4- Daria's Morning

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I woke up to the sound of soft snoring in my ear. My body was pinned down to the bed beneath me and I couldn't help but sigh. Blinking my eyes open I gave it a moment for my eyes to adjust to the rays of the morning light. Turning to my right I saw the source of the snoring and I couldn't help but smile.

Gabriel was slumped beside me, his stomach was pressed against the mattress, his head turned towards me, while his muscular arm pinned me down. I maneuvered my body so that I was facing him. Then I just laid there and watched him sleep. Gabriel was a beautiful fallen angel. And I know what you want to know. No, we didn't have sex, hell we didn't even have oral sex. I just like for him to sleep in the same bed with me. I feel safe with him. I mean after all he is my guardian fallen angel.

He became my guardian fallen angel when I was 13 after my brothers kidnapped me, literally. I mean literally, they just kidnapped me one day and took me to some cabin on the far end of the empire.

Gabriel was the one that found us and brought me back. After that he signed away his immortality to become my guardian fallen angel and protect me no matter what. He's always by my side. Hence the reason why he's sleeping in my bed now and have been for a while now.

What better way to protect me in my sleep then in my bed right by my side? It was perfect for both of us.

Reaching forward I lightly traced the features of his very beautiful sleeping face.

"It's not nice to stare at someone while their sleeping, In fact it's kinda creepy." I heard him say. His voice was gravely and deep from just waking up, his eyes still closed. If I had to say it was kinda sexy.

"Are you calling me creepy?" I asked amusement in my voice.

"Highly." He chuckled. I just rolled my eyes and playfully pinched his arm.

"Ow!" He playfully whined pulling away from me.

"Oh, you big baby." I laughed shaking my head as I got out of bed. My night gown falling down my body. I crossed my arms over my chest as I watched Gabriel continue to sleep.

Lifting an eyebrow, I picked up a pillow and started hitting him with it. "Get. The. Hell. Up!" I laughed out between each hit.

Grabbing the pillow, he snatched it from my hand. "Ok, ok geez you violent psycho." He chuckled, then got out of bed. His chest was bare and very muscular, as his pajama shorts hung loosely around his waist. His light brown hair was a mess as he rolled his eyes and threw the pillow back at me. Then walked into the bathroom shaking his head. And then I heard the sound of the shower turning on.

I was getting my outfit out for the day when there was a knock at the door. Opening the door, I came face to face with my brothers Damen and Deo.

I automatically rolled my eyes as soon as I saw them. "What do you two want?" I asked as I glared at them.

Their nose turned up towards the air as they sniffed the air around me then my room. When they caught the scent that they didn't like. They just glared at me and then started to growl. I would have been intimidated, I mean for 15 turning 16 year olds they were actually very intimidating. They looked mostly like our dad just younger versions, but they still had a long way to go. They recently started working out, so they were developing muscles. They weren't stacked yet but they were on their way there. They were both tall, reaching a good 5'8 and still growing. They were both tan with grey eyes like my mother. Damen's hair was shorter then Deo's medium length but they were both light brown.

I on the other hand looked more like my mother. I'm short, 5'2 to be exact, with olive colored skin. My hair was silver just like my mothers curly and came all the way down to my knees, so I had long as shit hair. The only thing I got from my father was my eyes, which were grass green.

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