House Hunnting

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Lili Pov 

Here we are in LA again looking for a house. Dylan and Barbra are with us to because we want to be really close nabor maybe or really close. 

Seller: Okay the house on the right is more of what you two are looking for (Dylan and Barbra ) and this one is more what your looking for ( Cole and Lili),So who should go first . 

Lili: Fylan and Barbra can go first 

We walk in the house. 

Dylan : Is there a pool 

Seller: No 

Lili: Dose the other one 

Seller: No they both have really small backyards 

Barbra and Lili : Then these are no's 

Lili: We want our houses to have pools and big yards for our kids. 

She nods 

Seller: okay the next I think have the prefect house it kind of like you would share a hard and a pool 

Lili : We can deal with that 

We drive to the houses 

Dylan : Wow this is great already 

Seeing that we where the only two houses in the naborhood 

We walk into the house that will be Dylan and Barbra. It was prefect  for them it had tones of room a game room was prefect for Dylan and the huge closet worked for Barb. Then we saw the house for Cole and I. It was prefect their was room for the twins and then room for more kids in the future. The backyard we would share was great. 

Barbra: We could get animals 

Lili: Chikins and pigs 

We high five 

Cole: Why 

Lili : Cora loves animals and so do we so they can have something fun to do and learn to take car of something 

Dylan: They could take care of the dogs 

Lili: Well yeah but animals would be so much fun 

Seller: Is it a dell

All: Yes 

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