Welcome Home, Baby.

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(Hella Smut: Gaga tops you, toy usage, strong language. Enjoy!)

Shit, what time does her plane land?

You couldn't be more bored. Well, not just bored. You were nervous...and tired...and longing for your girlfriend to come home after her awards season.

You checked your phone again, for the millionth time.

Nope, she still hasn't texted. Maybe she has no service? It's been hours. It couldn't take that long to get from California to New York, right? Fuck, Stef. Hurry up. 

God, you missed her. The way she smelled of cherry blossom when she slept with you, how she kissed you every chance she got, how she held you close at night. You really hoped she'd bring back something from her trip for you, as she usually does. Maybe some chocolates...or a stuffed animal? Either way, you hoped she'd get home soon. You couldn't wait to... 

What was that?

You heard the familiar sound of a key in the front door lock. Suddenly, your heart started to race. You felt like an excited puppy after it heard its owner. Is it her? Is it really her?

"Babygirl, are you u-"

You practically tackled her to the floor. Well, almost to the floor. You silently led her over to the couch. You couldn't speak. You just wanted to feel her close to you again. 

"Fuck, baby", you said as you remembered how tiny your 5'1" girlfriend really was. "Did I hurt you?"

"No, i'm fine. I'm just glad you missed me as much as I missed you, babydoll", said Stefani, aware of her tone. She was definitely in a mood. 

You picked up on this pretty fast. I mean, she's your girlfriend, after all. She knows how much that slow, raspy tone turns you on. You bit your lip and smiled.

"Mhm", you said as you started to kiss her. She tasted like strawberries and cigarettes, as always. Shit, you wanted her.

After a couple minutes, Stef paused.

"Wait", she said as she reached over to her Givenchy bag. "I wanna show you something. I really think you'll like it".

You gazed at her while she shuffled around in the black purse, slightly upset that you had to let go of her for a couple seconds.

Even when she's doing nothing, she's beautiful.

You thought of what the mysterious item could be, but only for a moment. The way she spoke to you moments ago was still hung up on your mind. You thought about taking her to the bedroom as soon as she showed you what she brought back.

Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by what you saw in Stefani's hands. 

"Is that a-"

"Strap-on? Yes.", Stef said when she cut you off. "Do you like it? It's completely fine if you don't, I mean, we don't have to use it. I was just wondering if you wanted to give it a try because it's always been one of my fantasies and I-"

You hungrily smashed your tongue against hers. She started to touch you in the places she knew drove you wild. Your neck, your breasts, your thighs. You melted into her arms. She made her way to your neck and started trailing small kisses from behind your neck to your collarbone.

"Fuck, babygirl. My pretty little baby. I missed this. I missed you so much, babydoll.", Stefani cooed as she undressed you and played with your hair.

A moan escaped from your lips. You loved it when she called you her baby. It reminded you of who you belonged to. 

"What was that, angel? What was that pretty little noise you made for me there?"

The Cutest Angel - Girl x Girl Lady Gaga ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now