A Normal Life

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Nadra glanced at the weakening horizon. It was almost dark. She had sat at her usual spot everyday.

She looked up at the stars and wondered what the future held for her.

All her friends have decided which colleges to go to but she still hasn't picked one.

Of course how could someone like her choose? While everyone else had typical ordinary colleges, she on the otherhand had the choice to choose between Princeton, Stanford, and Yale.

Maybe she'll have her parents pick for her. The deadline was coming up fast but she didn't care. She had plenty of time in all the world. Life will come to her and she'll understand eventually.

She shrugged at the sunset and headed home.

She was smart so of course everything will happen accordingly. She had no reason to doubt that time could be an obstacle for her.

She'll find her way and she won't let anyone come in her way

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