Before The Grand Finale...

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Dawn was amazed at how hard Kayley was willing to try to win Zeke over. Her one-track mind wasn't put off by that extremely embarrassing cheer performance, or Zeke's obvious rejection. In fact, it seemed that the good-for-nothing cheerleader was spurred on even more by these setbacks—she seemed to be kicking higher, cheering louder and cartwheeling further across the court.

Dawn rolled her eyes. She had planned this entire revenge plot thoroughly, and was sure that by the end of the day, that manipulative little you-know-what would get everything she was owed. She glanced at her brothers. They were leaning forward with their elbows on their knees and their eyes narrowed at the court, watching every move the basketball team made. Dicky was the most engrossed, occasionally calling out a play suggestion or pass his team should make.

"Okay, game's almost over, Dawn." Ricky said, sitting up and glancing at the timer. "What now?"

"Well, now we let our plan unfold, Ricky." Dawn said with an air of superiority. Ricky's nose twitched with irritation. He hated when Dawn acted like the eldest. It didn't matter if she was the eldest; he was clearly more responsible.

Of course, Dawn would beg to differ.

Dawn turned to Dicky, who was still watching the game. She poked him on the shoulder.

"Hey, Dicky, I hope these guys really do care about you." She told him. "Or else our entire plan is toast."

"What is our plan, by the way?" Dicky asked, snapping away from the game in an instant. "You never told me."

Nicky patted him on the shoulder. "You'll find out soon enough, Dicky. You'll find out soon enough."

With only ten seconds left in the game, the home team was leading by five points, as the cheerleaders had quit their revolting cheers (courtesy of the Harper quadruplets' scheming minds) and had reverted back to their old jump-and-clap routine.

Dawn reached for Dicky's crutches and positioned them just so. Dicky watched her suspiciously.

"Dawn, what are you doing?" He asked. "Does this have anything to do with this so-mysterious plan of yours?"

"It starts when the buzzer sounds and your team wins." Nicky said, patting his brother on the back. "Your ankle feeling alright?"

"Yeah, it's doing better." Dicky answered.

"Game's about to end!" Ricky announced with a look at the timer on the scoreboard. "Ready, Dawn?"

"Wait, what are we doing when the buzzer sounds?" Dicky asked.

The buzzer sounded. Dicky's team had won. Zeke led his teammates in a celebratory scream-and-dance in the middle of the court, as the opposing team slunk off to their bench, defeated. Dicky's basketball coach presented Zeke with the trophy, smiling proudly. Zeke raised the golden cup above his head and the team hooted.

The quads watched with anticipation as Kayley raced across the court to the team, pulling out a rectangle of glossy paper as she went. Dicky recognized it as the movie ticket they'd given her.

"You ready, Dicky?" Ricky said.

"I'd be more ready if you told me what was going on." Dicky said, irritated. Dawn watched as Kayley ran up to Zeke to congratulate him and to remind him about the movie...

"This better work," Dawn muttered, then turned to Dicky. "Let's do this." She shoved his crutches at him.

"What?" Dicky was confused. Ricky and Nicky helped position his crutches underneath his arms and pushed him out of the bench so he stood at the top of the stairs leading down to the court. Ricky shoved the hearing device back into Dicky's ear so Ricky could tell his brother what to do. "What are you doing?"

"Dicky, just trust me, okay?" Dawn said. "Trust me and you will surely get hurt."

"I trust you, Dawn—wait what? I'm getting hurt?" And with that, both Ricky and Nicky shoved Dicky down the steps, and he fell. Hard.

Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn The CheerleaderWhere stories live. Discover now