3- Mila's Morning

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Waking up I felt sick, like always. And I knew why, it wasn't enough. Being with just Elias, Just wasn't enough. But I wanted to be faithful, for us, for him. This is the life I chose and I was going to have to live it. I just laid back, too scared to move. I didn't want to vomit, not this morning. I wanted at least have one morning where I didn't puke my guts out.

Breathing deeply and calmly I just closed my eyes. I knew I had to get up, but I wanted to take it slow very slowly. However, luck wasn't on my side. I could feel the puke coming up, rushing out the room to the bathroom I knelled over the toilet and puked my guts out. Pulling my hair to the side I held it in a ponytail so that it won't go in the toilet as I continued to puke. I finished off by dry heaving and coughing until I was done.

I looked down and saw the black color of my vomit splashed around in the toilet. Fuck that wasn't a good sign, not at all. Not wanting anyone to see, I flushed the toilet and watched the blackness of my vomit swirl around the toilet and go down. I started to get dizzy, and I could just feel a headache coming on. So I just laid my head on the toilet and closed my eyes. Hopefully when I woke up again, I wouldn't be sick anymore.

Waking up, again. I could feel a nudging in my mind. I knew it was Eli trying to mind link with me. He could more then likely feel me being sick and just wanted to check on me.

"Hey Eli" I answered him through mind link. Trying to sound as strong as I possibly could.

"Vixen are you ok? I just got hit with this wave of nausea and it felt terrible." He asked me. worried laced his voice.

"Yeah I just got a bit sick."

"Sick!" He asked excitedly "What kind of sick?"

I knew why he was excited. After we had our last daughter Lani, five years ago all Eli ever talks about is having another child, more specifically another boy. But I couldn't do it. With me being sick and all I knew I wouldn't survive another pregnancy. I barely survived Lani and it only resulted in me only getting sicker.

"It's not like that Eli," I chuckled "I just wasn't feeling well that's all." I told him.

"You sure that's all?" He asked.


"Because we can go get checked out at the pact doctor if your not sure?" He answered eagerly.

I just chuckled "Trust me I'm sure, I'll be down for breakfast soon."

"Alright Hurry, love you."

"Love you too." With that we cut the connection and sighed. I was still on the floor. To avoid getting sick again, I slowly and weakly pushed myself off the floor. I used the sink to help balance myself as I stood on my feet. Taking in a few deep breaths. I slowly started to get ready for the rest of the day.

After brushing my teeth and putting on a sun dress, I put my hair up in a ponytail and made my way down stairs. Stepping in to the dinning room, I saw my whole family sitting at the dinner table already eating their breakfast. Drake my 7 year old was sitting next to Lani feeding her pancakes. My 12 year old twins Lori and Cory we chatting about whatever pre teens talks about. While Deo and Damen just stared at Daria as she giggled at what ever Gabriel was talking about. Their jaws clenched in anger. Eli sat at the head of the table in his own little world his brows frowned. I knew he was thinking about something hard.

I sat in the empty seat next to Daria, and Eli. He smiled at me grabbing my hand and I smiled back.

"Morning mom!" Daria said as she kissed my cheek. And soon the room was filled with the repeats of 'Morning Mom' and 'Morning Mommy'

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