FrostIron Oneshot

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It was an ordinary day at the Avengers Tower, except that Tony was bored and alone at the tower. He didn't want to go in his lab, shockingly. He was missing someone, someone he held dear. Too bad that the person he loved was back on Asgard, in jail. Or he was supposedly on Asgard. Tony never told anyone the he loves the Avengers' biggest enemy, Loki.

There came a ding from the elevator on Tony's level. Tony looked at the elevator, confusion written all over his face.

'I thought everyone was gone for the whole day,' he thought to himself.

When the elevator opened, Tony's eyes widened with shock. He couldn't believe who was in the elevator. It was Loki. Loki saw the shock on Tony's face and chuckled. He walked closer to Tony with a smile.

Tony shot up from his seat and ran to Loki, hugging him. He was flabbergasted to say the least. The two were dating, in secret, and they were happy to see each other after Loki was taken to Asgard.

Loki Hughes Tony back. He felt something wet in his shoulder. He pulled Tony's face up and wiped his tears away.

"It's okay, dear. I'm here," Loki reassured Tony.

"H-how though? I thought you we-" Tony was interrupted by a pair of soft lips on his own. Tony blushes and kissed back.

A couple seconds later, the two pulled away. Loki just smiled. He didn't want to be separated from Tony again.

"I have tricks up my sleeves," the mischievous demigod said.

Tony giggled and offered Loki something to eat and drink. Loki, of course, said yes. When they were done eating, they decided to watch Netflix while on the couch.


The sun was going down. Tony and Loki were on the roof of the tower, watching the sunset. They were holding hands. Tony leaned into Loki.

"I love you, Reindeer Games," Tony sighed happily.

"I love you, too, Tony Stark," Loki replied back.

Soon, the couple started hearing multiple footsteps. They panicked. The two shared one last kiss then Loki was gone.

"Tony, why are you up here?" Of course Steve was the first to speak.

Tony turns to Steve to see everyone:  Steve, Natasha, Bucky, Bruce, Clint, and even Peter. He sighed.

"Just missing someone," he said sadly.

After that was said, everyone saw something off in the distance. 'Great, Thor found out,' Tony thought.

With one move, Thor was with everyone else.

"Has anyone seen thy brother? He escaped," Thor said.

Everyone, but Tony, gasped. They all started speaking incoherently.

Thor turned to Tony. "Man of Iron, have you seen Loki?"

Tony shook his head. "No, I haven't. Sorry," he apologized.

Thor sighed.

*time skip to 10 pm*

Tony was getting ready for bed. When he was done, he turned to his bed and jumped. There, the chaotic god was, on Tony's bed. Tony had the 'don't scare me like that' look on his face. Loki chuckles and smiles. He patted the spot in front of him. Tony laid down, facing Loki. They shared a kiss and fell asleep, snuggling into each other.


Tony woke up to a glaring Nat and a disappointed Peter.

"Why did you lie to Thor?" Peter sounded innocent.

"I'd like to know why our worst enemy is laying next to you," Nat growled.

Tony sighed. He knew he couldn't muster up another lie. He told them the truth. Peter was really happy. Nat, on the other hand, was mad. She was mad about Tony not telling the Avengers sooner.

Tony was surprised. He didn't expect those reactions. He expected glares from them. Loki woke up. He looked at Tony. Tony told Loki that it was time to tell the Avengers. Loki sighed, but then nodded.

The couple walked out of Tony's room. Everyone was in the living room. When they saw Loki, most of them started glaring at him. Loki looked down. Tony told everyone the he and Loki were together everyone congratulated the two.

Steve didn't want to believe that they were dating. He despised Loki.

Tony noticed Steve and ignored him. He pulled Loki down into a kiss. The two were happy from that day on. Loki was even counted as an Avenger!

A/N: that was fun writing! Leave suggestions in comments about what ship next! If I say 'yay', then message me. If I say 'nay', then I don't approve of the ship because of age differences or if you want smut. I won't do smut one shots!

The ship was initially requested by Whispering-Shadow

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