An announcement to the loyal readers: the allegations

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Hey everyone.

I was really hoping I wouldn't have to do this. That I wouldn't be here, in this moment, depleted of my optimism. That I wouldn't be so goddamn disappointed in someone I looked up to so much.

Brendon Urie. That's the name that's been doing its rounds across social media. Not for the right reasons unfortunately.

I can't believe it's come to this, but I will not be writing his character in this book until further notice. Upon the release of more information, I will debate whether to completely scrub him from my works if it comes to that. As of now, his name remains.

I was thinking it would blow over. I was thinking it was all lies and rumors, but there's a grain of truth to everything. Clearly, some foul play has been afoot, but how much exactly, I do not know.

Know this:

—I am with Dallon

—I am with Breezy

—I am with anyone who has been a victim to body shaming

—I am with anyone who has been a victim to sexual assault

—I am with any fans who have felt uncomfortable from Panic!

—I am with any fans who are in shock and are left to stare blankly at their fan pages, fanfics, and fan art, at a loss for what to do

—I will always side with you, my loyal readers

Is it bad I want this all to be some terrible nightmare? Is it bad a part of me still refuses to believe this and is constantly making arguments for him?

I will admit, it will not be easy for me to come to terms with this, but I must. I realize to ignore it would be endorsing it and that's the absolute last thing I ever want to do. Ever.

Last Christmas, my dearest friend gifted me a Panic! at the Disco shirt, knowing I am, was, a huge fan. It is the one and only piece of band merchandise I own.

And now my dearest friend's kind gesture has been tarnished.

I had bought A Fever You Can't Sweat Out CD early in January for when I got a car.

I do not know if I'll ever play it.

I always wonder why all these celebrities, all these successful people who beat the odds and ascend to the stars fall so low. It's the most baffling thing to me. They had it all. Why throw it all away? Why risk everything you built yourself up to be?

If you'd like more information, there are a sum of fan pages who have dedicated their page to spreading awareness.

Thank you for your time.

I love you all.


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