Dance floor

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Touching down, Arden has kept her head down the whole flight like she promised, avoiding eye contact with the pupil and the flight attendants, she doesn't want anymore drama to deal with or anyone knowing the infamous daughter of Italian mafia is on American soil. finally coming off the plane Arden looks for the closest exit which she spots on the left. Once out, Arden follows the direction her parents wrote down for her on a piece of paper which she took out her pocket, making sure she not being followed, she takes a sharp right like her father wrote down. Her father wrote everything and Arden follows it to the spot knowing one mistake can result in death. Bringing her eyes up, they connect with a massive sign reading 'welcome to rosella gardens' smiling to herself Arden looks for the house her parents wrote down number 53, once spotting it, she stands outside observing it  in amazement and it's located in a lovely area code. Taking the keys out her pocket, Arden walks in shocked at how well it has been maintained over the years, taking a few minutes to walk round, Arden finds the one place she's always loved, the kitchen. Opening every draws, she spot another letter and transfer paper for a school with her fake name on. Reading the letter, Arden has a thrown on her face, as they want her to go to pupil school, a place she has never wanted to attend. Not pleased one bit Arden throws the papers back down annoyed but if her parents wish her to go to school, it's what Arden would do.

Hearing a floor board crack, Arden turns round in a blink grabbing a gun under the table and pointing it towards two figure standing by the open door, it takes her less then ten seconds to point the gun but after realising who was stood behind her. Dropping the gun while flicking the safe back on knowing there no threat to her but actually family that stand at the door
"You scared me" Evie says smacking Arden on the shoulder, Evie woods is one of Arden close friends as well with Liam Jackson, all three of them was close when she lived here from her childhood before her parents moved back home to Italy to run the mafia with a iron fist
"Where your parents?" Liam asks confused as he never saw any cars on the drive, Arden lowers her head remembering everything that has happened in the last twenty four hours wiping away the tears that have followed. After telling Evie and Liam everything, they both agreed to keep her identity a secret, changing her last name from the same one on the passports. Liam would do anything to protect Arden.

"We're taking you out, to cheer you up" Evie says with a grin on her face, she has a perfect place to let her hair down and have a drink for Arden parents, best way to thank her parents is too have a drink for them.
"I'm going to take a while guess and say night club?" Comes out of Arden mouth, rolling her eyes, Evie eyes widened taken back with how well she knows her friend. Arden knows better then anyone she doesn't have time to moan her parents death, the world keeps moving and once she has her parents killer six foot under then she moans her parents.
"Yes so let's get you dressed, we going to give you a weekend to remember before you start school Monday" Liam says pushing his friend upstairs, Evie has already ransacked her wardrobe while Liam was pushing her in the shower. Coming out the shower, Evie pulls out a outfit for Arden

Walking into the club, Arden has mouths dropping with her stunning outfit, a simple black dress, hugging her curvy body, the dress just above the knees showing her toned leg, she left something for the imagination even though there was no need as she has her mother looks but her fathers temper. Walking onto the dance floor, Arden starts to swing her hips from left to right, moving along to the music trying to forget the twenty four she just had and maybe trying to have a normal night. After a couple of minutes dancing, Arden feels someone behind her, she doesn't stop swinging her hips instead she backs up against the male, placing her arse against him. Feeling his hand slide on her hips but instead of slapping them away, Arden places her hands onto of his and swings her hips against his groin, as she does that she hears a slight moan escape his mouth and a grin appears on her face as a idea pops in her head. Arden turns round, placing her hands on the strangers chest under his top, moving her cold hands slowly down his chest, feeling every ab on the way down, but she doesn't stop there. Slowly running her hand down his v line, before placing one hand firmly on his piece trying to escape his pants she whispers a could of a words while her other hand grabs his hair
"Not bad big boy" in his ear, before taking off in the crowd, the stranger stands there in shock off what just happened. Not believing a girl in the night managed to escape without him taking a name or number.


Sitting at the table waiting for everyone to appear, Jason nods to his best friend across the table giving him a grin
"Did anyone find the girl!" Christian slams both his hands on the table, everyone looks at each other not daring to say anything, as a angry Christian is a shoot first, ask questions later kind of person, he pulls his gun out of his hoarse and places in down on the desk as a caution, he doesn't have time to play games no when a life so important is in the balance
"We have hacked in every airport, if she leaves Italy, we will be alerted" his second in command says taking a slip of his water needing it as the sweat comes rolling down his forehead.
"I want Ryan and Tyler flying to Italy, look for her and any clues. We are the god damn mafia, someone give me something" Christian says running his hands though his black hair frustrated he cant find one simple girl
"She's Michael daughter, Did he buy any houses, in case something like this" Jason says looking around at anyone to see if they check for anything similar, someone pulls out a computer and starts looking into it
"Shes is Michael daughter, god we are never going to find her. If he taught her everything I know she's gone underground. Michael was highly trained to be a ghost. Its going to be like looking for a needle in a hay stack" Christian says turning his back to the group sliding his hand though his hair.

After the meeting Jason walks out the room with a grin on his face, he knows that could of gone better but it didn't, Jason knows full well no one is finding Arden unless she wants us to find her plus we can't be the only ones looking for her.
"Drinks" he says nodding toward his friends who just nod back heading towards the nearest exit and down to there club. Once reaching the club Jason, Aj and Nate head straight towards the vip section which on looks the dance floor, a small curvy women swinging her hips catches Jason eye, he watches on for a few more minutes before heading down there, he's impressed with the way her hips move. He slowly walks behind the girl who's dancing trying not to sacred her away, he's right behind her at this point but the women backs up on him without looking to see who she's backed into. Jason decides to place his hands on her hips and dance along to her beat but what he didn't expect was a moan coming from his mouth, he try's to hide the moan but he knows she heard it. Carrying on dancing, he feels the women cold hands on his chest, not stopping the women, he feels her hands move down slowly, thinking about ways he wants to take her, he didn't realise his member was begging to come out his pants but he ignores it for the time being until he feels a hand on his nob. Jason is taken back by the action, not taking his hands of her hips, pulling her closer to himself, he hears
"Not bad big boy" come out of the female mouth, this hasn't help him contain his excitement one bit. Not sure how to handle it, he sees the women fade away in the crowd without a goodbye.

Trying to push down his excitement, Jason walks back to his friend in vip section who happened to watch the whole show take place but they never got a clear look at the dancer, the club isn't known for its lightening so seeing who the dancer was is impossible for all three of them but its not stopping Jason from wanting a name.
"That was one hell of a show man" Nate says laughing as he looks at his friend trying contain his laughter which he doesn't do well as AJ burst into laughter as he just watched his friend get turned down harshly.
"Tell me you got a name" Aj says still laughing, Aj walks over to him and punches Jason shoulder lightly who just stands there realising he actually didn't get her name or a clear looks at the girls face with how dark the dance floor was, he rolls his eyes and heads towards the bar after sending a quick text to his computer guy 'I want the name of the girl I was dancing with at the club' then signalling a the barman who walks down to him
"Whiskey" he says as the man grabs the glass and pour him his drink in front of him
"She left you wanting more ay" the barman says with a grin on his face as he seen the girl and admits to himself that she was a looker
"Don't worry, I'll get a name and a date" Jason says without thinking and walks off back to his friends hoping they calm down with the jokes

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