Damn, Cutie. You're Gonna Be The Death Of Me.

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(Purely sweet and sappy. Enjoy!)

"You ready baby?", Stefani called to you as she applied some strawberry gloss to her lips.

Tonight would be the first date night since she got back home. You couldn't wait. 

"Mhm", you answered, grabbing your purse.

"Okay. How do I look?", she asked as she stepped out of the bathroom.

She was wearing a short pink dress that hugged her tightly, complete with short black heels, a matching pink bag, and a cardigan. She looked stunning.

"So fucking beautiful", you replied, looking her up and down while biting your lip. "Honestly, baby, you're just so perfect".

She walked over and leaned in to kiss you softly. You tasted that strawberry lipgloss as her mouth touched yours.

"So are you, princess", she whispered while pulling away, making you blush.

You took her hand as she led you to the door, opening it for you before you both left. 

Stef decided she'd take you to your favorite frozen yogurt place down the street as a suprise. She wanted this night to be extra special. She did leave you on your own for 2 months, after all. The least she could do was make you happy.

You held on to her hand tightly as she started to walk. Your curious eyes started to wander, wondering why she didn't walk to the car. 

"Don't worry, sweetheart.", she assured you, noticing your grip on her hand getting stronger. Trust me, you'll like where we're headed."

And with that, you rested your head on her shoulder.


Soon, you were familiar with where you might be going. The pink and green sign to your favorite fro-yo shop was only a few steps away. 

"Is this where you're taking me?", you asked excitedly as your face started to light up.

"Absolutely, princess. Suprise!", she exclaimed as she opened the door and led you into the small shop.

Then it hit you. 

This was where you first told her you loved her.

As soon as you realized, your face was beaming brighter than ever.

"We even have it all to ourselves. I asked the owner to clear it out for tonight.", she told you.

"Aw babe, you didn't have to do that for me!", you laughed, a little suprised.

"Yes, yes I did.", she said, smiling as she walked up to the cashier. 

"Two medium cups, please", Stefani requested.

As soon as the cashier placed the cups on the counter, you grabbed yours and immediatly ran over to the cookie dough and Oreo ice cream pair to get a swirl of both. Stef walked over to you and laughed, getting plain vanilla. 

"I can barely keep up with you, baby. Slow down, please. For me?", she joked.

You were already making your way to the toppings section, examining your choices. Stef followed closely behind. 

First you grabbed the cookie crumb spoon and piled it on to your yogurt. Then the M&M one. And then the gummy bear one. You were so overwheled, you didn't know what to choose.

Stefani simply added nuts and sprinkles to her cup, occasionally looking over to admire how how happy you were. She snuck up behind you and wrapped her arm around you. When you were finished, you had to hold your cup carefully so that the whipped cream and fudge you added to the top of your yogurt wouldn't drop onto the floor.

When you both walked back to the counter and payed, the cashier handed Stef a blue spoon and a pink one.

She decided to tease you by handing you the blue spoon, wondering how you'd react. You've never taken a different color spoon other than pink, for some reason.

You glanced at her as she took the pink spoon and gave the blue one to you.

"Something wrong, babydoll?", she inquired, surveying the confused expression on your face.

You looked at the spoon, then into her eyes. You made sure to turn your head to the side a little, hoping she'd catch on.

She decided to tease a little more, realizing what you were trying to do. This time, she wanted to get you flustered.

She leaned in close to your ear, with small strands of her pink hair tickling your neck a bit.

"Use your words, cuteness. Tell me what you want. I'm not a mind reader.", she whispered.

And with that, she put the pink spoon in her mouth. YOUR pink spoon.

Your cheeks quickly turned a bright, red color.

"Can I have the pink spoon instead of the blue one?", you asked, giving her direct eye contact.

"You mean this one?", she teased. "The one in my mouth?"

"Yes. The one in your mouth, Stefi.", you reply with a slight pout.

She slowly slid the spoon out of her mouth and handed it to you in exchange for the blue one. You playfully rolled your eyes and smiled when you got what you wanted.

"Damn, cutie. You're gonna be the death of me.", said Stefani, giggling at your sass.


(A/N: This might be my favorite one so far lmao. I have so many ideas. I'm legit writing three different chapters to this book atm. Anyways, suggest what you want, requests are always open. xoxo, AngelxStefani)

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