Chapter 15

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Aiden's POV:

"Who said I wasn't going to learn ASL?"

So right now I'm in the library with peanut. She hasn't and won't look at me... Is she still upset? Should I tell her I'm sorry? How do I? She obviously doesn't want to sign or write anything down. As I'm thinking of ways to get her attention I look at her face and what she's wearing. I see her little nose, her full cheeks making her look adorable, I look at her fair skin, and her hazel eyes... 'Wait, is that a bruise? *eyes flicker to her lips* what the hell happened to her lips?' I finally closely look at Jailyn I notice she has a small scar on her cheek it looked pretty old but her bruises and busted lip looked pretty recent like a few days old.

"Hey jai, what did you do while you were gone from school? " I see her tense up and eyes widened. She stays still almost like she's... Scared? " What happened to your face?" Finally peanut is looking at me with fear in her eyes, she quickly looks away avoiding my gaze 'I'm not letting this one go.' "Jailyn whose hurting yo-" *slam*

Jailyn's POV:

'Why is he asking me this?... Crap I forgot about my bruises... Stop asking, leave me alone, stop. Stop please just stop, s-stop STOP!' I bang my hands on the table trying to control my rapid breathing and hold backs tears from falling. I look at Aiden and it hurts so much.. 'Why do you care now? Why are you even here? Why don't you just go away... Why do you care about someone like me...' I got up taking my things I pushed in my chair and trying to get away. Only to be stopped , trying to leave the other way but he blocks me from leaving I even tried tricking him but his too quick. Getting irritated I let out an annoyed groan which receives a few stares but I could care less at this point. He notices I'm getting restless and then I see him get on his knees. Stepping back wondering what he's doing looking at him as if he's crazy.

Aiden's POV:

I made her cry again... Why do I keep hurting her? I stop her from leaving 'I'm not letting you go this time, I'm not going to let you cry because of me..' I did the only thing that came to mind I got on my knees and begged. "Please don't leave, I'm sorry I'm so fucking sorry I've been such an impatient asshole. I really am sorry peanut... Please let make it up to you, please and if I mess up again if I make you cry again you can hate me forever you can scream and ignore me. I'll even leave you alone if you wish. You don't have to tell me anything it's not my business but if you ever need a friend I'll always be there you can always come to my house your always welcomed. Just please don't leave me" I don't realize tears falling onto my cheeks and I can't stop them so I buried my face in my hands 'I'm so pathetic... She won't ever forgive me she hates-' I feel something cold slip in on top of my wrist then them getting pulled down from my face and my eyes shine with hope and I take shaky breathes.

Jailyn's POV:
My heart kept skipping beats with every word that came out of his mouth then my heart started ache and blushing when he said those last few words "Please don't leave me.. " I felt empathy for him, I could tell he genuinely regretted what his done. I didn't know what to do I didn't know how to comfort him....' I got an idea.' I got out my ruler I gently and carefully put the ruler against his wrist and pulled down to see his face. I looked at him with understanding eyes, smiled assuring him, and I mouthed to him

"I forgive you"

I never seen his eyes so wide and filled with happiness not even with after winning a football game. How I know that well let's just say I went to some games and watched from afar and would receive a good beating when I got home, but it was always worth it to see him cheering after every win. Blushing a little more I took away the ruler from his wrist and waited for him to go to class.

'This is going to be an interesting year' I thought to myself.

Aiden's POV:

I couldn't stop smiling 'I have the chance to make it up to her should I ask her to hang out? Or is it too soon what if she's busy should I take the chance? ' As I'm walking beside her I notice her little habits she has like keeping her head down as she walks, her arms bent and against her stomach, how she pushes back her glasses then puts her hair behind her ear, how she stops in her spot when someone is walking near her letting them pass by first. Looking  and noticing her habits I wonder if she's always had them. "Hey peanut? "
She looks up at me with her big Bambi like eyes big round just adorable and I almost wanted to just squish her face... 'What the hell is wrong with me that's weird' *clears throat* "Um I wanted to ask you if you'd like to go to the park maybe get some ice cream sometime? " 'Why are my hands so sweaty ew gross, is it a little hot in here or is it just my face'.....

Jailyn's POV:

(Time skip)

Well guess where I am ding ding ding! Bingo correcto... You probably didn't guess any way it's lunch time and I'm in my music room and yes I say mine because literally no one else uses it rarely. Munching on my salad I made also trying to come up with a song but with no luck. I've always wanted to write a song but they never come out write it's either the lyrics or the music that's off. I huff annoyed so instead of writing music I play the piano instead and I let myself get completely drowned into the music. The day went on like normal except I managed to avoid Karissa but in reality I didn't need to since Aiden would walk with me to classes we had together but I would hide behind him whenever his friends we're walking with us. His friends would notice I was hiding behind him but they didn't question which I'm thankful for I've learned some of their names they seem like cool people 'I wonder if I'd ever get introduced to them' I shake away the thought and just kept walking. Also Aiden is actually talking to me in some classes. Surprisingly it felt really nice to just listen to someone ramble on about something anything but...

Little did I know someone was hearing me play on the piano that very day and will be hearing me everyday for the next few weeks.

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