The Plan

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"Alright, guys, so here's what I've figured out--" Nicky Harper led his siblings down the staircase into the living room. "While you were asleep all last night, I was up plotting our revenge against Kayley."

"Seriously, how do you keep getting this chalkboard in here?" Ricky cried, throwing his hands up. In the middle of the living room stood the big chalkboard Nicky repeatedly brought into the house to explain things. "It doesn't look like it should fit through the door."

"Shut up about the chalkboard, will you?" Nicky snapped, picking a drumstick up from the coffee table. He wheeled the board to face the couch and flipped it so his plan would show. "Sit." Ricky and Dawn hopped onto the couch and leaned forward. Dicky dragged himself around the edge of the couch and collapsed on the floor between the couch and the coffee table. He sighed and rested his chin on the table sadly.

"Dicky--" Dawn started, "We know you're still sad about Kayley being--well, such a low-life, blood-sucking, priviledged, dumb, stupid, perfect-haired loser, user, abuser--"

"We get it, Dawn." Ricky said, stepping on his sister's foot to shut her up.

"It's okay, guys," Dicky said, sighing in a way that clearly said that it wasn't, "I'm over her."

Dawn looked at him for a moment, trying to read his expression. She turned away to face the chalkboard again, reluctant to let the topic drop. What could she say? She was concerned about her brother.

Nicky used the drumstick as some sort of pointer. He pointed to the first image on the board, a crudely drawn stick portrait of Kayley.

"As we all know, Kayley is planning to use Dicky here--" He used the drumstick to point at his brother-- "To gain popularity. But we also know that the popular kids still like Dicky way more than Kayley, though Kayley is quite a 'catch' as they would call her."

"I think they'd pick Kayley over me." Dicky said gloomily.

"Dicky! Don't say that, they still like you more, you're their friend." Dawn said.

"Yeah, Dicky, they still think you're the coolest in our grade." Ricky assured him. Dicky sighed, clearly not believing his siblings.

"Anyway," Nicky continued with his plan, "We can use the knowledge that Kayley is desperate for popularity and to hang out with the popular kids, and the knowledge that they still care for Dicky and probably prefer him over Kayley--to our advantage."

"Whatever. Cut to the revenge plan, please." Ricky said impatiently.

"Fine. This is what we're going to do--" Nicky explained the plan, pointing to each square and drawing on the board as he did. Witn each step, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn grew more interested and excited, leaning forward and rubbing their hands together evilly. By the end of the explanation, even Dicky's sad eyes were sparkling with revenge.

"Do you all understand?" Nicky put the drumstick back on the coffee table and eyed his siblings carefully.

"It's all crystal clear to me." Dawn said, standing up. "Now let's skip the chit chat and get started."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, we can't just jump into the plan, we have to set all the factors in place and get everything together and prepare for it--"

"So we'll do that now." Ricky interrupted Nicky. "Come on, guys, the sooner we get her, the better."

"...fine." Nicky said, "Dicky, you have to pretend everything's fine between you and Kayley--you said she's rich?"

"Extremely." Said Dicky.

"Fantastic. Before we get her back, we should take advantage of her wealth as much as possible." Nicky said. He pulled what looked like a hearing aid, a wire and a tiny metal cube out of his pocket. "Ricky, wear this--" He gave Ricky the wire. "It's a microphone. Dicky will have this hearing device on him--" He gave Dicky the hearing aid, "And will be wearing this camera in his jacket so we can see what's going on." He planted the tiny cube on Dicky's lapel.

"What's this going to do?" Dawn asked.

"Manipulation, Dawn," Nicky grinned evilly, "Manipulation."

Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn The CheerleaderWhere stories live. Discover now