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Ryan is dragged to a New Year's party he doesn't want to attend.

Christmas Drag Era


"Brendon, seriously, I don't understand why this party is so necessary," Ryan said as Brendon dragged him along.

"Are you kidding me?! Hell, you used to have that really cool blue party hair. Then you went natural." Brendon suddenly yanks harder on his arm. "This is the last party of the year! The decade! You can't just skip it."

"Funny how that was exactly what I was planning on doing before I met your ass for coffee."

"You love me. You can't resist this striking hot charisma."


Brendon continues to tug Ryan down the street until they reach the correct house. The door isn't even open and already Ryan wonders how many noise complaints will be filed before the end of the night.

It's only eight o'clock.

Brendon doesn't seem to take this into account and shoves Ryan into the house anyways. Then again, Brendon is the literal embodiment of noise. Of course it wouldn't phase him.

"Gosh, it's wild in here," Ryan tries to say over the blasting pop music. Bodies sway in sensual, definitely-not-acceptable-at-high-school-prom ways while others were crowded in corners doing and touching god knows what. Alcohol sloshes from the cups of those who are probably too far gone and groups of girls gossip and a game of beer pong is taking place in the other room.

Brendon pats him in the back. "Wild is in style. Now, why don't you go fill your social interaction quota for the day?"

"I filled it by talking to you on the way over here, but sure."

Ryan is suddenly pushed towards the excitement. He flails in the sea of bodies before turning back to search for Brendon, only to see him eye fucking a taller boy with the lips and eyes that match his own. The two disappeared, but Ryan had a feeling he knew where their final destination would be.

Feeling ultimately betrayed, Ryan squeezes through the pulsating crowd until he reached the not as populated kitchen. He takes a seat at a bar stool, contemplating how he's gonna keep himself busy. Brendon was his ride over here, and while he could call an uber, they're in the middle of one of the biggest, richest neighborhoods in LA. The nearest uber is at least thirty to forty-five minutes away. He doesn't know if he'd have enough to pay the fee anyways.

"Huh, someone here's actually not drinking," a voice to Ryan's left says.

He swivels in the stool to find the speaker. His eyes land on a tall man with dazzling blue eyes of Neptune.

Ryan drinks in his features before realizing he's staring and quickly snapping his eyes away.

"I'm really not the partying type."

"Hmm. What a shame. This one doesn't seem half bad." The man takes the seat next to him. "I'm Dallon. You?"


"So Ryan. What brings you to this party?"

"In all honesty? A friend of mine dragged me here. I have no idea why he was so adamant about it. He's at parties at the time."

"Your friend sounds exciting."

"Yeah, a lot more exciting than me."

Dallon nods before he rubs his chin. "Oh! I know what'll loosen you up." He turns to the kitchen. "Hey Josh, two shots please."

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