Hello My Babies

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Lili POV

I laid in bed tired when I felt water trickling down my leg.

Lili: Cole my water broke.

He gets up.

Cole: Let's go

Lili: Not yet

Cole: What

Lili: I want to get ready.

I slowly get up felling the contractions.

I start stringing my hair.

Cole: Really

I nod gripping the cabinet. I get dressed I  the gown I knew I wanted to wear.

As we sat in the car at I red light I felt a very painful contraction.

Lili: Can we get moving

Cole: I'm trying baby

Lili: Try harder

I say as I felt another one.

I see tones of fast food in my way to the hospital.

We faintly make it up to our room waiting for our babies to come.
Cole: Called all our friends and family.
Lili: I'm hungry
Cole: Baby I can get you some ice cream or ice

Lili: I want food

Cole: I know my baby but that's all I can get you. Once we have our babies well get any food s you want okay.

I nod as he hands me a popsicle.

Nurse:You probably won't have them tell the morning okay so I think it's best to get you some rest.

I nod resting.

5 hours later.

Cole: Oh she looks just like you lil

Lili: He looks like you.Hi my sweet babies I kiss both the cheeks they smile.

Nurse: There names

Lili: Here name is Cora Rose and Carson Gray Sprouse

Nurse okay there we go. Their alot of people waiting to meet you guys.

Cole: I'll get our parents.

I change already with my make up and hair.

Mom: Hi my baby

She kisses my cheeks

Mom: Look at them. There so pretty.

Both my mom and Coles mom take them.

Cole's Mom: Look at those frikles

Mom: Oh she has them too.

Tears come down their faces.

Cole: I'll get our siblings

he whispered. I nod

My sisters and Dylan walk in.

Tess: Oh my good there soo cute.

By the in of the day everyone seen the twins. They where warnd out.

Cole: Okay time for bed we go home tomorrow.

He takes Carson from me. Kissing me as we lay down.

A/N : Thank you so much for the names to everyone who gave me names . I'm so grateful for you guys. Always giving me inspiration. I hope you like. What should happen next. Should I end it here with one more chapter. Or should we keep going strong with my book.

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