The rossi's

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Running, that's all Arden has ever known....after witnessing her parents take their final breath right in front of her, Arden doesn't know what to do as she looks at her parents as they lay their in their own blood. Not fully understanding why her parents was killed Arden is left with nothing but questions but the unknown question to everything is, why? Looking around Arden can't do anything knowing their still someone around watching... waiting. Her whole life has been nothing but twists and turns and now as she looks at her parents she can't believe everything her parents once said is becoming a reality. Sitting in the back seat of the car Arden making sure that the masked men have gone, Before climbing out and being by her parents side, begging them not to go, wishing that they stay with her, but her parents knew this was coming, it's time they parted ways with there beloved daughter leaving her with the more questions then answers. Before her parents take there final breath they whisper a hand full of words before finally taking there last breath leaving her all alone with nothing but hatred towards the world. Kneeling beside her parents as tears run down her face, she knows she has to follow her father dying wishes to keep herself safe, climbing to her feet Arden takes one final look hoping this was all a dream but the world isn't on her side, as Arden takes off running into the darkness of the night Arden doesn't look back knowing there's only one place to go and thats to the secure safe house her parents once told her about, not looking back as she disappears in the darkness, dodging cars and bikers, Arden takes a sharp left turn making sure she's not being followed, once Arden knows she's in the clear she doesn't hesitate before throwing her phone in the riverbank leaving her phone on so they can track the phone and not her instead. Knowing she needs to get to the safe house alone, Arden watches as her phone float away disappearing in the night but once the phone is out of sight so is Arden as she takes a sharp right running and not looking back. Twenty minutes of constant running, Arden arrives at the house out of breath begging her lungs not to give way before she has time to leave the county. As she looks on Arden sees a two story house with a metal fence surrounding it, looks like it owned by rich folks no surprise as she thinks about her parents and what they did as jobs. Running round back, Arden takes the back door, not sure what she could encounter, picking up a metal pole from outside the door for precaution arden begin the search.

Few minutes into the house with a mental pole in one hand Arden begins to look for something her parents told her when she was little but as Arden thinks about her parents the images of them laying cold on the floor comes flooding though her mind wiping the tears that come running down her cheeks hitting the floor as she walks around the house. As Arden walks slowly a floor board cracks, with a smile Arden knows she has found what her parents wanted, peeling the floor board back and grabbing the box her parents wished her to take she places it under her arm before carrying on securing the house. Arden carries on looking around not sure what to expect, she takes the her time roaming with the mental bat in hand ready to strike before finding a secure place to sit, once roamed Arden takes her time opening the box, unaware of what's content is in the box. Pulling out a letter with a necklace wrapped around it, Arden takes a minute to read, not knowing what to expect she braces herself.

Dear Arden
We're sorry we had to keep it from you, we never intended for it too get this far. We promised a favour to someone which was to created a hacking devices that can hack into anything, there's some people after it for the wrong reasons. We want you to go back home, it's not safe anymore, you remember what I said, head down, hands up. If you ever get in a spot of bother, ring this number at the back and say "Code A" and hang up. We love you, stay safe little one. I love you my little tigger happy bean
'look within buttercup'
Love mum and dad.

As Arden reads the letter, a single tear slides down her face, dropping down on the paper smuggling a hand written word, Arden wipes away her tears as she looks at her mother handwriting remembering how she wanted to write just like her when she was little but as she grown her handwriting turned out to be like her fathers. As Arden puts the letter down sees the buttercup necklace lying down by her legs, without thinking she picks the buttercup necklace and puts it around her neck holding closely to her heart not wanting to let it go with it being the only thing from her parents that she has left, she can't go back home to collect her thing. As Arden just sits there a couple of minutes pass by, she realises it's time to move on before they come searching for her, she picks up four fake passports with fake names on with her picture from the box and throws the passports in the bag she found lying in the room, with the letter and credit cards also in the box. She rushes out the door, to the closest airport, escaping Italy without looking back. Italy holds too many memories Arden wants to forget, and not the good memories.


Waking up to the sun shine though the open window, Jason throws a pillow over his head, trying to stop the light from hitting him directly in the face, he's never been a morning person and isn't going to start now. After a hour, Jason finally decides to get out of bed after having a rough night last night of which he cant remember. Not sure which girl he bought home either, rolling downstairs he sits next to his little brother who has a toothy smile on his face with his sister in front of him looking at her book. His mum gives him a polite smile, nodding her head for her son to take a seat ready for breakfast.
"Your letters today mr. Hardy" the maid says handing over the letters to Jasons dad Christian who places them on the table without looking at them, a single hand written letter catches his eye making him drop his toast from his hand, the table turn to him as he picks up the letter observing it. Christian sits silently as he looks at the letter... the handwriting he knows so well but don't dare to think the worse. without any thing else being said he opens it slowly with the table watching him.

Dear Christian,
I know it's been a while my friend, however I come with bad news, they have found me, it means if you reading this letter it means that I am no longer alive. I managed to finish it but with all the bad attention it has gotten over the last few months, I have hid it, you have a leak my friend. I don't hold you responsible for my death but my daughter is in great danger. I'm hoping my daughter gets to you before they get to her. I'm calling in my favour, keep her safe. If she shall die in your presence, we shall no longer have an alliance between us. I hope you look after her as your own.
Your fallen friend of arms

Reading the letter word by word, Christian doesn't take his eyes from the piece of paper, as he reads from left to right, he can't believe his friend has fallen. Throwing the paper on the table slamming his hand with it, he pulls his phone out the pocket, his face showing nothing but anger, his wife picks the paper up reading it as her husband takes a step away from the table on the phone
"I want Rossi's daughter found now!" He slams his hand on the table again talking into the phone, he doesn't care about no one other then his fallen friend and his daughter. He knows she can look after herself but the favour he wished was never called in, has. Not bothered how they find her, he wants her now, not wanting to let his friend down
"Valentine and Michael Rossi daughter, find her now, I'll start killing every single person if they can't locate her" he slams his hand down on the table again, hanging up his phone and throwing it at a wall in front of him. Jason looks on as he sees a tearful eyed mother and angry father, it's his turn to read the letter, scanning from left to right he reads on.
"He's called on his favour, this is serious" Christian says to his wife April as she looks on wiping the way her tears as they try to escape. A favour between two friends is bound, theres no turning back when the favour has been called, and Christian knows it
"Who's the Rossi family" Jason asks as he passes the letter back towards his dad, he knows the Rossi must have a strong connection and back ground for his father to lash out the way he has
"They are the Italian mafia, best of the best. Me and Michael went to the same college, we become inseparable" Christian says taking a breath as he speaks. Christian has never been a man to cry but as he speaks off his friend, the tears can't help themselves as they escape and roll down his freshly shaved face.
"I asked him for a favour, he was the best hacker in the world, with a killer sniper shot. The favour got him killer, and now he's called in his favour to find and protect his daughter " he says storming off towards his office breaking everything in his way.

Following his dad, Jason takes a left as his dad takes a right. Heading to his room Jason is taking in everything his father has just told him, he had no idea that his father knew the Italian mafia, they don't have no allies, they rather face everything alone then be backstabbed by another gang and with that, that what made them the best Jason though to himself as he thinks about what his father told him when he was teaching him about becoming the leader. Roaming through his room, his dad shouts at him though the door
"Meeting tomorrow night 9pm"

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