Would You Mind If I Kissed You How I Did Before?

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So. Many. Kisses.

You sat in your girlfriend's lap and kissed her again, possibly for the millionth time. You felt her smile as you put your hand around her neck to press your forehead against hers. Her lips tasted of coffee and strawberry chapstick, and you couldn't get enough. Messy, gentle kisses we're all the two of you could manage in your tired state. Stef had some things to check on surrounding her new music late last night, and naturally, you weren't going to bed without her.

"Remind me why you aren't sitting in your own seat again?", she asked lazily, managing to fit her words in between kisses. 

You really didn't have to sit where you were, you just wanted to. You and Stefani have been sleeping in the spare bedroom at the studio for about 2 days now, and she was sitting at her desk, awaiting her call interview. It was pretty empty, aside from some stray pages with written sheet music and her typewriter, so you could've sat on it. There was also another chair right next to where the two of you were sitting in one seat. You laughed to yourself as you glanced around the room and found every single other place you could be.

Her lap just made you feel safer.

"Because I can," you whispered as you broke the kiss and traced her lips with your thumb, admiring how warm they felt under your touch. "And you taste like strawberries."

And for those two things, you were very grateful. She finished filming her new music video about two weeks ago, and for two days after, she'd been taking ice baths to ease her pain. She took them to prevent flare ups, and with one recently, you were assured that you wouldn't hurt her. Usually, you'd ask how she felt before you even thought of doing something like this. 

She laughed before wrapping her arm tighter around your waist and giving you a playful stare. You almost melted into her arms as she began to laugh. She just sounded so adorable when she did, quite literally music to your ears. It was also a sign that she was happy, and when she's happy, you couldn't help but spoil her with kisses and tell her how cute she was, which only made her happier. 

"Chapstick, babydoll. It's my chapstick. Well, it was." 

She focused her attention to the phone she held in her hand, checking the time. You glanced down at what she was looking at. It was exactly 7:35, and the interview was scheduled for 8:00. She only told you this before you went to bed, so you were suprised at how you even remembered. Knowing how she got before interviews, you used you hand to caress her hair, hoping your touch would calm her down. At this, she placed her phone face-down against the well-organized desk that sat against your side.

"You say that like you needed it, and you know you don't."

She took a deep breath before focusing on you again, with eyes much more childlike and nervous than what they were before. A sure sign she felt anxious about whatever she would be asked by the interviewer. From the comfort of her own home, and with you, you prayed her fears would be at ease. You gave her a smile and put your arm behind her neck, making it possible for you to lean down and gently kiss her collar. 

She stifled a gasp in response, as if she didn't expect you to go as low as you did. You smiled against her skin and stayed where you were, loving how sensitive it felt. Her shirt had a faint, soft lavender scent, and so did she. The sound of the wind rustling trees against the curtainless window filled the semi-bright room, melting away the tension you previously sensed from her body. With closed eyes, you gradually fixed yourself in a position to hear her heartbeat, synchronized with your own. It could only be described as slow and steady, in perfect harmony with the acoustics of the small room. 

And she held you there.

Stefani could've held you there all day if she really wanted to. God, if only she could. She ran her free hand down the back of the chair to recline it as far as it could go while holding you in the same position to keep you from falling, and clung onto your sides like a baby. Your fingers danced across the landscape of her body, from her stomach to her thighs, locating every single imperfection as if they belonged to you. Those were some of the things you loved more than anything else in the world, like the tiny stretch marks she'd complain about in a shorter dress, or how short she felt compared to your own height. That's what made her beautiful, and you promised to never stop letting her know that.

"I like it when you do that.", she spoke huskily, one hand moving from your thigh to your hair. You laughed for a split second before continuing what you were doing. 

"I know you do, angel" you replied in a low, relaxed tone. She let out a tiny giggle at the nickname. "It helps calm you down when you get anxious."

She moved your hair to the other side of your face and looked down at you, with the most adorable smile spread across her face. She was just so perfect. Her eyes wore a soft expression before pulling you up to kiss her again. This time, she held onto your waist tighter than before.

Stef broke the kiss before speaking again. Her cheeks were a rosy tint as she bit her lip, trying to get her thoughts together.

"I know I say this all the time, but i'm so in love with you. Just so, so in love, inamorata."

At that, you giggled and kissed her from her jawline to her neck, then back up again. You put your hands on her shoulders and her forehead against your own, making her laugh as she still kept eye contact with you. 

"I love you too, Stefi," you whispered, knowing how much she loved it when you said those words back to her. You then moved back to where you were, against her chest, and buried your face in her stomach. She laughed and spun the chair slightly to the right. You moved you head near her neck again and put your hand on the other side of her face, pulling her into another short, passionate kiss, before remembering why you moved in the first place.

"Would you mind if I kissed you how I did before? Right...", you said, putting the hand you placed on her neck to her collarbone and sighing. "...here?"

She slid her hair from one shoulder to the other and turned her head, to give you better access to where you pointed, before whispering a little "please?" and rubbing where she was still holding on to you.

You quickly began giving her more of your tiny, soft kisses, enjoying how much it made her laugh. She ran her fingers through your hair and told you not to stop, even while on the phone answering the interviewer's questions. You were quiet while she spoke on the phone, loving how she gave you quick smiles and kept touching your hair, as if she was encouraging you to keep going. 

You made a mental note to remember this moment and whatever the hell she had for neck kisses, because the two of you could definitely have some fun with that later.


Just a little something before I update this story with a request I got a few weeks ago. This entire chapter may be just me feeling bad about leaving you all for a couple weeks because of how busy I was, but I hope you liked it nonetheless, lmao. xoxo, AngelxStefani.

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