Happy Birthday Mommy

823 11 2

(She's six's months )

Lili Pov 

I woke up to taping on my cheek. 

Carson: Mommy happy irthdsy 

Cora: Mommy 

They jump and down 

Cole: Hey be careful  with your mommy and the baby 

They stop I open my eyes 

Both: Mommy 

They huge me 

Lili: Aww thanks my babes

I kiss both their cheeks 

Cole: We made you breakfest 

He sets the tray down 

Lili: Thank you 

Both twins : Your welcome 

They jump off our bed running to play.

Cole: Every thing you want pancakes, eggs bacon, apple juice because I know you don't want orange because it makes you sick, and your daily bit of coffe. 

Lili: Thank you 

Cole : I got you something. It proudly  not as nice as something you could pick but I hope you like it. 

He hands me a bage. I put my bacon down opening the bage.

Cole: I thought you looked really pretty when you wear dresses like these. You don't have to wear it if you don't like it.

Lili: No, I like it thank you. 

Cole: It  no problem . Your party starts in a few . 

I nod finishing my food. After I finish I fine a note next to me. 

I drew you a bath. I'm taking the kids out to get some last minute things. I love you . I hope you like it.- Cole 

I walk into the bathroom the water was prefect there was even roses and bubbles. I take my clothes of and enjoy a relaxing bath. After I get dressed in the dress Cole got me and start my hair and makeup. 

Cole: We're back 

He comes up the stairs. 

Lili: Where are the kids

Cole : Napping before the party.

I nod curling my hair. 

Cole: You look really beautiful 

Cole: You look really beautiful 

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Lili: Uh thanks 

Soon it was party time there was tunes of sunflowers. It become my favorite thing. 

Tom: Look at you about to burst but beutiful as ever.

Lili: Thanks Tom

We huge 

Tom: Where's the twins 

Lili: With uhh my parents 

Tom: Cool happy birthday 

He walks away. 

Cole: Please join me and her favorite thing at the minute 

We all walk to the front yard to see a Taco Bell truck. 

Lili: Omg thank you 

I huge him and not really thinking I kissed him. We pull away blushing. I ate a few taco's and had some nachos. I got a couple of gifts that where really great but not needed. The party soon comes to a end . The twins where warned out so they had no problem taking baths and going to bed. All that was left was Cole and I. 

Cole: I got you something 

Lili: You didn't need to you've done so much for me today. 

Cole: I wanted to 

I open the boxs it was a ring. 

He gets on his knees,

Cole: Lili I know I fucked up so many times. So many and you forgiven me repeatedly time after time . I have so much to thank you for , one forgiving for being stupid, our twins , our baby, and so much more. I got you this ring to promise you that I will never do anything so stupid ever again. I promise to love you for the rest of my life. 

I walk cry 

Cole: So do you except.

Lili: Yes....oh yes 

We hug he places the ring on my finger. We kiss. 

Lili: Its so beutiful 

Cole ; aim half you like it 

Lili: Want to watch movies and eat the rest of my cake. 

Cole: It will me a  honor

I giggle as he takes two forks out. We spent the night being ourselves being the true Cole and Lili. 

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