Chapter 30

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Aiden's POV:

After discussing the plan we all just chilled and relaxed soon the gang left one by one. Which was odd to say but I'm glad they did because I still want to learn about Jailyn, her habits, her likes dislikes, her mentality and I'm sure I can find out in some ways. For now it was just me and peanut in my room letting her watch TV and me trying to do my English essay. I mean writing shouldn't be difficult right? Right?! But no~ of course I suck ass in it. Basically we have to write our opinion what we believe and think of the world if its dark and cruel or if its still light and hopeful. In all honesty I don't know what to write, I wonder what jai wrote. "Hey peanut, what did you write in your essay for English? " She looked at me and tried remembering "I don't remember but you can look in my bag if you'd like I don't mind. " She went back to watching a cute little show that I believe was made for kids but I'm not gonna judge her it's kind of cute ngl. I think it's called malong mopang- Molang! That's the name haha anyways, with that I nodded and looked through her bag finding her essay and began to read it. While reading the essay peanut tapped my shoulder and asked where the bathroom was telling her where it is she thanks me and goes on her way.

Jailyn's POV:

Following Aiden's directions I was making my way to the bathroom, as I was my curious eyes looked around their home and it was beautiful it gave such a warm welcome environment it felt more homey than my own home. Due to me being distracted I accidently bumped into someone and that someone was a tall man almost as tall as Aiden with a scruffy beard, serious face expression and built like a rectangle. "Hey watch where your going" The man said in a deep and serious tone with his eyebrows scrunched in slight annoyance. My first reaction was to cower beginning to shake, I felt my vision blur, my heart race, my throat clog, the only thing in my mind was to ' Run.... Run... Run!!!! He's going to beat you like father! Run he's angry run!! Stupid dummy run!!! Run!!! ' despite the yells and screams in my head I couldn't move a muscle being too afraid at the thought the man would catch up to me if I chose to run. He got closer "What's wrong with you kid, you okay? " He tried putting his hand on my shoulder and look into my eyes, stepping back and flinching when he tried grabbing me I started hyperventilating. I was scared I wanted to go home, I wanted Eomma, I wanted Aiden to save me someone anyone...

I whimpered pathetically and started to cry like a scared child, I felt pathetic to cry to be terrified I felt horrible to compare this man to my father but my mind is telling me all men are like father... All fathers are like father when they get angry. I felt horrible to judge this man by his anger but my fragile heart and mind didn't let me think other wise. Looking at this man with fear I grew more terrified as he kept getting closer and asking of my well being. Suddenly hearing my name be yelled I jolted, cried out, covered my mouth, and shook ever so violently.

Aiden's POV:

After reading her essay a great essay might I add I start wondering what was taking her long. It's been a couple minutes so I get up and walk out to the hall I walk down towards the bathroom and see my dad towering over Jailyn with a concerned expression and peanut shaking violently being able to hear her cries. My dad tried to reach for her shoulder which made my blood boiled running down the hallway to shield my smol peanut. "Dad back off! Your scaring her! What the hell did you do to her?!" Yelling at him my voice was filled with rage.

"Hey hey easy boy I didn't do anything to your friend. We were walking towards each other's direction and we bumped into each other that's when she looked all spooked I tried to help but she kept backing up and looked more scared. " My dad replied calmly since he knows how easily defensive I can get but he looked more surprised of my reaction to everything knowing I'm not this defensive for my friends not even Jenny since she could stick up for herself.

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