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Chan Pov

Chan sat at the table with his family and Yun He's family.

Chan tried to dress formal but not too formal as he had no intention of marrying Yun he.

So he went with the only style he knew


He wore a black button down shirt despite his father's dismay

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He wore a black button down shirt despite his father's dismay.

Yun He wore a beautiful maroon gown that may have shown a bit too much of her chest for Chan to believe this was a formal gathering with his parents.

Ofc this was nothing new as she always looked gorgeous in everything she wore but some how he felt like she was trying to seduce him rather than just talking to him as a friend

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Ofc this was nothing new as she always looked gorgeous in everything she wore but some how he felt like she was trying to seduce him rather than just talking to him as a friend.

Chan noticed this bc she would either purposefully drop something while she wore a short skirt or would sometimes unbutton her shirt so low that she could claim she was just sweating.

"Alright then let's give the two lovers some room to talk" suggested his father. Chan gagged at the word "lover" while Yun He smiled at him, with a hint of obsessive desire

They both went out to the deck to talk outside under the stars.

While Yun He rambled on about herself Chan's mind wandered. He looked at the star painted sky.

Each and every star reminded him of Stay

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Each and every star reminded him of Stay. Each one reminded him of waves of lightsticks that shined so bright whenever they performed. He could hear them singing along despite them not knowing the lyrics, the screams of excitement and the smiles of joy he saw on their faces because of something he created and worked so hard for. God he missed Stray Kids and Stay so much.

He missed them so much he didn't even realize there were tears coming out of his eyes.

"Chan why are you crying?" Asked Yun He,her eyes filling with concern.

Chan wiped his tears "Nothing i was just thinking about Stay"

Yun He rolled her eyes

"Oh Come on Chan. The group disbanded a couple years ago and everyone's moved on. Nobody cares about Stray Kids anymore. You need to get over it and move on."

She grabbed his shoulders "Besides" her hand slid up his chest "You have me now. So forget about Stray Kids and Stay. They aren't as important as our weddin-"

"ENOUGH" Chan shoved her off of him. His anger has reached its limit.
" I don't want to marry you! You don't care about me or my feelings! All you care about is yourself and having me all to yourself!"

"BUT CHAN I DO LOVE YOU!" She screamed with tears dropping down from her face

"Why don't you love me?! I'm hot and gorgeous and am WAY better than any of your Stay" she spat the word with distain

Chan's anger boiled over

"Your narsasistic personality, your lack of empathy and your arrogance is too much for anyone to handle!"

Yun He's mouth dropped as her eyes became wide open.

Did he really just say that about me?! I am the most perfect and only girl for him. How dare he say that!

But Chan continued

"I will always be the leader of Stray Kids and they, along with Stay will always be my life and don't you forget it. So don't you DARE disrespect my life again"

Yun He stared at him as he walked away.

"Oh and another thing. I bet I can find a girl I love that is 100 times better than you'll ever be!"

"And if you lose?"

Chan turned to find his father glaring at him.

"If you don't get married in 1 month you will have no choice but to marry Yun He and you cannot divorce. Ever. Deal?" His father held out a hand to shake for the wager.

Chan's heart stopped, he backed himself into a corner.

But subconsciously he grabbed his father's hand and shook it. "Deal."

Nadra Pov:

"Why do I have to go to that stupid wedding?" Nadra complained "Its just a waste of time!"

"Nadra weddings are not a waste of time" her mother scolded. "Its about love, commitment, and companionship" her mother swooned.

Nadra rolled her eyes "BOooring"

Her mother glared at her. "Don't you have any empathy?"

Nadra glared back "I have no empathy for people anymore. Not after what they did to my older brother."

Her mother's eyes watered, but she mustered up her courage and said "listen I know it's hard to find happiness but you must keep going. Being arrogant doesn't hide your feelings"

"Shut up what the hell(avator) do you know about it?! People are just a waste of time and the same goes with an emotional connection with them!"

She ran upstairs crying in anger despite her mom trying to come after her.

After about some time she went downstairs after she calmed down. Her best friend Mizzy came by.

"Yo where have you been?" Mizzy asked excitedly

"Sleeping" Nadra deadpanned

Mizzy ignored it and continued "Hey I got us matching outfits! We're gonna look Sooooo good!"

"You don't deserve to look like me" she snapped, Mizzy's smiled faded.

"and besides why would I go to some poorly paid wedding? Marriage is just stupid."

At that Mizzy's smiled grew, as she leaned close to Nadra
"I heard the Bang Family is coming!"

Nadra's mouth dropped "I guess I'm going then".

"Yay" Mizzy hugged her in excitement, while Nadra's mind wandered.

That means he'll be there. The guy of her dreams. Her crush.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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