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This is my OC, Jack Sanderson.

Personality: sweet, kind, caring, loving, can be rude, a small bit of humor, will be a bitch if someone messes with his friends

Backstory: Jack was an orphan from the beginning, but was adopted at the age of 8 by Tony Stark. Stark kept Jack's original last name, Sanderson. Some say he's got powers of a god, but the looks of someone who lives on Earth. He doesn't realize who his real parents are until he met the Avengers, and their friends. Jack's biological father is Loki, who got his son taken away from himself by Odin. Odin didn't want Loki to have his son so he sent Jack to Earth to live in the orphanage. Loki and Jack did a blood test and they came out to be the same, meaning son and father. Jack was always bullied for being "different," but both Tony and Loki told him that being different is a good thing and that the bullies were just jealous about him for not being like the other mortals on Earth. The mother is unknown. Tony is a single father of Jack and lets Loki visit once a week.

Abilities: haven't been unleashed yet

Age: 18 years (in Asgardian years)

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