the stairs into my room, flopping onto my cushiony bed, staring at the ceiling, and have a goofy smile plastered on my face.

No one's POV:

As both teenagers laid down on their bed getting ready to doze off. Both had lingering thoughts in their noggins that just wouldn't let them go to sleep. One was happy and excited to get a friendship back and able to be away from people in the morning to relax in peace and quiet. The other was questioning whether their parent's treatment was normal to others what if they happened to be overreacting deep down they know there is no way they're overreacting but the voice in their head said other wise.

What was for certain is both teenagers want to get closer to each other but none are brave enough to take the next step into their friendship or at least one is planning too.

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