Mystery Meat 2

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...Continued from Mystery Meat

"Losers?" Ricky whispered. Dicky sat, shell-shocked. Then suddenly he shot back up again.

"That's right, losers!" He said cruelly. "Losers that made me lose my girlfriend. Losers that drove her away. You three are downright--"

"DICKY." Dawn was suddenly facing Dicky off. "WE'RE YOUR SIBLINGS. Harpers for Harpers, right?"

Dicky took a deep, shaky breath and calmed down a bit. "Harpers for Harpers." He said shakily, and sat back down. Dawn put her hands on his shoulders.

"Kayley will come around." She assured him. "She'll see how great you are." Now that the dramatic parts were over, the popular kids immediately became rowdy again. "Kayley won't leave you forever. No sane girl would. Ever."

"Thanks, Dawn." Dicky said. He rested his chin on his hands and closed his eyes. Ricky and Nicky crowded around him, speaking words of encouragement.

"Don't worry, Dicky, we'll be here for you." Said Nicky.

"Yeah. I don't have the statistics for how this will turn out, as girls are so unpredictable, but I'm sure it'll all turn out fine." Ricky patted his brother on the back.

Meanwhile, Dawn gazed off towards the girl's bathroom into which Kayley had vanished. A couple cheerleader girls had entered after they'd seen Kayley strut into it like a queen bee. Something was going on in there. Dawn just knew it.

She crept over to the door and slid it open soundlessly. Somehow, she was able to get in and lock herself in a stall without being seen. She took her phone out to record the conversation.

"--and then I stormed away acting all mad." Kayley was saying. "I'm such a good actress."

"You are, Kayley." Two other voices fawned over her. "You're brilliant."

"I know right? I mean, to love a boy like Dicky... who could? It would take major acting chops to pull a stunt like this off." There was a sound like Kayley flipping her hair again. "Is my lipgloss okay?"

"It's perfect, Kayley," The two voices chorused. "You're perfect."

"I know, I know." Kayley said.

"Tell us your plan again, Kayley!" One of the girls squealed.

"It's amazing!" The other girl added.

"Okay, okay, if you insist." Kayley said happily. Dawn saw the shadow of Kayley's feet leaping up off the ground. She assumed that Kayley had just hopped onto the sink counter. "First, I date Dicky. I isolate him from the populars. Secretly, I hang out with the populars as 'Dicky's girlfriend'. I insert myself into their group as an equal, then dump Dicky's sorry butt and leave his heart for those loser siblings of his to pick up the pieces."

"Brilliant," The voices sighed, "Absolutely breathtaking. You are a genius, Kayley."

"I know." Kayley said. "I better get back out there and give Dicky a second chance. Hopefully by now those idiot siblings of his have left the table. Or better yet, the school." The three girls laughed evilly, then Dawn heard the sound of them leaving the bathroom. She pressed the 'stop recording' button on her cellphone and carefully stepped out of the stall.

There were empty lipgloss tubes littered around the bathroom counter, and a nailpolish smear on the mirror somehow. Dawn's mind was whirling. She'd always known something was up with Kayley, but this was just pure evil.

Dicky would be broken, both emotionally and socially. Dawn had to get out there and save her brother's heart.

Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn The CheerleaderWhere stories live. Discover now