Lost and Confused

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Chan POV

Chan tried to focus on his work but he had a lot on his mind. He hated his job and really wanted to go back into music production because it was his passion. And on top of that, his parents are pressuring him to get married.

"Chris is something wrong?"

He looked up only to see his secretary and his friend Yun He.

She was an attractive young woman with an hourglass figure. Her jet black hair flowed down her back adding more beauty to her blue eyes and heart-shaped lips. Her heart shape face made her cheekbones stand out, making her all the more gorgeous. 

"Nothing's wrong Yunnie. I'm fine" he lied, feigning a smile.

Yun He wasn't fooled.

"Come on I know something's bothering you" she pressed

Chan sighed and faced her " It's just my parents want me to get married."

Yunnie's heart skipped as she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Since she and Chris had been friends since childhood both families often talked about marrying them to each other.

Yun He has always been in love with Chris since before he became a kpop idol. She never considered herself to be on the level of Stay as she had a better chance than any of them, to marry him.

"And what about it?" She asked

"I don't want to."

Her heart sank. Surely Chris loves her as much she loves him. How could he not want to marry her?

"Well, why not?" She asked abruptly though he heard a twinge of annoyance.

He sighed and leaned back on his chair. "I'm just not sure. I don't know what I wanna do with my life and honestly, I don't think I'm ready for that kind of commitment. "

"WELL YOU SHOULD BE!" Yun He shouted slamming her hands down on his desk causing him to flinch. She stormed off leaving him with a confused look as well as other curious glances.

"What was that all about?" He murmured to himself.

Chan's House
(*Don't lie we all wanna go there after seeing his dance cover. XD)

Chan only walked in the door when his parents waited for him in the hall.
Hannah and Lucas both perched behind the top of the stairs expectantly waiting for something to happen.

Chan was confused but he greeted his parents. "Mom Dad, what's going on?"

Both of his parents looked at each other and then back at him. "Come into the living room."

He followed his parents and sat in between his parents. Normally his parents would only do this if they wanted to talk about something serious. Now he began to worry.

They sat in silence for a bit until his father grasped his hands and looked at him with a twinge of sadness "Son I have raised you well."

Chan gulped
What is going on and where's he going with this?

His father continued " You have been very successful in my company and in your music career. You've won many awards and promotions. What father wouldn't be proud of you?"

" I don't understand"

"Son you've worked so hard all these years and still you're continuing to do so, but I think you need to slow down for a while."

"What?" Chan faced his mom who was silent. She looked up at him " We want you to settle down."

Chan stared at his mother incredulously. "You can't be serious!"

"We are serious" his father said sternly.

"But I don't even know where I'm gonna go and what I want to do and now you want me to add more responsibilities on me?"

"Its the best thing for you" his mother said quietly.

"We already invited a family over to talk about your wedding arrangements between you and their daughter" his father stated simply.

"What?! You can't be serious?! Dad how could you?!" Chan yelled, feeling his anger start to flare.

His anger dissipated when his mom grasped his hands. Tears were coming out of her eyes.

"We just want to see you happy. We're not getting any younger and neither are you. It's about time you settle down and have a family!" She cried

Chan stared at her but she clasped her hands in front of her "We've never asked anything of you. Please just meet the girl."

Chan grasped his mom's hands and kissed them. "Fine" he sighed.

"Excellent" his father clapped " go upstairs and get ready they'll be here in an hour."

Chan nodded but before he could get far his father placed his hand on his shoulder " You better say yes otherwise in 2 years you are out of this house and a job unless you can find yourself a wife."

Chan's world collapsed. His father just threatened to kick him out and fire him if he didn't say yes. But how could he fall in love with someone he's forced to marry?

The only other option was to find himself a girl. But how can he find a sincere girl and fall in love with her in a year and a half to make a commitment to marry her?

Chan was at a loss for words. His father never threatened him before. Though he dreaded it he asked, "Who's the girl?"

"Yun He"

*Hey everyone I'll try to update every so often. Hope you're enjoying the story. *

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