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Dicky and Kayley walked home together. Well, Dicky hobbled home, but that was fine, because Kayley was there to help him. Kayley had her arm around Dicky's shoulders and Dicky had his arm around her shoulders and together they went down the sidewalk towards Kayley's house.

Kayley lived in quite a big house, slightly larger than the Harper household. Okay, way larger. It was super huge. Kayley's father was one of the richest men in the neighborhood, and they lived in a mansion, complete with an indoor and outdoor pool and Jacuzzi, surfing simulator, rock climbing wall, day spa, jungle gym, three-story library, wizard tower, music room, recording studio, and science lab. Dicky marveled at everything as Kayley led him through the hallways to her room. He was particularly impressed by the shark tank.

"Like my place?" Kayley beamed, looking around at the pristine marble columns and walls. "Daddy's currently designing a game room and a waterslide. For me."

"This is all for you?" Dicky breathed in amazement.

"Well, I am his little girl." Kayley smiled slyly. "He was originally only gonna build a regular old house, like, booooooriiiiiing! But I made him recognize the potential this lot held. I had him buy out the neighbors, too."

"Is that why Robert Folley and Amalie Peterson had to move?" Dicky asked.

"Psh! Robert Folley and Amalie Peterson were gonna move anyway, its not like the bulldozers and lawsuits forced them out of the neighborhood." Kayley waved the matter aside. "But let's not focus on them. Let's talk about me and our relationship." They stepped into her room. Dicky froze.

Kayley's room was huge. It was on the top floor of the house and was a large circular room. There was a skylight over her double-king sized bed and a walk-in closet across the room. A control panel on the wall with a detachable universal remote controlled every aspect of the room. Kayley took the remote and pressed a button. Her closet slid open, and a carousel of clothes started to spin. A rack of shoes went around and around like a merry-go-round.

"Dawn would be so jealous of this." Dicky said dumbly. He was in awe of Kayley's richness. He couldn't help it!

"I know." Kayley sighed. She sat on the bed sadly and started stroking her comforter. When Dicky did nothing, she sighed even louder. Eventually Dicky got the message and hopped on his uninjured foot to his girlfriend.

"What's wrong, Kayley?" Dicky asked.

"It's just..." Kayley sighed again, even more dramatically this time. "Your siblings are always hovering around you. They're so close to you. You're always with them. It makes me wonder, will you have any time left over for me?"

"Of course I will!" Dicky cried. "You're my girlfriend now, Kayley. I'll pay more attention to you than anything else in the world." Stupid promise, right? Well, Dicky was so caught up in the moment, he didn't notice what he was saying. What promises he was making.

"Are you sure? I can even eat at your lunch table and hang out with you everyday?" Kayley blinked, filling her eyes with crocodile tears.

"Positive." Dicky said surely.

"Fantastic!" Kayley jumped up. Dicky was surprised at the sudden mood change, but he shrugged it off. Girls were weird.

"Kayley?" Kayley's father knocked on the door. Kayley pressed a button on the universal remote and the door swung open. "Phone. For your friend here." Her father gestured to Dicky. "Three young children would like their brother to come home. Immediately."

"Father!" Kayley complained, but didn't object to Dicky leaving. "I guess you really do have to leave, Dicky. They'll get suspicious--I mean, worried--if you don't go home."

"I guess." Dicky sighed. He stood up and began to leave.

"Bye, Dicky!" Kayley called. "I love you!"

Dicky froze. "I like you, too, Kayley," He said, then left.

Kayley sat alone in her room, and used the remote to shut the closet and the door behind Dicky. She smiled and wiped the few remaining stray tears from her cheeks. Her plan was working perfectly, and soon she would be reaping the rewards.

Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn The CheerleaderWhere stories live. Discover now