First day

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Waking up Monday morning to a sound of a alarm clock that she never set, Arden throws it at a wall knowing its going to break, but after the second Arden throw it she waits for the sound of the alarm clock shattering with a smile appears on her evil face Arden closes her eyes once again, but its shorted lived as the evil smile soon disappears when she hears another alarm go off making her climb out of bed with an annoyed expression, grabbing the metal bat along side her bed Arden only has one thing in her mind and thats smashing the alarm clock in little pieces so it's no longer working. Now up, Arden makes her way to the shower letting the hot water run down her body needing it after working up a sweat swinging her bat around the bedroom, but she can't stop think about one thing.... her parents, would they be proud of her. Once shower, Arden throws on some black ripped jeans which she just grabbed out the draw with a black tank top, showing off her sparking belly ring, and finishing her look with a black cap to hide her face mainly her ocean blue eyes. As Arden is dressed and ready to go she makes her way out the back door to the garage throwing her bag in her bulletproof Audi RS, remembering she forgotten her transfer papers, running back in Arden hits her knee on the table in the kitchen causing Arden to throw a fit wondering where the table came from.
"Hate morning, hate pupil school, hate people" she says to herself out loud as she drives to school, after putting the direction into her car GPS.

Reaching the school Arden pulls out her transfer papers she threw somewhere in the car and throws them in her bag not caring if they rip knowing as long as she got the papers its going to be ok but once she opens her car door instant regret creeps up knowing this isn't what she wanted to do on a Monday morning but instead she wants to find out who killed her parents. As she steps out the car Arden feels a few eyes on her but looking around she thinks to herself and lowers her head, hiding her face with her long black hair and cap, making her way into the school halls dodging the students as they walk pass her trying not to barge into another student Arden is searching for the main office once finding directions Arden comes face to face with a elderly lady in her early forties sat behind the desk
"Hello dear, how may I help you" she says politely towards Arden who just slides her papers across the desk towards the lady, watching the lady as she reads them, Arden hoping that her parents got the information right to save her any embarrassment, she's secretly hoping that the lady doesn't ask any question about her background or anything as her parents death is still fresh and on her mind after all it was there idea to send her to pupil school
"Welcome here's your timetable, locker number and a map. Good luck" the lady says handing everything at once to Arden who looks at her taken back by all the paperwork
"Thank you" Arden says so clearly and respectful which takes the lady by surprise as not many students are like that. Looking at her timetable, Arden takes note off the class and looks at the map, the bell has already rang and everyone is already in class so Arden couldn't ask for direction from any students walking pass, she wings it and looks for the door number for her lesson not caring if she's late
"213,214 finally 215" Arden says to herself as she places everything in her bag before walking into the classroom.

Waiting a few seconds before walking in the classroom, Arden opens the door to everyone eyes darted to her who stands there looking annoyed at the attention, she gives the teacher a piece of paper and looks for a empty seat
"Welcome miss sanders, introduce yourself before taking a seat for me please" the English teacher says placing the paper on her desk, Arden looks at the teacher giving her the serious face, not wanting to introduce herself.
"I'm a private person prefer to be left alone, disturb me and I'll break your fingers" Arden says taking her seat at the back next to a girl who looks frightened to death. The teacher goes back to writing on the board after gulping at Arden introduction, everyone eyes go back to the board, not daring to test her patient as Arden looks the part dressed in all black with only her eyes standing out, no one can miss those blue eyes
"Do you have a spare pen hun, I left mine in the car?" Arden Says to the girl who looks like she's going to jump out her seat, the girl doesn't say anything, instead she just slides the girl the pen not wanting to be beaten up
"Don't worry, I don't bite..:.. hard" Arden says rolling her eyes in laughter.


Making the lesson in time Jason takes his normal seat next to Nate, as they wait for the teacher to start the lesson he looks down at his phone but within seconds the door fly's open and a new girl walks in heading towards the teacher, watching on Jason cant help but think he knows her but as she hands the teacher a piece of paper, Jason looks the new girl up and down impressed but somehow he can't get the girl from the weekend out his head
"Damn, she looks hot" Nate says quietly so only Jason hears who just rolls his eyes at the players remark. Watching the new girl he decides to listens for her name which never comes, instead she frightens everyone including the teacher with her introduction which makes him and Nate laughs a little, no one ever frightens the teachers without them talking back
"What a feisty little one" Nate jokes not taking his eyes away from her. But Jason takes his eyes away from the girl and back to the board but pulls his phone out seconds later and plays a game trying to ignore the lesson knowing he can pay the teacher for his grades

After the lesson ends Jason and Nate are first out the door and within minutes are waiting next to there lockers for warning bell for the next class when a barbie looking student comes walking over to him banging her heels on the hard floor, with her fingers playing with her hair, Jason rolls his eyes all the way back already knowing who it is and not impressed
"Hey handsome" she try's to say trying to sound flirty but before he can reply someone is laughing from a distance at the encounter
"I guess every school has a school slut and I found her already" Arden says to her friends who are laughing at the barbie however it didn't sit well with the girl who they was laughing at, as the barbie stands there she pulls a face which makes Arden laugh a little more
"Who you calling a slut new girl" the barbie looking girl says directly towards Arden who doesn't back down from anyone, but remembering what her dad told her by keeping her head down, she walks off not wanting to start a fight on the first day or bring attention to her she decides to leave it but not before rolling her eyes at the barbie with fake nails
"Walk away new girl" barbie shouts who turns back round to Jason who stands observing the action between the girls hoping the new girl would of hit some common sense into barbie
"Calm down Josie" Nate says to barbie holding up his hands in surrender laughing at her. Josie not pleased with the whole encounter ends up walking away after from the boys and too her next class leaving Jason and Nate to themselves once again happily
"How does Liam Jackson and Evie woods know the new girl?" Jason says to Nate who has the same question in mind, both boys know that Liam isn't exactly someone you would mess with or someone you want to know
"Get someone to check who she is, don't need another problem right now" Jason says to Nate before walking off to his next class after hearing the warning bell.


After school Arden doesn't waste any time sticking round and races home making sure she not being followed once again, its only her first day and she doesn't want to let her parents down by starting trouble straight away, turning the corner Arden brakes checks and looks in the mirror to see if anyone else's brakes or drives straight pass without a glance, looking around for anyone, Arden reverses and take a right heading down her street, putting her car in her garage as fast as she can but not taking her eyes off the street. Once the car is in the garage Arden takes the opportunity to hack into the streets cameras around her house, making sure every corner of the street is being monitored closely so no one creeps up on her, if someone does she got a clear shot on camera of there face. After checking the house, Arden sets a computer room up at the very top of the houses with three big screen, with one screen reading 'Rossi family'. Arden doesn't want to mess this up with laying low is the best chance to have to stay alive and she knows it.

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