Hush, Angel. We're In A Library.

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smut warning.

How long have I been looking for a book? , you thought. It felt like forever.

Stefani was to thank for that.

Ever since you walked into the library, your girlfriend began to tease you out of boredom. You hated when she got like this. Especially in public, where she could be recognized at any moment. I guess she forgot about her fame today, though, because she did not hold back.

First, it started innocently, like how her hand would be around your waist and "somehow" travel to your ass. 

Then she started to whisper dirty things into your ear. Things like:

"You look so hot in those shorts, babe. I wonder how much hotter you'd look without them?"

You honestly forgot what you were looking for at this point. 

"You know, you're really fuckin' cute when you're worked up, baby.", she smiled, walking up behind you and resting her head on your shoulder. She started to twirl your hair with her finger, occasionally tugging on the small strands.

"Stefi, please.", you sighed while trying to reach a book two rows above you. "Can you not-"

"The same book you're trying to get is on the bottom shelf, babe", she said as she cut you off. "Here, i'll get it." She slightly squeezed your bottom as she lifted her head off of you. You tensed up in response. She then proceeded to let go of you and bent down to the lowest shelf area on the right, keeping her legs outstreched and her ass up. 

She knew you were looking.

"Got it", she told you while lifting up her head to smirk at you.

You took the book from her and glared into her eyes for a quick second, looking away as soon as soon as you realized how hard you were blushing.

Stef lifted herself off the shelf and started to laugh. "It's ok to stare, princess.", she purred, kissing your cheek. "I've been staring at you since you dragged me in here." She giggled a little. She then went back into her original position, behind you with her head on your shoulder. She started to outline your curves with her hands. 

You quickly grabbed her by her wrists and turned around. 

"Stefani Joanne, I am so done with your shit.", you whispered as you led her away from the books, maintaining a fast pace.

"B-but where are you gonna-"

She finally stopped stammering as you pulled her into the bathroom and shut the door behind you. 

"Fuck me, you teasing bitch", you demanded, kissing her roughly as you pinned her to the wall. After a few seconds, she pulled away.

"Right here, right now? In a public bathroom, where anyone could walk in and-"

You leaned in to her, pressing your womanhood into her thigh. She closed her eyes in response.

"You really aren't in any position to argue with me right now, Stefani.", you pouted and kissed her again.

Using her full name clearly had an effect on her, because she quickly clenched her thighs together and pulled your loose hair into a tight pony. She leaned in to your neck and began to kiss you in your most sensitive area, leaving little bites near your collarbone and giving you a hickey or two.

"I hope those sting tomorrow", she grinned. She lifted you into her arms and swapped places with you, pinning you against the wall. Your heartbeat quickened as she lifted your arms and removed your shirt, still holding your arms up when she took it off completely. She took one hand off of your arms and removed your bra.

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