Stopping this

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Cole Pov

I was pissed. I open the door to reveal Tom.

Tom: Hello Mate

Hello, mate my ass. He comes to my house and tries to take my wife out he most be crazy.

Tom: I'm glad to be working with you

Cole: Will I'm not glad to be working with you and the fact you came here to take my wife out

Tom: Form what I heard mate you cheated on her with our castmate so it's  your fault she going out with me 

All I saw was red. I charged at him. I started punching him.

Lili: What the hell Cole 

She finally pulls me off him. 

 Lili: Are you crazy

Tom: Come on he is fucking crazy

Lili: Sorry Tom I'll handle him

Tom: Maybe another time

Lili: I don't think so Tom sorry

Tom: It's fine Lili but hey you look really sexy in that dress

She blushes while he shots the door. I was about to charge at the door but Lili stopped me once more.

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